noalyss Version-9
Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 CAcc_AccountManage the account from the table tmp_pcmn
 CAcc_Account_LedgerManage the account from the table jrn, jrnx or tmp_pcmn
 CAcc_BalanceClass for manipulating data to print the balance of account
 CAcc_BilanThis class handle the different bilan, from the table bilan, parse the form and replace in the template
 CAcc_ComputeThis class aims to compute different amount
 CAcc_CurrencyDisplay currency , convert to euro , and save them if used
 CAcc_DetailContains the detail of an operation Acc_Operation
 CAcc_FinThis class manage data from the QUANT_FIN table
 CAcc_Ledger_FinClass Acc_Ledger_Fin inherits from Acc_Ledger, this object permit to manage the financial ledger
 CAcc_Ledger_HistoryDisplay history of operation
 CAcc_Ledger_History_FinancialDisplay financial operations in HTML , PDF or CSV
 CAcc_Ledger_History_GenericManage the list of operation when we need several ledger with a different type or from Misceleaneous ledger
 CAcc_Ledger_History_PurchaseDisplay the operations for Purchase
 CAcc_Ledger_History_SaleAcc_Ledger_History : Manage the list (history) of operations for display
 CAcc_Ledger_InfoManage the additionnal info for operation (from jrn), when an invoice is generated, the order or other info are going to be stored and used in the detail. this class maps the table jrn_info
 CAcc_Ledger_PurchaseHandle the ledger of purchase,
 CAcc_Ledger_SaleHandle the ledger of sold,
 CAcc_Ledger_SearchSearch in ledger
 CAcc_MiscThis class manage data from the JRNX and JRN table
 CAcc_OperationThis file match the tables jrn & jrnx the purpose is to remove or save accountant writing to these table
 CAcc_Other_Tax_SQLORM public.acc_other_tax
 CAcc_Parm_CodeManage the table parm_code which contains the custom parameter for the module accountancy
 CAcc_PaymentHandle the table payment_method
 CAcc_Plan_MTableThis instance extends Manage_Table_SQL and aims to manage the Table tmp_pcmn thanks a web interface (add , delete, display...)
 CAcc_Plan_SQLThis class is above tmp_pcmn_sql and is a view of tmp_pcmn
 CAcc_PurchaseThis class manage data from the QUANT_PURCHASE table
 CAcc_ReconciliationNew class for managing the reconciliation it must be used instead of the function InsertRapt, ..
 CAcc_ReportClass rapport Create, view, modify and parse report
 CAcc_Report_MTableManage simple report
 CAcc_SoldThis class manage data from the QUANT_SOLD table
 CAcc_TvaAcc_Tva is used for to map the table tva_rate parameter are
 CAction_Document_Type_MTableDisplay , modify and add document_type for follow up
 CAction_Gestion_Comment_SQLORM SQL Action_Gestion_Comment
 CAction_Gestion_SQLORM public.action_gestion
 CAdminClass admin are a specific kind of card
 CAnc_Acc_LinkLink between accountancy and analytic, like table but as a listing
 CAnc_Acc_ListManage the class for reporting about Analytic Accountancy and Accountancy : card - analytic account, accounting - analytic account,
 CAnc_AccountAnalytic account ; get the balance
 CAnc_Account_TableDerived from Manage_Table_SQL ,
 CAnc_Balance_DoublePrint the crossed balance between 2 plan
 CAnc_Balance_SimpleManage the simple balance for CA, inherit from balance_ca
 CAnc_GrandLivreReport he Grand Livre for analytic
 CAnc_GroupClass for the group of the analytic account
 CAnc_Group_OperationGroup of object operations, used for misc operation
 CAnc_KeyClass to manage distribution keys for Analytic accountancy
 CAnc_Key_Activity_SQLManage table key_distribution_activity
 CAnc_Key_Detail_SQLManage table key_distribution_detail
 CAnc_Key_Ledger_SQLManage table key_distribution_ledger
 CAnc_Key_SQLManage the table key_distribution
 CAnc_ListingManage the CA listing
 CAnc_OperationThis class is used to show the form for entering an operation only FOR analytic operation to save it, to display or to get a list from a certain period
 CAnc_PlanConcerns the Analytic plan (table plan_analytique)
 CAnc_PrintThis class is the mother class for the CA printing
 CAnc_TablePrinting analytic and accountancy as a table
 CAttr_Def_SQLORM of the table public.attr_def
 CBalance_AgeCompute the ageing balance, currently this code is not used
 CBankClass admin are a specific kind of card
 CCalendarDisplay the calendar
 CCard_Attribut_MTableManage the table attr_def
 CCard_MultipleIn follow-up , add multiple cards to an event, an action
 CCard_PropertyAttributes of a card , manage them, save them , ..
 CCelluleA Cellule is a cell to print
 CcontactClass contact (customer, supplier...)
 CContact_Option_Ref_MTableManage the Options for the Card_Multiple in the Follow Up
 CContact_option_ref_SQLAbstract of the table public.contact_option_ref
 CCurrency_history_SQLAbstract of the table public.currency_history
 CCurrency_MTableManage the configuration of currency , add currency, rate, remove and update Concerned tables are v_currency_last_value_SQL , Currency_SQL , Currency_History_SQL currency_id = 0 for the default currency , -1 for a new one
 CCurrency_SQLAbstract of the table public.currency
 CCustomerClass Customer are a specific kind of card
 CData_Currency_OperationBuild the SQL and fetch data of data currency operation from database ,
 CData_SQLThis an abstract class , all the SQL class, like noalyss_sql (table), Acc_Plan_SQL (based on a SQL not a table) or a view
 CDatabaseClass for connecting to Noalyss
 CDatabaseCoreThis class allow you to connect to the postgresql database, execute sql, retrieve data
 CDbgUtilities for showing debug message
 CDefault_MenuDescription of class_default_menu
 CDefault_Menu_SQLDescription of class_default_menu_sql
 CDocumentClass Document corresponds to the table document
 CDocument_ExportExport DOCUMENT from Analytic accountancy, can transform into PDF and add a stamp on each pages
 CDocument_modeleClass for the document template
 CDocument_OptionIn follow-up , you have action which can be set with different options depending of the type of documents like invoicing, meeting, ..
 CDocument_State_MTableThis instance extends Manage_Table_SQL and aims to manage the Table tmp_pcmn thanks a web interface (add , delete, display...)
 CDocument_TypeClass for the table document_type , a document_type is a kind of action in the follow up
 CDocument_type_SQLAbstract of the table public.document_type
 CDossierManage the current dossier, everywhere we need to know to which folder we are connected, because we can't use $_SESSION, we need to pass the dossier_id via a _GET or a POST variable private static $variable=array("id"=>"dos_id", "name"=>"dos_name", "desc"=>"dos_description");
 CExerciceAbout the accountancy period (usually 1 year starting in January until december) = exercice
 CExtensionManage the extension, it involves the table extension
 CFicheDefine Class fiche and fiche def, those class are using class attribut. When adding or modifing new card in a IPOPUP the ipopup for the accounting item is ipop_account
 CFiche_DefDefine Class fiche and fiche def, those class are using class attribut
 CFiche_Def_RefFiche_def_ref, a fiche is owned by fiche_def which is owned by fiche_def_ref
 CFiche_def_ref_SQLORM Manage the table public.fiche_def_ref , which concerns the template of category of card
 CFileToSendFile to add to a message
 CFilter_Data_Currency_AccountingFilter data in currency from datase , inherit from Data_Currency_Operation, filter on a range of accounting or only one
 CFilter_Data_Currency_CardFilter data in currency froqm datase , inherit from Data_Currency_Operation, filter on a specific card
 CFilter_Data_Currency_Card_CategoryFilter data in currency from datase , inherit from Data_Currency_Operation, filter on card category
 CFollow_Up_DetailFollow_Up Details are the details for an actions, it means the details of an order, delivery order, submit a quote... this class is linked to the table action_detail
 CFollow_Up_Other_ConcernedOthers concerned card in an action
 CForecastManage the table forecast
 CForecast_Category_MTableDisplay, add, delete and modify forecast category
 CForecast_Category_SQLORM abstract of the table public.forecast_category
 CForecast_Item_MTableDisplay the item for forecast
 CForecast_Item_SQLORM abstract of the table public.forecast_item
 CForecast_SQLORM abstract of the table public.forecast
 CForm_Definition_SQLORM abstract of the table public.form_definition
 CForm_Detail_SQLORM abstract of the table public.form_detail
 CHtml_Input_NoalyssHtmlInput specific to Noalyss
 CHtml_TabTab Element
 CHtml_TableHTML features
 CHtmlInputClass widget This class is used to create all the HTML INPUT TYPE and some specials which works with javascript like js_search
 CHttpInputManage the http input (get , post, request) and extract from an array
 CIAncCardHtmlInput for card of analytic accountancy
 CIButtonHtml Input
 CICardInput HTML for the card show buttons, in the file, you have to add card.js How to use :
 CICheckBoxHtml Input
 CIcon_ActionUtility , library of icon with javascript
 CIConcernedHtml Input
 CIDateHtml Input : Input a date format The property title should be set to indicate what it is expected
 CIFileHtml Input for uploading file, must be in a form with enctype="multipart/form-data"
 CIHiddenHtml Input
 CImpressFunction for the parsing and computing formulae
 CInplace_EditInplace_edit class for ajax update of HtmlInput object
 CInplace_SwitchA switch let you switch between 2 values : 0 and 1, it is used to replace the check
 CInputSwitchShow a switch, when you click on it an hidden field is changed, the value is 1 or 0
 CINumThis class handles only the numeric input, the input will call a javascript to change comma to period and will round it (2 decimal), the precision is given by the attribute prec attribute extra = extra code (free) size = size of the field prec = precision default = 2 name = name of the html object javascript = javascript to execute (default = onchange="format_number(this,2);) value = value of the widget
 CIPeriodGenerate the form for the periode Data Members
 CIPopupCreate a popup in html above the current layer the html inside the popup cannot contain any floating elt as div.
 CIPosteShow a button, for selecting a account and a input text for manually inserting an account the different value of table are
 CIRadioHtml Input
 CIRelated_ActionHtml Input
 CISelectHtml Input , create a tag <SELECT> ... </SELECT> if readonly == true then display the label corresponding to the selected value You can use also $this->rowsize to specify the number of lines to display
 CISpanHtml Input
 CITextHtml Input
 CITextareaManage the TEXTAREA html element
 CITva_PopupLet you choose a TVA in a popup
 CJrn_def_SQLORM abstract of the table public.jrn_def
 CJrn_periode_SQLAbstract of the table public.jrn_periode
 CJrn_Tax_SQLORM of the table public.jrn_tax
 CLetteringMother class for the lettering by account and by card use the tables jnt_letter, letter_deb and letter_cred
 CLettering_AccountOnly for operation retrieved thanks a account (jrnx.j_poste) manage the accounting entries for a given account
 CLettering_CardOnly for operation retrieved thanks a quick_code manage the accounting entries for a given card
 CManage_Table_SQLPurpose is to propose a librairy to display a table content and allow to update and delete row , handle also the ajax call thanks the script managetable.js
 CManagerClass Supplier are a specific kind of card
 CMenu_RefMenu_Ref let you manage the available menu
 CMenu_Ref_SQLORM Manage the table public.menu_ref
 CMobile_Device_MTableManage the table profile_mobile
 CnewPHPClass_1Description of newPHPClass_1
 CNoalyss_CsvManage the CSV : manage files and write CSV record
 CNoalyss_Parameter_FolderClass to manage the company parameter (address, name...)
 CNoalyss_SQLThis class is deprecated and inherits from Table_Data_SQL
 CNoalyss_UserData & function about connected users
 COp_Predef_SQLORM abstract of the table public.op_predef
 COperation_currency_SQLORM abstract of the table public.operation_currency
 COperation_Predef_MTableDisplay a table and allow to change the predefined operation, insert or delete. Used the class Manage_Table_SQL and the SQL Object for the tables op_predef and op_predef_detail
 COutput_Html_TabDisplay the tabs
 CPackage_CoreClass Package Core to install the core , if possible
 CPackage_NoalyssPackage noalyss is the mother class of the class to install and download package
 CPackage_PluginManage the installation of plug
 CPackage_RepositoryConnect to NOALYSS_PACKAGE and fetch the file web.xml , it displays content of this file , build the appropriate object for installing
 CPackage_TemplateShow , download and install template database for accountancy from the Package repository
 CParameter_Extra_MTableExtra setting for company
 CParameter_Extra_SQLAbstract of the table public.parameter_extra
 CParm_periode_SQLORM Manage the table public.parm_periode
 CPayment_Method_MTableManage the Payment method
 CPayment_method_SQLAbstract of the table public.payment_method
 CPDFAPI for creating PDF, unicode, based on tfpdf
 CPDF_CoreAPI for creating PDF, unicode, based on tfpdf
 CPDF_OperationDetail Operation ACC + ANC , it will use Acc_Operation and Anc_Operation
 CPDFBalance_simplePDF For the balance report
 CPDFLandPDF in landscape mode
 CPeriodeFor the periode tables parm_periode and jrn_periode
 CPeriode_LedgerManage the periode of a specif ledger, wrap the SQL Class Jrn_Periode_SQL
 CPeriode_Ledger_TableDisplay the periode per ledger: close : reopen ... the close , open must be done thanks Periode
 CPoste_analytique_SQLAbstract of the table public.poste_analytique
 CPre_op_achConcerns the predefined operation for ACH ledger
 CPre_Op_AdvancedConcerns the predefined operation for the operation from 'Ecriture direct'
 CPre_op_finConcerns the predefined operation for FIN ledger
 CPre_op_odsConcerns the predefined operation for ODS ledger
 CPre_op_venConcerns the predefined operation for VEN ledger
 CPre_operationManage the predefined operation, link to the table op_def and op_def_detail
 CPre_operation_detailMother of the pre_op_XXX, it contains only one data : an object Pre_Operation. The child class contains an array of Pre_Operation object
 CPrepared_QueryPrepared query used in different classes of the application
 CPrint_LedgerParent class for the print_ledger class
 CPrint_Ledger_DetailThis class extends PDF and let you export the detailled printing of any ledgers
 CPrint_Ledger_Detail_ItemPrint detail of operation PURCHASE or SOLD plus the items There is no report of the different amounts
 CPrint_Ledger_FinancialPrint a listing of financial
 CPrint_Ledger_MiscPrint a listing of Miscelleaneous operation
 CPrint_Ledger_SimpleThis class extends PDF and let you export the detailled printing of any ledgers
 CPrint_Ledger_Simple_Without_VatThis class extends PDF and let you export the detailled printing of any ledgers
 CPrint_Operation_CurrencyManage the operation in currency : export CSV , output in HTML
 CProfile_MenuManage the menu of a profile
 CProfile_Menu_sqlManage the table public.profile_menu
 CProfile_Mobile_SQLORM abstract of the table public.profile_mobile
 CProfile_sqlManage the table public.profile
 CProgress_BarUse one db for tracking progress bar value, the task id must be unique and let you follow the progress of a task
 CQuant_Purchase_SQLORM of the table public.quant_purchase
 CQuant_Sold_SQLORM of the table public.quant_sold
 CSelect_BoxDisplay a kind of select
 CSendmailSend email for Noalyss after checking if it is possible : if cannot be sent if the limit of max email is reached,
 CSendmail_CoreDescription of Sendmail
 CSingle_RecordObjec to check a double insert into the database, this duplicate occurs after a refresh of the web page in
 CSort_TableDescription of class_syn_sort_table
 CStockManage the stocks
 CStock_Change_SqlORM abstract of the table public.stock_change
 CStock_GoodsManage the goods
 CStock_Goods_SqlORM abstract of the table public.stock_goods
 CStock_SqlORM abstract of the table public.stock_repository
 CSupplierClass Supplier are a specific kind of card
 CTable_Data_SQLInterface : this wrapper is used to created easily a wrapper to a table (ORM) You must create a class extending this one, in the constructor these variables have to be defined
 CTagTag operations or actions to linked them together
 CTag_ActionConcerns the tags linked to an action
 CTag_Group_MTableManage tag_group table
 CTag_group_SQLORM abstract of the table public.tag_group
 CTag_OperationConcerns the tags linked to an accountancy writing
 CTag_SQLManage the table public.tag
 CTax_SummaryCompute , display and export the tax summary
 CTemplate_Card_CategoryManage the template of card category
 CTmp_Pcmn_SQLORM abstract of the table public.tmp_pcmn
 CTodo_ListThis class manages the table todo_list
 CTva_Rate_MTableConfigure the tva : code , rate, label ... When using Manage_Table_SQL
 CTva_rate_SQLAbstract of the table public.tva_rate
 CUser_filter_SQLORM abstract of the table public.user_filter
 CV_Tva_Rate_SQLORM abstract of the view public.v_tva_rate
 CZip_ExtendedExtends the Zip object