Here is a list of all struct and union fields with links to the structures/unions they belong to:
- v -
- validate() : Icon_Action, Securimage
- value() : Inplace_Edit
- vat_operation() : Acc_Ledger
- VatListing() : Customer
- verify() : Acc_Account, Acc_Bilan, Acc_Compute, Anc_Key, Data_SQL, DatabaseCore, Default_Menu, Extension, Follow_Up, Follow_Up_Detail, Forecast, Lettering, Menu_Ref, Sendmail, Sendmail_Core, Todo_List
- verify_autonumber() : Acc_Ledger
- verify_delete() : Periode
- verify_ledger() : Acc_Ledger
- verify_operation() : Acc_Ledger, Acc_Ledger_Fin, Acc_Ledger_Purchase, Acc_Ledger_Sale
- view_list() : Follow_Up
- VISIBLE : Manage_Table_SQL