noalyss Version-9
Public Member Functions | Private Member Functions
Anc_Table Class Reference

printing analytic and accountancy as a table More...

+ Inheritance diagram for Anc_Table:
+ Collaboration diagram for Anc_Table:

Public Member Functions

 __construct ($p_cn)
 display_form ($p_hidden='')
 display form to get the parameter More...
 display_html ()
 export_csv ()
 load_card ()
 load the data does not return anything but give a value to this->aheader and this->arow More...
 load_poste ()
 load the data does not return anything but give a value to this->aheader and this->arow More...
 show_button ($p_hidden)
 display the button export CSV More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Anc_Print
 __construct ($p_cn)
 check ()
 display_form ($p_hidden="")
 Compute the form to display. More...
 get_request ()
 complete the object with the data in $_REQUEST More...
 set_sql_filter ()
 Set the filter (account_date) More...

Private Member Functions

 create_temp_table_account ()
 create the temporary table TABLE_ANALYTIC to store values for an account. More...
 create_temp_table_card ()
 create the temporary table TABLE_ANALYTIC to store values for a card More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Data Fields inherited from Anc_Print

Detailed Description

printing analytic and accountancy as a table

Definition at line 32 of file anc_table.class.php.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ __construct()

Anc_Table::__construct (   $p_cn)

Reimplemented from Anc_Print.

Definition at line 34 of file anc_table.class.php.

35 {
36 parent::__construct($p_cn);
37 }

Member Function Documentation

◆ create_temp_table_account()

Anc_Table::create_temp_table_account ( )

create the temporary table TABLE_ANALYTIC to store values for an account.

Definition at line 66 of file anc_table.class.php.

67 {
68 $sWhere = "";
69 $sql_from = "";
70 $sql_to = "";
71 $sql_and = "";
73 if (trim($this->from) != "" && isDate($this->from) != NULL) {
74 $sql_from = "oa_date >= to_date('" . $this->from . "','DD.MM.YYYY')";
75 $sWhere = " where ";
76 }
77 if (trim($this->to) != "" && isDate($this->to) != NULL) {
78 $sql_to = "oa_date <= to_date('" . $this->to . "','DD.MM.YYYY')";
79 $sWhere = " where ";
80 }
81 if ($sql_to != "" && $sql_from != "") {
82 $sql_and = " and ";
83 }
84 $sResult = $sWhere . $sql_from . $sql_and . $sql_to;
86 $sql = "
87 create temporary table table_analytic as
88 SELECT po.po_id,
89 po.pa_id, po.po_name,
90 po.po_description,sum(
92 WHEN oa1.oa_debit = true THEN oa1.oa_amount * (-1)::numeric
93 ELSE oa1.oa_amount
94 END) AS sum_amount,
95 coalesce(jrnx.j_poste,fd1.ad_value) as card_account,
96 pcm_lib as name
97 FROM operation_analytique as oa1
98 JOIN poste_analytique po USING (po_id)
99 left join fiche_detail as fd1 on (oa1.f_id=fd1.f_id and fd1.ad_id=5)
100 left JOIN jrnx USING (j_id)
101 left join tmp_pcmn ON (jrnx.j_poste::text = tmp_pcmn.pcm_val::text)
102 {$sResult}
103 GROUP BY po.po_id, po.po_name, po.pa_id, coalesce(jrnx.j_poste,fd1.ad_value), tmp_pcmn.pcm_lib, po.po_description
104 HAVING sum(
105 CASE
106 WHEN oa1.oa_debit = true THEN oa1.oa_amount * (-1)::numeric
107 ELSE oa1.oa_amount
108 END) <> 0::numeric ";
109 $this->db->exec_sql($sql);
110 }
Definition: ac_common.php:236
$anc_grandlivre to
$anc_grandlivre from
$SecUser db

References $sql, db, from, isDate(), and to.

Referenced by load_poste().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ create_temp_table_card()

Anc_Table::create_temp_table_card ( )

create the temporary table TABLE_ANALYTIC to store values for a card

Definition at line 115 of file anc_table.class.php.

116 {
117 $sWhere = "";
118 $sql_from = "";
119 $sql_to = "";
120 $sql_and = "";
122 if (trim($this->from) != "" && isDate($this->from) != NULL) {
123 $sql_from = "oa_date >= to_date('" . $this->from . "','DD.MM.YYYY')";
124 $sWhere = " where ";
125 }
126 if (trim($this->to) != "" && isDate($this->to) != NULL) {
127 $sql_to = "oa_date <= to_date('" . $this->to . "','DD.MM.YYYY')";
128 $sWhere = " where ";
129 }
130 if ($sql_to != "" && $sql_from != "") {
131 $sql_and = " and ";
132 }
133 $sResult = $sWhere . $sql_from . $sql_and . $sql_to;
134 $sql = "
135 create temporary table table_analytic as
136 with m as (select oa_id,po_id,
137 coalesce(jrnx.f_id,operation_analytique.f_id) as f_id1,
138 case when jrnx.j_qcode is not null then
139 ( SELECT fiche_detail.ad_value
140 FROM fiche_detail
141 WHERE fiche_detail.ad_id = 1 AND fiche_detail.f_id = jrnx.f_id)
142 when jrnx.f_id is null and operation_analytique.f_id is not null then
143 ( SELECT fiche_detail.ad_value
144 FROM fiche_detail
145 WHERE fiche_detail.ad_id = 1 AND fiche_detail.f_id = operation_analytique.f_id)
146 end
147 AS name,
148 case when jrnx.j_qcode is not null then
149 jrnx.j_qcode
150 when jrnx.f_id is null then
151 (SELECT fiche_detail.ad_value
152 FROM fiche_detail
153 WHERE fiche_detail.ad_id = 23 AND fiche_detail.f_id = operation_analytique.f_id) end as j_qcode
154 FROM operation_analytique
155 left JOIN jrnx USING (j_id) )
156 SELECT po.po_id, po.pa_id, po.po_name, po.po_description, sum(
157 CASE
158 WHEN operation_analytique.oa_debit = true THEN operation_analytique.oa_amount * (-1)::numeric
159 ELSE operation_analytique.oa_amount
160 END) AS sum_amount,
161 m.f_id1 as f_id,
163 m.j_qcode as card_account
164 FROM operation_analytique
165 JOIN poste_analytique po USING (po_id)
166 join m using (oa_id)
167 {$sResult}
168 GROUP BY po.po_id, po.po_name, po.pa_id, m.f_id1, m.j_qcode,, po.po_description
169 HAVING sum(
170 CASE
171 WHEN operation_analytique.oa_debit = true THEN operation_analytique.oa_amount * (-1)::numeric
172 ELSE operation_analytique.oa_amount
173 END) <> 0::numeric";
174 $this->db->exec_sql($sql);
175 }

References $sql, db, from, isDate(), and to.

Referenced by load_card().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ display_form()

Anc_Table::display_form (   $p_hidden = '')

display form to get the parameter

  • card_poste 1 by card, 2 by account
  • from_poste
  • to_poste
  • from from date
  • to until date
  • pa_id Analytic plan to use

Reimplemented from Anc_Print.

Definition at line 48 of file anc_table.class.php.

49 {
50 $r = parent::display_form($p_hidden);
51 $icard = new ISelect('card_poste');
52 $icard->value = array(
53 array('value' => 1, 'label' => 'Par fiche'),
54 array('value' => 2, 'label' => 'Par poste comptable')
55 );
56 $icard->selected = $this->card_poste;
57 $r .= $icard->input();
58 $r .= HtmlInput::request_to_hidden(array('ac'));
59 return $r;
60 }
catch(Exception $exc) if(! $g_user->can_write_action($ag_id)) $r
static request_to_hidden(array $array)
transform $_REQUEST data to hidden
Html Input , create a tag <SELECT> ... </SELECT> if readonly == true then display the label correspon...

References $r, and HtmlInput\request_to_hidden().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ display_html()

Anc_Table::display_html ( )

Definition at line 247 of file anc_table.class.php.

248 {
249 bcscale(2);
250 if ($this->check() != 0) {
251 alert(_("Date invalide"));
252 return;
253 }
255 if ($this->card_poste == '1') {
256 $this->load_card();
258 echo '<table class="result">';
259 echo '<tr>';
260 echo th('Fiche');
261 foreach ($this->aheader as $h) {
262 echo '<th style="text-align:right">' . h($h['po_name']) . '</th>';
263 }
264 echo th('Total', ' style="text-align:right"');
265 echo '</tr>';
266 /*
267 * Show all the result
268 */
269 $tot_global = 0;
270 for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->arow); $i++) {
271 $tr = ($i % 2 == 0) ? '<tr class="even">' : '<tr class="odd">';
272 echo $tr;
273 echo td(HtmlInput::history_card($this->arow[$i]['f_id'], $this->arow[$i]['card_account'] . ' ' . $this->arow[$i]['name']));
274 $tot_row = 0;
275 for ($x = 0; $x < count($this->aheader); $x++) {
276 $amount = $this->db->get_value($this->sql, array($this->arow[$i]['f_id'], $this->aheader[$x]['po_id']));
277 if ($amount == null) $amount = 0;
278 if (isset($tot_col[$x])) {
279 $tot_col[$x] = bcadd($tot_col[$x], $amount);
280 } else {
281 $tot_col[$x] = $amount;
282 }
283 $side = ($amount < 0) ? 'D' : 'C';
284 $side = ($amount == 0) ? "=" : $side;
285 echo td(nbm(abs($amount)) . " " . $side, ' class="num" ');
286 $tot_row = bcadd($tot_row, $amount);
287 }
288 $side = ($tot_row < 0) ? 'D' : 'C';
289 $side = ($tot_row == 0) ? "=" : $side;
290 echo td(nbm(abs($tot_row)) . " " . $side, ' class="num"');
291 $tot_global = bcadd($tot_global, $tot_row);
292 echo '</tr>';
295 }
296 echo '<tr class="highlight">';
297 echo td('Totaux');
298 for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->aheader); $i++) {
299 $side = ($tot_col[$i] < 0) ? "D" : "C";
300 $side = ($tot_global == 0) ? "=" : $side;
301 echo td(nbm(abs($tot_col[$i])) . " " . $side, ' class="num"');
302 }
303 $side = ($tot_global > 0) ? "C" : "D";
304 $side = ($tot_global == 0) ? "=" : $side;
305 echo td(nbm($tot_global) . " " . $side, ' class="num " ');
306 echo '</tr>';
307 echo '</table>';
308 }
309 if ($this->card_poste == '2') {
310 $this->load_poste();
312 echo '<table class="result">';
313 echo '<tr>';
314 echo th('poste comptable ');
315 foreach ($this->aheader as $h) {
316 echo '<th style="text-align:right">' . h($h['po_name']) . '</th>';
317 }
318 echo th('Total', ' style="text-align:right"');
319 echo '</tr>';
320 /*
321 * Show all the result
322 */
323 $tot_global = 0;
324 for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->arow); $i++) {
325 $tr = ($i % 2 == 0) ? '<tr class="even">' : '<tr class="odd">';
326 echo $tr;
327 echo td(HtmlInput::history_account($this->arow[$i]['card_account'], $this->arow[$i]['card_account'] . ' ' . $this->arow[$i]['name']));
328 $tot_row = 0;
329 for ($x = 0; $x < count($this->aheader); $x++) {
330 $amount = $this->db->get_value($this->sql, array($this->arow[$i]['card_account'], $this->aheader[$x]['po_id']));
331 if ($amount == null) $amount = 0;
332 if (isset($tot_col[$x])) {
333 $tot_col[$x] = bcadd($tot_col[$x], $amount);
334 } else {
335 $tot_col[$x] = $amount;
336 }
337 $side = ($amount < 0) ? 'D' : 'C';
338 $side = ($amount == 0) ? "=" : $side;
339 echo td(nbm(abs($amount)) . " " . $side, ' class="num" ');
340 $tot_row = bcadd($tot_row, $amount);
341 }
342 $side = ($tot_row < 0) ? 'D' : 'C';
343 $side = ($tot_row == 0) ? "=" : $side;
344 echo td(nbm(abs($tot_row)) . " " . $side, ' class="num"');
345 $tot_global = bcadd($tot_global, $tot_row);
346 echo '</tr>';
349 }
350 echo '<tr class="highlight">';
353 echo td('Totaux');
354 for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->aheader); $i++) {
355 $side = ($tot_col[$i] < 0) ? "D" : "C";
356 echo td(nbm(abs($tot_col[$i])) . " " . $side, ' class="num"');
357 }
358 $side = ($tot_global > 0) ? "C" : "D";
359 $side = ($tot_global == 0) ? "=" : $side;
361 echo td(nbm($tot_global) . " " . $side, ' class="num input_text" ');
362 echo '</tr>';
363 echo '</table>';
365 }
367 }
th($p_string, $p_extra='', $raw='')
Definition: ac_common.php:58
td($p_string='', $p_extra='')
surround the string with td
Definition: ac_common.php:83
nbm($p_number, $p_dec=2)
format the number with a sep.
Definition: ac_common.php:137
alert($p_msg, $buffer=false)
alert in javascript
Definition: ac_common.php:738
h( $row[ 'oa_description'])
load the data does not return anything but give a value to this->aheader and this->arow
load the data does not return anything but give a value to this->aheader and this->arow
static history_account($p_account, $p_mesg, $p_style="", $p_exercice="")
display a div with the history of the account
static history_card($f_id, $p_mesg, $p_style="", $p_exercice="")
display a div with the history of the card

References $amount, $i, $side, alert(), Anc_Print\check(), db, h, HtmlInput\history_account(), HtmlInput\history_card(), load_card(), load_poste(), nbm(), td(), and th().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ export_csv()

Anc_Table::export_csv ( )

Definition at line 369 of file anc_table.class.php.

370 {
371 bcscale(2);
372 if ($this->check() != 0) {
373 throw new Exception ("DATE INVALIDE");
374 }
375 $csv = new Noalyss_Csv("Anc-table");
376 $csv->send_header();
377 //---------------
378 // By Card
379 if ($this->card_poste == '1') {
380 $this->load_card();
382 $csv->add("Fiche");
383 foreach ($this->aheader as $h) {
384 $csv->add($h['po_name']);
385 }
386 $csv->add("Total");
387 $csv->write();
389 /*
390 * Show all the result
391 */
393 for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->arow); $i++) {
395 $csv->add($this->arow[$i]['card_account'] . ' ' . $this->arow[$i]['name']);
396 $tot_row = 0;
397 for ($x = 0; $x < count($this->aheader); $x++) {
398 $amount = $this->db->get_value($this->sql, array($this->arow[$i]['f_id'], $this->aheader[$x]['po_id']));
399 if ($amount == null) $amount = 0;
400 if (isset($tot_col[$x])) {
401 $tot_col[$x] = bcadd($tot_col[$x], $amount);
402 } else {
403 $tot_col[$x] = $amount;
404 }
405 $csv->add($amount, "number");
406 $tot_row = bcadd($tot_row, $amount);
407 }
408 $csv->add($tot_row, "number");
409 $csv->write();
411 }
412 /* ----
413 * Sum for each column
414 */
415 $csv->add("");
416 $sum_col = 0;
417 for ($x = 0; $x < count($this->aheader); $x++) {
418 $csv->add($tot_col[$x], "number");
419 $sum_col = bcadd($sum_col, $tot_col[$x]);
420 }
421 $csv->add($sum_col, "number");
422 $csv->write();
423 }
424 //---------------
425 // By Accounting
426 if ($this->card_poste == '2') {
427 $this->load_poste();
429 $csv->add(_("Poste"));
430 $csv->add(_("Description"));
431 foreach ($this->aheader as $h) {
432 $csv->add($h['po_name']);
433 }
434 $csv->add("Total");
435 $csv->write();
436 /*
437 * Show all the result
438 */
440 for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->arow); $i++) {
442 $csv->add($this->arow[$i]['card_account']);
443 $csv->add($this->arow[$i]['name']);
444 $tot_row = 0;
445 for ($x = 0; $x < count($this->aheader); $x++) {
446 $amount = $this->db->get_value($this->sql, array($this->arow[$i]['card_account'], $this->aheader[$x]['po_id']));
447 if ($amount == null) $amount = 0;
448 if (isset($tot_col[$x])) {
449 $tot_col[$x] = bcadd($tot_col[$x], $amount);
450 } else {
451 $tot_col[$x] = $amount;
452 }
453 $csv->add($amount, "number");
454 $tot_row = bcadd($tot_row, $amount);
455 }
456 $csv->add($tot_row, "number");
457 $csv->write();
460 }
461 /* ----
462 * Sum for each column
463 */
464 $csv->add("");
465 $csv->add("");
466 $sum_col = 0;
467 for ($x = 0; $x < count($this->aheader); $x++) {
468 $csv->add($tot_col[$x], "number");
469 $sum_col = bcadd($sum_col, $tot_col[$x]);
470 }
471 $csv->add($sum_col, "number");
472 $csv->write();
473 }
475 }
Manage the CSV : manage files and write CSV record.

References $amount, $csv, $i, Anc_Print\check(), db, load_card(), and load_poste().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ load_card()

Anc_Table::load_card ( )

load the data does not return anything but give a value to this->aheader and this->arow

Definition at line 207 of file anc_table.class.php.

208 {
209 $sql_from_poste = ($this->from_poste != '') ? " and po_name >= upper('" . Database::escape_string($this->from_poste) . "')" : '';
210 $sql_to_poste = ($this->to_poste != '') ? " and po_name <= upper('" . Database::escape_string($this->to_poste) . "')" : '';
211 // $this->db->exec_sql('create temporary table table_analytic as select * from comptaproc.table_analytic_card(\''.$this->from.'\',\''.$this->to.'\')');
212 $this->create_temp_table_card();
213 $header = "select distinct po_id,po_name from table_analytic
214 where
215 pa_id=$1 " . $sql_from_poste . $sql_to_poste . " order by po_name";
216 $this->aheader = $this->db->get_array($header, array($this->pa_id));
218 $this->arow = $this->db->get_array("select distinct f_id,card_account,name from table_analytic
219 where
220 pa_id=$1 " . $sql_from_poste . $sql_to_poste . " order by name", array($this->pa_id));
221 $this->sql = 'select sum_amount from table_analytic where f_id=$1 and po_id=$2 and pa_id=' . $this->pa_id . ' ' . $sql_from_poste . $sql_to_poste;
222 }
$anc pa_id
$anc_grandlivre from_poste
$anc_grandlivre to_poste
create the temporary table TABLE_ANALYTIC to store values for a card
static escape_string($p_string)
wrapper for the function pg_escape_string
if(count($a_accounting)==0) $header

References $header, create_temp_table_card(), db, DatabaseCore\escape_string(), from_poste, pa_id, and to_poste.

Referenced by display_html(), and export_csv().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ load_poste()

Anc_Table::load_poste ( )

load the data does not return anything but give a value to this->aheader and this->arow

Definition at line 182 of file anc_table.class.php.

183 {
184 $sql_from_poste = ($this->from_poste != '') ? " and po_name >= upper('" . Database::escape_string($this->from_poste) . "')" : '';
185 $sql_to_poste = ($this->to_poste != '') ? " and po_name <= upper('" . Database::escape_string($this->to_poste) . "')" : '';
190 $header = "select distinct po_id,po_name from table_analytic
191 where
192 pa_id=$1 " . $sql_from_poste . $sql_to_poste . " order by po_name";
193 $this->aheader = $this->db->get_array($header, array($this->pa_id));
195 $this->arow = $this->db->get_array("select distinct card_account,name
196 from table_analytic
197 where
198 pa_id=$1 " . $sql_from_poste . $sql_to_poste . " order by card_account", array($this->pa_id));
200 $this->sql = 'select sum_amount from table_analytic where card_account=$1 and po_id=$2 and pa_id=' . $this->pa_id . ' ' . $sql_from_poste . $sql_to_poste;
201 }
create the temporary table TABLE_ANALYTIC to store values for an account.

References $header, create_temp_table_account(), db, DatabaseCore\escape_string(), from_poste, pa_id, and to_poste.

Referenced by display_html(), and export_csv().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ show_button()

Anc_Table::show_button (   $p_hidden)

display the button export CSV

$p_hiddenis a string containing hidden items
html string

Definition at line 229 of file anc_table.class.php.

230 {
231 $r = "";
232 $r .= '<form method="GET" action="export.php" style="display:inline">';
233 $r .= HtmlInput::hidden("act", "CSV:AncTable");
234 $r .= HtmlInput::hidden("to", $this->to);
235 $r .= HtmlInput::hidden("from", $this->from);
236 $r .= HtmlInput::hidden("pa_id", $this->pa_id);
237 $r .= HtmlInput::hidden("from_poste", $this->from_poste);
238 $r .= HtmlInput::hidden("to_poste", $this->to_poste);
239 $r .= HtmlInput::hidden("card_poste", $this->card_poste);
240 $r .= $p_hidden;
241 $r .= dossier::hidden();
242 $r .= HtmlInput::submit('bt_csv', _("Export en CSV"));
243 $r .= '</form>';
244 return $r;
245 }
static hidden($p_name, $p_value, $p_id="")
static submit($p_name, $p_value, $p_javascript="", $p_class="smallbutton")

References $r, from, from_poste, HtmlInput\hidden(), pa_id, HtmlInput\submit(), to, and to_poste.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: