noalyss Version-9
Go to the documentation of this file.
4 * This file is part of NOALYSS.
5 *
6 * NOALYSS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9 * (at your option) any later version.
10 *
11 * NOALYSS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14 * GNU General Public License for more details.
15 *
16 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17 * along with NOALYSS; if not, write to the Free Software
18 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
19 */
20// Copyright Author Dany De Bontridder
22 * \brief Definition Manage_Table_SQL
23 *
24 */
26/*!\brief Purpose is to propose a librairy to display a table content
27 * and allow to update and delete row , handle also the ajax call
28 * thanks the script managetable.js
29 *
30 * Code for ajax , here we see the ajax_input for creating a dg box
31 \code
32 $objet->set_pk($p_id);
33 // It is very important to set the name of the javascript variable
34 // Contained in the http_input variable "ctl" , without this the list cannot be updated
35 $objet->set_object_name($objet_name);
37 // Set the ajax to call
38 $objet->set_callback("ajax.php");
40 // Build the json object for JS
41 $http=new HttpInput();
42 $plugin_code=$http->request("plugin_code");
43 $ac=$http->request("ac");
44 $sa=$http->request("sa");
45 $aJson=array("gDossier"=>Dossier::id(),
46 "ac"=>$ac,
47 "plugin_code"=>$plugin_code,
48 "sa"=>$sa,
49 "sb"=>$sb
50 );
51 $json=json_encode($aJson);
52 $objet->param_set($json);
55 // Display the box
56 header('Content-type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8');
57 $xml=$objet->ajax_input();
58 echo $xml->save_XML();
59 @endcode
60 * @see ManageTable.js
61 * @see ajax_accounting.php
62 * @see sorttable.js
63 *
64 * If you need to add extra XML fields to manage them in the afterSaveFct then you can do like this
65 * in your php code answering the ajax call
66 *
67 * @code
68 header('Content-type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8');
69 $xml=$manage_table->ajax_save();
70 $s1=$xml->createElement("previous_id",$previous);
71 $data=$xml->getElementsByTagName("data");
72 $data[0]->append($s1);
73 echo $xml->saveXML();
76 * @endcode
77 *
78 * The afterSaveFct is the function called after saving, the param is the HTML Element
79 @code PHP
80// to redirect : we take the pk_id and redirect to another location
82 $obj=$this->get_object_name();
84 $script=<<<EOF
86{$obj}.afterSaveFct=function(p_param) {
87 let student=p_param.attributes["ctl_pk_id"].value;
88 window.location="{$url}/do.php?do=student&student_id="+student+"&act=detail";
89 }})();
92echo create_script($script);
93 {$obj}.afterSaveFct=function(p_param) {
94 let student=p_param.attributes["ctl_pk_id"].value;
95 window.location="{$url}/do.php?do=student&student_id="+student+"&act=detail";
96 }})();
98 */
103 protected $table; //!< Object Data_SQL
104 protected $a_label_displaid; //!< Label of the col. of the datarow
105 protected $a_order; //!< order of the col
106 protected $a_prop; //!< property for each col.
107 protected $a_type; //!< Type of the column : date , select ... Only in input
108 protected $a_select; //!< Possible value if a_type is a SELECT
109 protected $object_name; //!< Object_name is used for the javascript , it is the row id to update or delete
110 protected $row_delete; //!< Flag to indicate if rows can be deleted
111 protected $row_update; //!< Flag to indicate if rows can be updated
112 protected $row_append; //!< Flag to indicate if rows can be added
113 protected $json_parameter; //!< Default parameter to add (gDossier...), sent to the ajax callback
114 protected $aerror; //!< Array containing the error of the input data
115 protected $col_sort; //!< when inserting, it is the column to sort,-1 to disable it and append only
116 protected $a_info; //!< Array with the infotip
117 protected $sort_column; //!< javascript sort on this column , if empty there is no js sort
118 protected $dialog_box; //!< ID of the dialog box which display the result of the ajax calls
119 protected $search_table; //!< boolean , by default true ,it is possible to search in the table,
120 const UPDATABLE=1;
121 const VISIBLE=2;
123 protected $icon_mod; //!< place of right or left the icon update or mod, default right, accepted value=left,right,first,custom column for mod
124 protected $icon_del; //!< place of right or left the icon update or mod, default right, accepted value=left,right
125 protected $dialogbox_style; //!< style of the dialog box
126 protected $button_add_top; //!< place of the button add on the top, by default true
127 protected $title; //! < give the title of the diabox , default is Data
128 protected $cssclass; //! CSS class for the dialog box
129 protected $current_row; //! in display_row and display_custom_row, it is the current row which is used
130 protected $a_col_option; //!< Extra to add to the column : CSS Style , CSS class, javascript ,...
131 protected $a_header_option; //!< Extra to add to the column Header : CSS Style , CSS class, javascript ,...
132 protected $callback; //!< Callback function
133 /**
134 * @brief Constructor : set the label to the column name,
135 * the order of the column , set the properties and the
136 * permission for updating or deleting row
137 * @example test_manage_table_sql.php
138 * @example ajax_manage_table_sql.php
139 */
141 function __construct(Data_SQL $p_table)
142 {
143 $this->table=$p_table;
144 $order=0;
145 foreach ($this->table->name as $key=> $value)
146 {
148 $this->a_label_displaid[$value]=$key;
149 $this->a_order[$order]=$value;
150 $this->a_prop[$value]=self::UPDATABLE|self::VISIBLE;
151 $this->a_type[$value]=$this->table->type[$value];
152 $this->a_select[$value]=null;
153 $this->a_col_option[$value]="";
154 $this->a_header_option[$value]="";
155 $order++;
156 }
157 $this->object_name=uniqid("tbl");
158 $this->row_delete=TRUE;
159 $this->row_update=TRUE;
160 $this->row_append=TRUE;
161 $this->callback="ajax.php";
162 $this->json_parameter=json_encode(array("gDossier"=>Dossier::id(),
163 "op"=>"managetable"));
164 $this->aerror=[];
165 $this->icon_mod="right";
166 $this->icon_del="right";
167 $this->col_sort=0;
168 // By default no js sort
169 $this->sort_column="";
170 $this->dialog_box="dtr";
171 $this->dialogbox_style=array();
172 $this->search_table=true;
173 $this->button_add_top=true;
174 $this->title=_("Donnée");
175 $this->cssclass="inner_box";
177 }
178 function setCssClass($p_class) {
179 $this->cssclass=$p_class;
180 }
181 function getCssClass() {
182 return $this->cssclass;
183 }
184 /**
185 *@brief Set the title of the diabox , default is Donnée
186 * @param type $p_title
187 */
188 function setTitle($p_title)
189 {
190 $this->title=$p_title;
191 }
192 function getTitle()
193 {
194 return $this->title;
195 }
196 /**
197 * @brief Get if we can search in the table
198 * @return boolean
199 */
200 public function get_search_table()
201 {
202 return $this->search_table;
203 }
205 /**
206 * @brief Set the table searchable or not
207 * @param boolean : true we can search
208 * @return $this
209 */
211 {
212 $this->search_table=$search_table;
213 return $this;
214 }
216 /**
217 *@brief send the XML headers for the ajax call
218 */
219 function send_header()
220 {
221 header('Content-type:text/xml;charset="UTF-8"');
222 }
224 /**
225 * @brief return the db_style
226 * @return array
227 */
228 public function get_dialogbox_style()
229 {
231 }
233 /**
234 * @brief Dialog box style , by default {position: "fixed", top: '15%', width: "auto", "margin-left": "20%"}
235 *
236 * @param array $db_style , will be transformed into a json object
237 */
238 public function set_dialogbox_style($db_style)
239 {
240 $this->dialogbox_style = $db_style;
241 return $this;
242 }
244 /**
245 * @return mixed
246 */
247 public function get_dialog_box()
248 {
249 return $this->dialog_box;
250 return $this;
251 }
253 /**
254 * @param mixed $dialog_box
255 */
257 {
258 $this->dialog_box = $dialog_box;
259 return $this;
260 }
262 /**
263 * @brief When adding an element , it is column we checked to insert before,
264 * @return none
265 */
266 function get_col_sort() {
267 return $this->col_sort;
268 }
269 /**
270 * @brief Set the info for a column, use Icon_Action::infobulle
271 * the message are in message_javascript.php
272 * @param string $p_key Column name
273 * @param integer $p_comment comment idx
274 *
275 * @see message_javascript.php
276 * @see Icon_Action::infobulle()
277 */
278 function set_col_tips($p_key,$p_comment) {
279 $this->a_info[$p_key]=$p_comment;
280 }
281 /**
282 * @brief When adding an element ,we place it thanks the DOM Attribute sort_value
283 * set it to -1 if you want one to append
284 * @param numeric $pn_num
285 * @note you must be aware that the icon_mod or icon_del is in the first col,
286 * this column is skipped
287 */
288 function set_col_sort($p_num) {
289 $this->col_sort=$p_num;
290 }
291 function get_icon_mod()
292 {
293 return $this->icon_mod;
294 }
295 function get_icon_del()
296 {
297 return $this->icon_del;
298 }
299 function get_table()
300 {
301 return $this->table;
302 }
304 function set_table(Data_SQL $p_noalyss_sql)
305 {
306 $this->table=$p_noalyss_sql;
307 }
308 function get_order()
309 {
310 return $this->a_order;
311 }
313 {
314 if (! is_array($p_order) )
315 throw new Exception("set_order, parameter is not an array");
316 $this->a_order=$p_order;
317 }
318 /**
319 * @brief set the error message for a wrong input
320 * @param $p_col the column name
321 * @param $p_message the error message
322 * @see check
323 */
324 function set_error($p_col, $p_message)
325 {
326 $this->aerror[$p_col]=$p_message;
327 }
328 /**
329 * @brief returns the nb of errors found
330 */
331 function count_error()
332 {
333 return count($this->aerror);
334 }
335 /**
336 * @brief retrieve the error message
337 * @param $p_col column name
338 * @return string with message or empty if no error
339 * @see input
340 */
342 {
343 if (isset($this->aerror[$p_col]))
344 return $this->aerror[$p_col];
345 return "";
346 }
348 /**
349 * @brief This function can be overrided to check the data before
350 * inserting , updating or removing, above an example of an overidden check.
351 *
352 * Usually , you get the row of the table (get_table) , you check the conditions
353 * if an condition is not met then you set the error with $this->set_error
354 *
355 * if there are error (returns false otherwise true
356 *
357 * @see set_error get_error count_error
358 * @return boolean
359 *
361function check()
362 {
363 global $cn;
364 $table=$this->get_table();
365 $is_error=0;
366 $insert=false;
367 // sect_codename must be unique
368 if ( $table->exist() > 0) {
369 $insert=1;
370 }
371 $count=$cn->get_value(" select count(*) from syndicat.treasurer where tr_login=$1 and sect_id=$2 and tr_id<>$3",
372 array(
373 $table->tr_login,
374 $table->section_full_name,
375 $table->tr_id
376 ));
377 if ($count > 0 ) {
378 $this->set_error("section_full_name",_("Ce trésorier a déjà accès à cette section"));
379 $is_error++;
380 }
381 if ( $is_error > 0 ) return false;
382 return true;
383 }
385 */
386 function check()
387 {
388 return true;
389 }
390 /**
391 * @brief add extra to column, normally class , javascript or style
392 * @param string $p_key column name
393 * @see set_col_option
394 */
395 public function get_col_option($p_key)
396 {
397 if (!isset($this->a_type[$p_key]))
398 throw new Exception("invalid key $p_key");
400 return $this->a_col_option[$p_col];
401 }
402 /**
403 * @brief add extra to column, normally class or style
404 *
405 * @param string $p_key column name
406 * @param string $p_value extra info for this column (CSS, js, ...)
407 *
408 @code{.php}
409 $manage_table->set_col_option("pcm_lib",'style="color:red;text-align:center"');
411 $manage_table->set_col_option("pcm_val", "onclick=\"alert('toto')\" style=\"text-decoration:underline\" onmouseover=\"'pointer'\"");
412 @endcode
413 *
414 */
415 public function set_col_option($p_key,$p_value)
416 {
418 if (!isset($this->a_type[$p_key]))
419 throw new Exception("invalid key $p_key");
420 $this->a_col_option[$p_key]=$p_value;
421 return $this;
422 }
423 /**
424 * @brief add extra to column Header, normally class , javascript or style
425 * @param string $p_key column name
426 * @see set_col_option
427 */
428 public function get_header_option($p_key)
429 {
430 if (!isset($this->a_type[$p_key]))
431 throw new Exception("invalid key $p_key");
433 return $this->a_header_option[$p_col];
434 }
435 /**
436 * @brief add extra to column Header, normally class or style
437 * @param string $p_key column name
438 * @param string $p_value extra info for this column (CSS, js, ...)
439 * @see set_col_option
440 */
441 public function set_header_option($p_key,$p_value)
442 {
443 if (!isset($this->a_type[$p_key]))
444 throw new Exception("invalid key $p_key");
445 $this->a_header_option[$p_key]=$p_value;
446 return $this;
447 }
449 /**
450 * @brief set the type of a column , it will change in the input db box , the
451 * select must supply an array of possible values [val=> , label=>] with
452 * the variable $this->key_name->a_value
453 * @param $p_key col name
454 * @param $p_type is "text", "numeric", "date", "select", "timestamp","custom"
455 * @param $p_array if type is SELECT an array is expected
456 * @note if $p_type is custom then a function named input_custom($p_key,$p_value) must be implemented
457 * in the class
458 * @see Manage_Table_SQL:input_custom
459 */
460 function set_col_type($p_key, $p_value, $p_array=NULL)
461 {
462 if (!isset($this->a_type[$p_key]))
463 throw new Exception("invalid key $p_key");
465 if (!in_array($p_value,
466 array("text", "numeric","numeric2", "numeric4","numeric6","date", "select", "timestamp","custom")))
467 throw new Exception("invalid type $p_value");
469 $this->a_type[$p_key]=$p_value;
470 $this->a_select[$p_key]=$p_array;
471 if ( in_array($p_value ,array("numeric","numeric2","numeric4","numeric6")) && $this->a_col_option[$p_key]=="") {
472 $this->a_col_option[$p_key]=' class="num" ';
473 }
475 }
477 /**
478 * @brief return the type of a column
479 * @param $p_key col name
480 * @see set_col_type
481 */
482 function get_col_type($p_key)
483 {
484 if (!isset($this->a_type[$p_key]))
485 throw new Exception("invalid key");
487 return $this->a_type[$p_key];
488 }
490 /**
491 * @brief Get the object name
492 * @details : return the object name , it is useful it
493 * the javascript will return coded without the create_js_script function
494 * @see create_js_script
495 */
497 {
498 return $this->object_name;
499 }
500 /**
501 * @brief Add json parameter to the current one
502 */
503 function add_json_param($p_attribute,$p_value) {
504 $x=json_decode($this->json_parameter,TRUE);
505 $x[$p_attribute]=$p_value;
507 }
508 function get_json()
509 {
511 }
512 function get_object_name() {
513 return $this->object_name;
514 }
515 /**
516 * @brief Set the parameter of the object (gDossier, ac, plugin_code...)
517 * @detail By default , only gDossier will be set . The default value
518 * is given in the constructor
519 * @param string with json format $p_json
520 * @deprecated since version 692
521 * @see set_json
522 */
523 function param_set($p_json)
524 {
525 $this->set_json($p_json);
526 }
527 /**
528 * @brief Set the parameter of the object (gDossier, ac, plugin_code...)
529 * @detail By default , only gDossier will be set . The default value
530 * is given in the constructor
531 * @param string with json format $p_json
532 */
533 function set_json($p_json)
534 {
535 $this->json_parameter=$p_json;
537 }
538 /**
539 * @brief set the callback function that is passed to javascript
540 * @param $p_file : callback file by default ajax.php
541 */
542 function set_callback($p_file)
543 {
544 $this->callback=$p_file;
545 }
547 /**
548 * @brief we must create first the javascript if we want to update, insert
549 * or delete rows. It is the default script .
550 */
552 {
553 $style=json_encode($this->dialogbox_style);
554 echo "
555 <script>
556 var {$this->object_name}=new ManageTable(\"{$this->table->table}\");
557 {$this->object_name}.set_callback(\"{$this->callback}\");
558 {$this->object_name}.param_add({$this->json_parameter});
559 {$this->object_name}.set_sort({$this->get_col_sort()});
560 {$this->object_name}.set_control(\"{$this->get_dialog_box()}\");
561 {$this->object_name}.set_style($style);
562 {$this->object_name}.cssclass=\"{$this->cssclass}\";
563 </script>
565 ";
566 }
568 {
569 $error=$this->get_error($p_col);
570 if ($error == "") { return "";}
572 }
573 /**
574 * @brief Set the object_name
575 * @param string $p_object_name name of the JS var, used in ajax response,id
576 * of the part of the id DOMElement to modify
577 */
578 function set_object_name($p_object_name)
579 {
580 $this->object_name=$p_object_name;
581 }
583 /**
584 * @brief set a column of the data row updatable or not
585 * @param string $p_key data column
586 * @param bool $p_value Boolean False or True
587 */
588 function set_property_updatable($p_key, $p_value)
589 {
590 if (! isset($this->a_prop[$p_key]))
591 throw new Exception(__FILE__.":".__LINE__."$p_key invalid index");
592 // if already done returns
593 if ( $this->get_property_updatable($p_key) == $p_value)return;
594 if ($p_value==False)
595 $this->a_prop[$p_key]=$this->a_prop[$p_key]-self::UPDATABLE;
596 elseif ($p_value==True)
597 $this->a_prop[$p_key]=$this->a_prop[$p_key]|self::UPDATABLE;
598 else
599 throw new Exception("set_property_updatable [ $p_value ] incorrect");
600 }
602 /**
603 * @brief return false if the update of the row is forbidden
604 */
605 function can_update_row()
606 {
608 return $this->row_update;
609 }
610 /**
611 * @brief Set the icon to modify at the right ,the first col or left of the row, if the mod if custom ,
612 * you have to override the function display_icon_custom
613 * @see Manage_Table_SQL::display_icon_custom($p_row)
614 * @param string $pString default right, accepted value=left,right,first,custom column for mod
615 * @throws Exception if invalide choice
616 */
617 function set_icon_mod($pString) {
618 if (! in_array( $pString ,[ 'right','left','custom','first'] ) )
619 throw new Exception('set_icon_mod invalide '.$pString);
620 $this->icon_mod=$pString;
621 }
622 /**
623 * @brief Set the icon to delete at the right or left of the row
624 * @param type $pString
625 * @throws Exception
626 */
627 function set_icon_del($pString) {
628 if ($pString != "right" && $pString != "left" )
629 throw new Exception('set_icon_del invalide '.$pString);
630 $this->icon_del=$pString;
631 }
632 /**
633 * @brief return false if the append of the row is forbidden
634 */
635 function can_append_row()
636 {
638 return $this->row_append;
639 }
641 /**
642 * @brief Enable or disable the deletion of rows
643 * @param $p_value Boolean : true enable the row to be deleted
644 */
645 function set_delete_row($p_value)
646 {
647 if ($p_value!==True&&$p_value!==False)
648 throw new Exception("Valeur invalide set_delete_row [$p_value]");
649 $this->row_delete=$p_value;
650 }
652 /**
653 * @brief Enable or disable the appending of rows
654 * @param $p_value Boolean : true enable the row to be appended
655 */
656 function set_append_row($p_value)
657 {
658 if ($p_value!==True&&$p_value!==False)
659 throw new Exception("Valeur invalide set_append_row [$p_value]");
660 $this->row_append=$p_value;
661 }
663 /**
664 * @brief Enable or disable the updating of rows
665 * @param $p_value Boolean : true enable the row to be updated
666 */
667 function set_update_row($p_value)
668 {
669 if ($p_value!==True&&$p_value!==False)
670 throw new Exception("Valeur invalide set_update_row [$p_value]");
671 $this->row_update=$p_value;
672 }
674 /**
675 * @brief return false if the delete of the row is forbidden
676 */
677 function can_delete_row()
678 {
679 return $this->row_delete;
680 }
682 /**
683 * @brief return True if the column is updatable otherwise false
684 * @param $p_key data column
685 */
686 function get_property_updatable($p_key)
687 {
688 $val=$this->a_prop[$p_key]&self::UPDATABLE;
689 if ($val==self::UPDATABLE)
690 return true;
691 return false;
692 }
694 /**
695 * @brief set a column of the data row visible or not
696 * @param string $p_key data column
697 * @param bool $p_value Boolean False or True
698 */
699 function set_property_visible($p_key, $p_value)
700 {
701 if (!isset ($this->a_prop[$p_key]) )
702 throw new Exception(__FILE__.":".__LINE__."$p_key invalid index");
703 // if already done return
704 if ( $this->get_property_visible($p_key) == $p_value)return;
706 if ($p_value==False)
707 $this->a_prop[$p_key]=$this->a_prop[$p_key]-self::VISIBLE;
708 elseif ($p_value==True)
709 $this->a_prop[$p_key]=$this->a_prop[$p_key]|self::VISIBLE;
710 else
711 throw new Exception("set_property_updatable [ $p_value ] incorrect");
712 }
714 /**
715 * @brief return True if the column is visible otherwise false
716 * @param $p_key data column
717 */
718 function get_property_visible($p_key)
719 {
720 $val=$this->a_prop[$p_key]&self::VISIBLE;
721 if ($val===self::VISIBLE)
722 return true;
723 return false;
724 }
726 /**
727 * @brief set the name to display for a column
728 * @param string $p_key data column
729 * @param string $p_display Label to display
730 *
731 */
732 function set_col_label($p_key, $p_display)
733 {
734 $this->a_label_displaid[$p_key]=$p_display;
735 }
737 /**
738 * @brief get the position of a column
739 * @param $p_key data column
740 */
741 function get_current_pos($p_key)
742 {
743 $nb_order=count($this->a_order);
744 for ($i=0; $i<$nb_order; $i++)
745 if ($this->a_order[$i]==$p_key)
746 return $i;
747 throw new Exception("COL INVAL ".$p_key);
748 }
750 /**
751 * @brief if we change a column order , the order
752 * of the other columns is impacted.
753 *
754 * With a_order[0,1,2,3]=[x,y,z,a]
755 * if we move the column x (idx=0) to 2
756 * we must obtain [y,z,x,a]
757 * @param string $p_key data column
758 * @param integer $p_idx new location
759 */
760 function move($p_key, $p_idx)
761 {
762 // get current position of p_key
763 $cur_pos=$this->get_current_pos($p_key);
765 if ($cur_pos==$p_idx)
766 return;
768 if ($cur_pos<$p_idx)
769 {
770 $nb_order=count($this->a_order);
771 for ($i=0; $i<$nb_order; $i++)
772 {
773 // if col_name is not the searched one we continue
774 if ($this->a_order[$i]!=$p_key)
775 continue;
776 if ($p_idx==$i)
777 continue;
778 // otherwise we swap with i+1
779 $old=$this->a_order[$i+1];
780 $this->a_order[$i]=$this->a_order[$i+1];
781 $this->a_order[$i+1]=$p_key;
782 }
783 } else
784 {
786 $nb_order=count($this->a_order)-1;
787 for ($i=$nb_order; $i>0; $i--)
788 {
789 // if col_name is not the searched one we continue
790 if ($this->a_order[$i]!=$p_key)
791 continue;
792 if ($p_idx==$i)
793 continue;
794 // otherwise we swap with i+1
795 $old=$this->a_order[$i-1];
796 $this->a_order[$i]=$this->a_order[$i-1];
797 $this->a_order[$i-1]=$p_key;
798 }
799 }
800 }
801 public function get_button_add_top()
802 {
804 }
807 {
808 $this->button_add_top=$button_add_top;
809 return $this;
810 }
811 /**
812 * @brief execute the query (, called by display_table
813 * @param string (default empty) $p_order SQL string added to DatabaseCore::seek
814 * @param array (default null) $p_array Array for the SQL string
815 * @see
816 * @return pgsql resource
817 */
819 {
820 if ($p_order=="")
821 {
822 $p_order="order by {$this->table->primary_key}";
823 }
824 $ret=$this->table->seek($p_order, $p_array);
825 return $ret;
826 }
827 /**
828 * @brief display the data of the table
829 * @param $p_order is the cond or order of the rows,
830 * if empty the primary key will be used
831 * @param $p_array array of the bind variables
832 * @note the function create_js_script MUST be called before this function
833 */
834 function display_table($p_order="", $p_array=NULL)
835 {
838 if ($this->can_append_row()==TRUE && $this->button_add_top == true)
839 {
840 echo HtmlInput::button_action(" "._("Ajout"),
841 sprintf("%s.input('-1','%s')",
842 $this->object_name,
843 $this->object_name), "xx", "smallbutton", BUTTONADD);
844 }
845 $nb_order=count($this->a_order);
846 $virg=""; $result="";
848 // filter only on visible column
849 $visible=($this->icon_mod=='left')?1:0;
850 $visible=$visible+( ($this->icon_del=='left')?1:0);
851 for ($e=0; $e<$nb_order; $e++)
852 {
853 if ($this->get_property_visible($this->a_order[$e])==TRUE)
854 {
855 $result.=$virg."$visible";
856 $virg=",";
857 $visible++;
858 }
859 }
860 if ( $this->get_search_table() )
861 {
862 echo _('Cherche')." ".HtmlInput::filter_table("tb".$this->object_name, $result, 1);
863 }
865 // Set a sort on a column if sort_column is not empty
866 if ( $this->sort_column =="")
867 {
868 printf('<table class="result" id="tb%s">', $this->object_name);
869 } else {
870 printf('<table class="result sortable" id="tb%s">', $this->object_name);
871 }
872 $this->display_table_header();
873 echo '<tbody>';
874 for ($i=0; $i<$nb; $i++)
875 {
877 $this->display_row($row);
878 }
879 echo '</tbody>';
880 echo "</table>";
881 if ($this->can_append_row()==TRUE)
882 {
883 echo HtmlInput::button_action(" "._("Ajout"),
884 sprintf("%s.input('-1','%s')",
885 $this->object_name,
886 $this->object_name), "xx", "smallbutton", BUTTONADD);
887 }
888 printf('<script> alternate_row_color("tb%s");</script>',
889 $this->object_name);
890 }
892 /**
893 * @brief display the column header excepted the not visible one
894 * and in the order defined with $this->a_order
895 */
897 {
898 $nb=count($this->a_order);
899 echo '<thead>';
900 echo "<tr>";
902 if ($this->can_update_row() && $this->icon_mod=="left")
903 {
904 echo th(" ", 'style="width:40px" class="sorttable_nosort"');
905 }
906 if ($this->can_delete_row() && $this->icon_del=="left")
907 {
908 echo th(" ", 'style="width:40px" class="sorttable_nosort"');
909 }
910 for ($i=0; $i<$nb; $i++)
911 {
913 $key=$this->a_order[$i];
914 $sorted="";
915 if ( $key == $this->sort_column) {
916 $sorted=' class="sorttable_sorted"';
917 }
919 $style=$this->a_header_option[$key];
920 if ($this->get_property_visible($key)==true ) {
921 echo th("", $sorted.$style, $this->a_label_displaid[$key]);
922 }
923 }
924 if ($this->can_update_row() && $this->icon_mod=="right")
925 {
926 echo th(" ", 'style="width:40px" class="sorttable_nosort"');
927 }
928 if ($this->can_delete_row() && $this->icon_del=="right")
929 {
930 echo th(" ", 'style="width:40px" class="sorttable_nosort" ');
931 }
932 echo "</tr>";
933 echo '</thead>';
934 }
935 /**
936 * @brief set the column to sort by default
937 */
939 {
940 $this->sort_column=$p_col;
941 }
942 /**
943 * @brief return the column to sort
944 */
946 {
947 return $this->sort_column;
948 }
950 /**
951 * @brief set the id value of a data row and load from the db
952 */
953 function set_pk($p_id)
954 {
955 $this->table->set_pk_value($p_id);
956 $this->table->load();
957 }
959 /**
960 * @brief get the data from http request strip the not update or not visible data to their
961 * initial value. Before saving , it is important to set the pk and load from db
962 * @see set_pk
963 */
964 function from_request()
965 {
966 $nb=count($this->a_order);
967 $http=new HttpInput();
968 for ($i=0; $i<$nb; $i++)
969 {
971 $key=$this->a_order[$i];
972 if ($this->get_property_visible($key)==TRUE&&$this->get_property_updatable($key)
973 ==TRUE)
974 {
975 $v=$http->request($this->a_order[$i],"string","");
976 $this->table->$key=strip_tags($v);
977 }
978 }
979 }
981 function display_icon_mod($p_row)
982 {
983 if ($this->can_update_row())
984 {
985 echo "<td>";
986 $js=sprintf("%s.input('%s','%s');", $this->object_name,
987 $p_row[$this->table->primary_key], $this->object_name
988 );
989 echo Icon_Action::modify(uniqid(), $js);
990 echo "</td>";
991 }
992 }
994 function display_icon_del($p_row)
995 {
996 if ($this->can_delete_row())
997 {
998 echo "<td>";
999 $js=sprintf("%s.remove('%s','%s');", $this->object_name,
1000 $p_row[$this->table->primary_key], $this->object_name
1001 );
1002 echo Icon_Action::trash(uniqid(), $js);
1003 echo "</td>";
1004 }
1005 }
1007 /**
1008 * @brief display a data row in the table, with the order defined
1009 * in a_order and depending of the visibility of the column, all the rows contains the attribute ctl_pk_id , to retrieve
1010 * in javascript , ie with the function afterSaveFct (see managetable.js)
1011 * @param array $p_row contains a row from the database
1012 * @see set_col_type
1013 * @see input_custom
1014 * @see display_table
1015 * @see display_row_custom
1016 * @see managetable.js
1017 */
1018 function display_row($p_row)
1019 {
1021 $pk_id=$p_row[$this->table->primary_key];
1022 printf('<tr id="%s_%s" ctl_pk_id="%s">', $this->object_name,
1023 $pk_id,$pk_id)
1024 ;
1026 if ($this->icon_mod=="left")
1027 $this->display_icon_mod($p_row);
1028 if ($this->icon_del=="left")
1029 $this->display_icon_del($p_row);
1030 if ( $this->icon_mod == "custom")
1031 $this->display_icon_custom($p_row);
1033 $nb_order=count($this->a_order);
1034 for ($i=0; $i<$nb_order; $i++)
1035 {
1036 $this->current_row=$p_row;
1037 $v=$this->a_order[$i];
1039 if ($i==0&&$this->icon_mod=="first"&&$this->can_update_row())
1040 {
1041 $js=sprintf("onclick=\"%s.input('%s','%s');\"", $this->object_name,
1042 $pk_id, $this->object_name);
1043 $td=($i == $this->col_sort ) ? sprintf('<td sorttable_customkey="X%s" class="%s">',
1044 $p_row[$v],$this->a_col_option[$v]):"<td>";
1045 echo $td.HtmlInput::anchor($p_row[$v], "", $js).'</td>';
1046 }
1047 elseif ( $i == $this->col_sort && $this->get_property_visible($v) )
1048 {
1049 if ( $this->get_col_type($v) == 'text') {
1050 echo td($p_row[$v],sprintf(' sorttable_customkey="X%s" ',$p_row[$v]));
1051 } elseif ( $this->get_col_type($v) == 'numeric') {
1052 echo td($p_row[$v],$this->a_col_option[$v]);
1053 } elseif ( $this->get_col_type($v) == 'numeric2') {
1054 echo td(nbm($p_row[$v],2),$this->a_col_option[$v]);
1055 } elseif ( $this->get_col_type($v) == 'numeric4') {
1056 echo td(nbm($p_row[$v],4),$this->a_col_option[$v]);
1057 } elseif ( $this->get_col_type($v) == 'numeric6') {
1058 echo td(nbm($p_row[$v],6),$this->a_col_option[$v]);
1059 } elseif ($this->get_col_type($v)=="custom") {
1060 // For custom col
1061 echo $this->display_row_custom($v,$p_row[$v],$pk_id);
1062 }else {
1063 echo td($p_row[$v],sprintf(' sorttable_customkey="X%s" ',$p_row[$v]),$this->a_col_option[$v]);
1065 }
1066 }
1067 elseif ( ! $this->get_property_visible($v)) {
1068 continue;
1069 }
1070 else
1071 {
1072 if ($this->get_col_type($v)=="select")
1073 {
1074 /**
1075 * From database
1076 */
1077 $idx=$p_row[$v];
1078 /*
1079 * Check if index exists
1080 */
1081 $array_to_search=$this->a_select[$v];
1082 $value=$p_row[$v];
1084 $nb_search=(is_array($array_to_search))?count($array_to_search):0;
1085 $found=FALSE;
1086 for ($e=0; $e<$nb_search; $e++)
1087 {
1088 if (isset($array_to_search[$e]['value'])&&$array_to_search[$e]['value']==$value)
1089 {
1090 $found=TRUE;
1091 echo td($array_to_search[$e]['label'],$this->a_col_option[$v]);
1092 }
1093 }
1095 if (!$found)
1096 {
1097 echo td("--");
1098 }
1099 } elseif ($this->get_col_type($v)=="custom") {
1100 // For custom col
1101 echo $this->display_row_custom($v,$p_row[$v],$pk_id);
1102 } elseif ( $this->get_col_type($v) == 'numeric') {
1103 echo td($p_row[$v],$this->a_col_option[$v]);
1104 } elseif ( $this->get_col_type($v) == 'numeric2') {
1105 echo td(nbm($p_row[$v],2),$this->a_col_option[$v]);
1106 }elseif ( $this->get_col_type($v) == 'numeric4') {
1107 echo td(nbm($p_row[$v],4),$this->a_col_option[$v]);
1108 }elseif ( $this->get_col_type($v) == 'numeric6') {
1109 echo td(nbm($p_row[$v],6),$this->a_col_option[$v]);
1110 }
1111 else {
1112 echo td($p_row[$v], $this->a_col_option[$v]);
1113 }
1114 }
1115 }
1116 if ($this->icon_mod=="right")
1117 $this->display_icon_mod($p_row);
1118 if ($this->icon_del=="right")
1119 $this->display_icon_del($p_row);
1123 echo '</tr>';
1124 }
1125 /**
1126 * Return the current row printed in display_row
1127 * @return array
1128 */
1129 public function get_current_row()
1130 {
1131 return $this->current_row;
1132 }
1133 /**
1134 * set the current row printed in display_row
1135 * @param type $current_row
1136 * @return this;
1137 */
1139 {
1140 $this->current_row=$current_row;
1141 return $this;
1142 }
1144 /**
1145 * @brief When displaying a row, if a column has the type "custom" , we can call this function to display properly the value
1146 * including the tag "<td>".
1147 * You can get the full array from display_row via get_current_row() or reload from db thanks $p_id
1148 *
1149 * @param $p_key string key name
1150 * @param $p_value string value
1151 * @param int $p_id id of the row , usually the pk of Data_SQL (optional default 0)
1152 * @see input_custom
1153 * @see set_type
1154 * @note must return a string which will be in surrounded by td in the function display_row
1155 * @return string
1156 */
1157 function display_row_custom($p_key,$p_value,$p_id=0) {
1158 return td($p_value);
1159 }
1160 /**
1161 * @brief display into a dialog box the datarow in order
1162 * to be appended or modified. Can be override if you need
1163 * a more complex form or add elements with "set_order" before
1164 * calling this function.
1165 * This function does not add the form , only the table.
1166 *
1167 * It returns true , if it is not readyonly and the form will have a "save" button, if it returns nothing or false
1168 * then there is no save button, nor form, the content is then readonly
1169 *
1170 *@see get_error , set_error
1171 *
1172 */
1173 function input()
1174 {
1175 $nb_order=count($this->a_order);
1176 echo "<table>";
1177 for ($i=0; $i<$nb_order; $i++)
1178 {
1179 echo "<tr>";
1180 $key=$this->a_order[$i];
1181 $label=$this->a_label_displaid[$key];
1182 $value=$this->table->get($key);
1183 $error=$this->get_error($key);
1185 if ($this->get_property_visible($key)===TRUE)
1186 {
1187 // Label
1188 $info="";
1189 if ( isset($this->a_info[$key])) {
1190 $info=Icon_Action::infobulle($this->a_info[$key]);
1191 }
1192 // Label
1193 echo "<td> {$label} {$info} {$error}</td>";
1195 if ($this->get_property_updatable($key)==TRUE)
1196 {
1197 echo "<td>";
1198 if ($this->a_type[$key]=="select")
1199 {
1200 $select=new ISelect($key);
1201 $select->value=$this->a_select[$key];
1202 $select->selected=$value;
1203 echo $select->input();
1204 }
1205 elseif ($this->a_type[$key]=="text")
1206 {
1207 $text=new IText($key);
1208 $text->value=$value;
1209 $min_size=(noalyss_strlen($value)<30)?30:strlen($value)+5;
1210 $text->size=$min_size;
1211 echo $text->input();
1212 }
1213 elseif ($this->a_type[$key]=="numeric") // number from db
1214 {
1215 $text=new INum($key);
1216 $text->value=$value;
1217 $min_size=(noalyss_strlen($value)<10)?10:strlen($value)+1;
1218 $text->size=$min_size;
1219 echo $text->input();
1220 }
1221 elseif ($this->a_type[$key]=="numeric2") // number from db
1222 {
1223 $text=new INum($key);
1224 $this->prec=2;
1225 $text->value=round($value??"0",2);
1226 $min_size=(noalyss_strlen($value)<10)?10:strlen($value)+1;
1227 $text->size=$min_size;
1228 echo $text->input();
1229 }
1230 elseif ($this->a_type[$key]=="numeric4") // number 4 decimale
1231 {
1232 $text=new INum($key);
1233 $text->prec=4;
1234 $text->value=round($value??"0",4);;
1235 $min_size=(noalyss_strlen($value)<10)?10:strlen($value)+1;
1236 $text->size=$min_size;
1237 echo $text->input();
1238 }
1239 elseif ($this->a_type[$key]=="numeric6") // number 6 decimale
1240 {
1241 $text=new INum($key);
1242 $text->prec=6;
1243 $text->value=round($value??"0",6);
1244 $min_size=(noalyss_strlen($value)<10)?10:strlen($value)+1;
1245 $text->size=$min_size;
1246 echo $text->input();
1247 }
1248 elseif ($this->a_type[$key]=="date")
1249 {
1250 $text=new IDate($key);
1251 $text->value=$value;
1252 $min_size=10;
1253 $text->size=$min_size;
1254 echo $text->input();
1255 } elseif ($this->a_type[$key]=="custom")
1256 {
1257 $this->input_custom($key,$value);
1258 }
1259 echo "</td>";
1260 }
1261 else
1262 {
1263 printf('<td>%s %s</td>', h($value),
1265 );
1266 }
1267 }
1268 echo "</tr>";
1269 }
1270 echo "</table>";
1271 return true;
1272 }
1273 /**
1274 * @brief this function let you create your own input , for example for a ITEXT , a IRADIO , ...
1275 * it must be override , there is not default
1276 * @code
1277 * function input_custom($p_key,$p_value) {
1278 * switch ($p_key) {
1279 * case 'name':
1280 * $w=new ICard($p_key,$p_value);
1281 * $w->input();
1282 * break;
1283 * }
1284 * }
1285 * @endcode
1286 * @param string $p_key name of the column
1287 * @param string $p_value current value
1288 * @return nothing
1289 */
1290 function input_custom($p_key,$p_value) {
1291 throw new Exception(__FILE__.":".__LINE__."- input_custom "._("non implémenté"));
1292 }
1293 /**
1294 * @brief Save the record from Request into the DB and returns an XML
1295 * to update the Html Element. The function check() will be called before saving
1296 * @see check
1297 * @return \DOMDocument
1298 */
1299 function ajax_save()
1300 {
1302 $status="NOK";
1303 $xml=new DOMDocument('1.0', "UTF-8");
1304 try
1305 {
1306 // fill up object with $_REQUEST
1307 $this->from_request();
1308 // Check if the data are valid , if not then display the
1309 // input values with the error message
1310 //
1311 if ($this->check()==false)
1312 {
1313 $xml=$this->ajax_input("NOK");
1314 return $xml;
1315 }
1316 else
1317 {
1318 // Data are valid so we can save them
1319 $this->save();
1320 // compose the answer
1321 $status="OK";
1322 $s1=$xml->createElement("status", $status);
1323 $ctl=$this->object_name."_".$this->table->get_pk_value();
1324 $s2=$xml->createElement("ctl_row", $ctl);
1325 $s4=$xml->createElement("ctl", $this->object_name);
1326 $s5=$xml->createElement("ctl_pk_id", $this->table->get_pk_value());
1327 ob_start();
1328 $this->table->load();
1329 $array=$this->table->to_array();
1330 $this->display_row($array);
1331 $html=ob_get_contents();
1332 ob_end_clean();
1333 $s3=$xml->createElement("html");
1334 $t1=$xml->createTextNode($html);
1335 $s3->appendChild($t1);
1336 }
1338 $root=$xml->createElement("data");
1339 $root->appendChild($s1);
1340 $root->appendChild($s2);
1341 $root->appendChild($s3);
1342 $root->appendChild($s4);
1343 $root->appendChild($s5);
1344 $xml->appendChild($root);
1345 }
1346 catch (Exception $ex)
1347 {
1348 $s1=$xml->createElement("status", "NOK");
1349 $s2=$xml->createElement("ctl_row",
1350 $this->object_name."_".$this->table->get_pk_value());
1351 $s4=$xml->createElement("ctl", $this->object_name);
1352 $s3=$xml->createElement("html", $ex->getTraceAsString());
1353 $root=$xml->createElement("data");
1354 $root->appendChild($s1);
1355 $root->appendChild($s2);
1356 $root->appendChild($s3);
1357 $root->appendChild($s4);
1358 $root->appendChild($s5);
1359 $xml->appendChild($root);
1360 }
1361 return $xml;
1362 }
1364 /**
1365 * @brief send an xml with input of the object, create an xml answer. It will call Manage_Table_SQL.input to
1366 * display the input , but if that function returns false, the "save" button will disappear but the form can be
1367 * submitted with enter.
1368 *
1369 * @see input
1370 * XML tag
1371 * - status : OK , NOK
1372 * - ctl : Dom id to update
1373 * - content : Html answer
1374 * @return DomDocument
1375 */
1376 function ajax_input($p_status="OK")
1377 {
1378 $xml=new DOMDocument("1.0", "UTF-8");
1379 $xml->createElement("status", $p_status);
1380 try
1381 {
1382 $status=$p_status;
1384 ob_start();
1386 echo HtmlInput::title_box($this->getTitle(), $this->dialog_box,"close","","y","y");
1387 printf('<form id="frm%s_%s" method="POST" onsubmit="\'frm%s_%s\');return false;">',
1388 $this->object_name, $this->table->get_pk_value(),
1389 $this->object_name, $this->object_name,
1390 $this->table->get_pk_value());
1391 $can_update=$this->input();
1392 $can_update =( $can_update===false) ? false:true;
1393 // JSON param to hidden
1394 echo HtmlInput::json_to_hidden($this->json_parameter);
1395 echo HtmlInput::hidden("p_id", $this->table->get_pk_value());
1396 // button Submit and cancel
1397 $close=sprintf("\$('%s').remove()", $this->dialog_box);
1398 // display error if any
1399 $this->display_error();
1400 echo '<ul class="aligned-block">';
1401 // form readonly
1402 if ( $can_update ) {
1403 echo '<li>',
1404 HtmlInput::submit('update', _("Sauver")),
1405 '</li>';
1406 }
1407 echo '<li>',
1408 HtmlInput::button_action(_("Annuler"), $close, "", "smallbutton"),
1409 '</li>',
1410 '</ul>';
1411 echo "</form>";
1414 $html=ob_get_contents();
1415 ob_end_clean();
1417 $s1=$xml->createElement("status", $status);
1418 $ctl=$this->object_name."_".$this->table->get_pk_value();
1419 $s2=$xml->createElement("ctl_row", $ctl);
1420 $s4=$xml->createElement("ctl", $this->object_name);
1421 $s3=$xml->createElement("html");
1422 $s5=$xml->createElement("ctl_pk_id", $this->table->get_pk_value());
1423 $t1=$xml->createTextNode($html);
1424 $s3->appendChild($t1);
1426 $root=$xml->createElement("data");
1427 $root->appendChild($s1);
1428 $root->appendChild($s2);
1429 $root->appendChild($s3);
1430 $root->appendChild($s4);
1431 $root->appendChild($s5);
1433 }
1434 catch (Exception $ex)
1435 {
1436 $s1=$xml->createElement("status", "NOK");
1437 $s3=$xml->createElement("ctl", $this->object_name);
1438 $s2=$xml->createElement("ctl_row",
1439 $this->object_name."_".$this->table->get_pk_value());
1440 $s4=$xml->createElement("html", $ex->getTraceAsString());
1441 $s5=$xml->createElement("ctl_pk_id", $this->table->get_pk_value());
1442 $root=$xml->createElement("data");
1443 $root->appendChild($s1);
1444 $root->appendChild($s2);
1445 $root->appendChild($s3);
1446 $root->appendChild($s4);
1447 $root->appendChild($s5);
1450 }
1451 $xml->appendChild($root);
1452 return $xml;
1453 }
1455 /**
1456 * @brief delete a datarow , the id must be have set before
1457 * @see from_request
1458 */
1459 function delete()
1460 {
1461 $this->table->delete();
1462 }
1464 /**
1465 * Delete a record and return an XML answer for ajax. If a check is needed before
1466 * deleting you can override this->delete and throw an exception if the deleting
1467 * is not allowed
1468 * @return \DOMDocument
1469 */
1470 function ajax_delete()
1471 {
1472 $status="NOK";
1473 $xml=new DOMDocument('1.0', "UTF-8");
1474 try
1475 {
1476 $this->delete();
1477 $status="OK";
1478 $s1=$xml->createElement("status", $status);
1479 $ctl=$this->object_name."_".$this->table->get_pk_value();
1480 $s2=$xml->createElement("ctl_row", $ctl);
1481 $s3=$xml->createElement("html", _("Effacé"));
1482 $s4=$xml->createElement("ctl", $this->object_name);
1484 $root=$xml->createElement("data");
1485 $root->appendChild($s1);
1486 $root->appendChild($s2);
1487 $root->appendChild($s3);
1488 $root->appendChild($s4);
1489 }
1490 catch (Exception $ex)
1491 {
1492 $s1=$xml->createElement("status", "NOK");
1493 $s2=$xml->createElement("ctl",
1494 $this->object_name."_".$this->table->get_pk_value());
1495 $s3=$xml->createElement("html", $ex->getMessage());
1496 $s4=$xml->createElement("ctl", $this->object_name);
1498 $root=$xml->createElement("data");
1499 $root->appendChild($s1);
1500 $root->appendChild($s2);
1501 $root->appendChild($s3);
1502 $root->appendChild($s4);
1503 }
1504 $xml->appendChild($root);
1505 return $xml;
1506 }
1508 /**
1509 * @brief save the Data_SQL Object
1510 * The noalyss_SQL is not empty
1511 * @see from_request
1512 */
1513 function save()
1514 {
1515 if ($this->table->exist()==0)
1516 {
1517 $this->table->insert();
1518 }
1519 else
1520 {
1521 $this->table->update();
1522 }
1523 }
1525 /**
1526 * @brief insert a new value
1527 * @see set_pk_value
1528 * @see from_request
1529 */
1530 function insert()
1531 {
1532 $this->table->insert();
1533 }
1535 /**
1536 * @brief
1537 * @see set_pk_value
1538 * @see from_request
1539 */
1540 function update()
1541 {
1542 $this->table->update();
1543 }
1545 /**
1546 * @brief
1547 * @see set_pk_value
1548 * @see from_request
1549 */
1550 function set_value($p_key, $p_value)
1551 {
1552 $this->table->set($p_key, $p_value);
1553 }
1555 /**
1556 * Display a list of the error collected
1557 * @see get_error set_error
1558 *
1559 */
1560 function display_error()
1561 {
1562 $nb_order=count($this->a_order);
1563 if (count($this->aerror)==0)
1564 return;
1565 echo "<span class=\"notice\">Liste erreurs :</span>";
1566 for ($i=0; $i<$nb_order; $i++)
1567 {
1568 $key=$this->a_order[$i];
1569 $label=$this->a_label_displaid[$key];
1570 $error=$this->get_error($key);
1571 $error=($error=="")?"":"<span class=\"notice\" style=\"font-weight:normal;font-style:normal;display:block\">".h($label)." : ".h($this->get_error($key))."</span>";
1573 echo $error;
1574 }
1575 echo "</ul>";
1576 }
1578 /**
1579 * @brief usually contain a link and calls another page, it must be overriden
1580 * @param array $p_row is the current database row
1581 * @return void
1582 */
1583 function display_icon_custom($p_row)
1584 {
1585 echo '<td>'.'<a href="#">';
1586 print_r($p_row);
1587 echo '</a></td>';
1588 }
Definition: ac_common.php:1541
th($p_string, $p_extra='', $raw='')
Definition: ac_common.php:58
td($p_string='', $p_extra='')
surround the string with td
Definition: ac_common.php:83
nbm($p_number, $p_dec=2)
format the number with a sep.
Definition: ac_common.php:137
if(headers_sent() &&DEBUGNOALYSS > 0) $html
h( $row[ 'oa_description'])
switch($op2) $xml
Definition: ajax_card.php:806
this an abstract class , all the SQL class, like noalyss_sql (table), Acc_Plan_SQL (based on a SQL no...
static fetch_array($ret, $p_indice=0, $p_mode=PGSQL_ASSOC)
wrapper for the function pg_fetch_array
static num_row($ret)
wrapper for the function pg_num_rows
static id()
return the 'gDossier' value after a check
static filter_table($p_table_id, $p_col, $start_row)
filter the rows in a table and keep the colored row in alternance
static button_action($action, $javascript, $id=NULL, $p_class="button", $p_symbole="")
button Html with javascript
static hidden($p_name, $p_value, $p_id="")
static title_box($p_name, $p_div, $p_mod="close", $p_js="", $p_draggable="n", $p_enlarge='n')
Title for boxes, you can customize the symbol thanks symbol with the mode "custom".
static errorbulle($p_comment)
static json_to_hidden($p_json)
transform a json to hidden
static submit($p_name, $p_value, $p_javascript="", $p_class="smallbutton")
manage the http input (get , post, request) and extract from an array
Html Input : Input a date format The property title should be set to indicate what it is e...
Definition: idate.class.php:34
This class handles only the numeric input, the input will call a javascript to change comma to period...
Definition: inum.class.php:42
Html Input , create a tag <SELECT> ... </SELECT> if readonly == true then display the label correspon...
Html Input.
Definition: itext.class.php:30
static modify($p_id, $p_javascript)
Display the icon to modify a idem.
static infobulle($p_comment)
Display a info in a bubble, text is in message_javascript.
static trash($p_id, $p_javascript)
Display the icon of a trashbin.
Purpose is to propose a librairy to display a table content and allow to update and delete row ,...
style of the dialog box
display a data row in the table, with the order defined in a_order and depending of the visibility of...
move($p_key, $p_idx)
if we change a column order , the order of the other columns is impacted.
Set the icon to modify at the right ,the first col or left of the row, if the mod if custom ,...
send an xml with input of the object, create an xml answer.
insert a new value
Flag to indicate if rows can be deleted.
returns the nb of errors found
usually contain a link and calls another page, it must be overriden
When adding an element , it is column we checked to insert before,.
Enable or disable the deletion of rows.
Type of the column : date , select ... Only in input.
Default parameter to add (gDossier...), sent to the ajax callback.
property for each col.
Enable or disable the appending of rows.
< give the title of the diabox , default is Data
return True if the column is updatable otherwise false
Array with the infotip.
when inserting, it is the column to sort,-1 to disable it and append only
return false if the delete of the row is forbidden
get the position of a column
input_custom($p_key, $p_value)
this function let you create your own input , for example for a ITEXT , a IRADIO ,...
When adding an element ,we place it thanks the DOM Attribute sort_value set it to -1 if you want one ...
place of right or left the icon update or mod, default right, accepted value=left,...
ID of the dialog box which display the result of the ajax calls.
Delete a record and return an XML answer for ajax.
set_value($p_key, $p_value)
Array containing the error of the input data.
Label of the col. of the datarow.
set_property_updatable($p_key, $p_value)
set a column of the data row updatable or not
Possible value if a_type is a SELECT.
Set the parameter of the object (gDossier, ac, plugin_code...) @detail By default ,...
return false if the append of the row is forbidden
Object_name is used for the javascript , it is the row id to update or delete.
Set the parameter of the object (gDossier, ac, plugin_code...) @detail By default ,...
set_col_tips($p_key, $p_comment)
Set the info for a column, use Icon_Action::infobulle the message are in message_javascript....
CSS class for the dialog box.
set_col_type($p_key, $p_value, $p_array=NULL)
set the type of a column , it will change in the input db box , the select must supply an array of po...
set_table(Data_SQL $p_noalyss_sql)
set_header_option($p_key, $p_value)
add extra to column Header, normally class or style
Set the object_name.
return True if the column is visible otherwise false
we must create first the javascript if we want to update, insert or delete rows.
set the id value of a data row and load from the db
boolean , by default true ,it is possible to search in the table,
set_col_option($p_key, $p_value)
add extra to column, normally class or style
Flag to indicate if rows can be updated.
execute_query($p_order="", $p_array=NULL)
execute the query (, called by display_table
place of right or left the icon update or mod, default right, accepted value=left,...
retrieve the error message
Return the current row printed in display_row.
Get if we can search in the table.
Dialog box style , by default {position: "fixed", top: '15', width: "auto", "margin-left": "20%"}.
Flag to indicate if rows can be added.
Extra to add to the column Header : CSS Style , CSS class, javascript ,...
return the db_style
return false if the update of the row is forbidden
save the Data_SQL Object The noalyss_SQL is not empty
Set the table searchable or not.
add extra to column, normally class , javascript or style
display the column header excepted the not visible one and in the order defined with $this->a_order
Set the title of the diabox , default is Donnée.
Enable or disable the updating of rows.
javascript sort on this column , if empty there is no js sort
display_table($p_order="", $p_array=NULL)
display the data of the table
get the data from http request strip the not update or not visible data to their initial value.
place of the button add on the top, by default true
set the column to sort by default
display_row_custom($p_key, $p_value, $p_id=0)
When displaying a row, if a column has the type "custom" , we can call this function to display prope...
set the current row printed in display_row
Callback function.
add_json_param($p_attribute, $p_value)
Add json parameter to the current one.
Display a list of the error collected.
__construct(Data_SQL $p_table)
set the callback function that is passed to javascript
Save the record from Request into the DB and returns an XML to update the Html Element.
set_property_visible($p_key, $p_value)
set a column of the data row visible or not
add extra to column Header, normally class , javascript or style
display into a dialog box the datarow in order to be appended or modified.
set_error($p_col, $p_message)
set the error message for a wrong input
return the type of a column
in display_row and display_custom_row, it is the current row which is used
set_col_label($p_key, $p_display)
set the name to display for a column
return the column to sort
Set the icon to delete at the right or left of the row.
send the XML headers for the ajax call
Get the object name.
$all table
$anc_filter title
Definition: constant.php:102
$max_email_input prec
if( $delta< 0) elseif( $delta==0)