Here is a list of all struct and union fields with links to the structures/unions they belong to:
- l -
- last_day() : Periode
- ledger_add_item() : Html_Input_Noalyss
- ledger_filter() : Acc_Reconciliation
- ledger_supplemental_tax() : Html_Input_Noalyss
- less() : Icon_Action
- limit_year() : Periode
- line_new() : PDF_Core
- list_draft() : Operation_Exercice
- list_operation() : Acc_Ledger_Search
- list_operation_to_reconcile() : Acc_Ledger_Search
- listing() : Acc_Ledger
- lo_export() : DatabaseCore
- lo_import() : DatabaseCore
- lo_unlink() : DatabaseCore
- load() : Acc_Account, Acc_Account_Ledger, Acc_Bilan, Acc_Ledger_Info, Acc_Operation_Note, Acc_Parm_Code, Acc_Payment, Acc_Plan_SQL, Acc_Report, Acc_Tva, Anc_Balance_Double, Anc_Balance_Simple, Anc_GrandLivre, Anc_Group, Anc_Listing, Card_Property, Data_SQL, Document_modele, Dossier, Fiche, Fiche_Def, Follow_Up_Detail, Forecast, Lettering, Noalyss_Appearance, Noalyss_User, Periode, Periode_Ledger_Table, Pre_op_ach, Pre_Op_Advanced, Pre_op_fin, Pre_op_ods, Pre_op_ven, Pre_operation, Table_Data_SQL, Todo_List, V_Contact_SQL, V_Currency_Last_Value_SQL
- load_all() : Acc_Ledger_Info, Acc_Parm_Code, Follow_Up_Detail, Forecast, Todo_List
- load_anc_account() : Anc_Acc_List
- load_anc_card() : Anc_Acc_List
- load_by_code() : Anc_Account
- load_card() : Anc_Acc_List, Anc_Table
- load_csv() : Anc_GrandLivre
- load_global_pref() : Noalyss_User
- load_module() : Noalyss\Mobile
- load_poste() : Anc_Acc_List, Anc_Table
- lock() : Icon_Action
- longer() : Icon_Action
- LongLine() : PDF_Core