noalyss Version-9
Go to the documentation of this file.
4 * This file is part of NOALYSS.
5 *
6 * NOALYSS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9 * (at your option) any later version.
10 *
11 * NOALYSS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14 * GNU General Public License for more details.
15 *
16 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17 * along with NOALYSS; if not, write to the Free Software
18 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
19 */
21// Copyright Author Dany De Bontridder
24 * \file
25 * \brief contains the class for connecting to a postgresql database
26 */
27require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE . '/constant.php';
28require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE . '/lib/ac_common.php';
31 * \brief
32 * This class allow you to connect to the postgresql database, execute sql, retrieve data
33 *
34 */
38 private $db;
39 /**< database connection */
40 private $ret;
41 /**< return value */
42 private $is_open; /*!< true is connected */
43 public $sql; //!< last SQL stmt executed
44 public $array;
45 /*** Connect to a database return an connx to db or false if it fails
46 *
47 * @param string $p_user Username
48 * @param type $p_password User's password
49 * @param $p_dbname name of the database to connect
50 * @param type $p_host Host of DB
51 * @param type $p_port Port of DB
52 */
54 function __construct($p_user, $p_password, $p_dbname, $p_host, $p_port)
55 {
56 $this->db = @pg_connect("dbname=$p_dbname host='$p_host' user='$p_user'
57 password='$p_password' port=$p_port");
58 if ($this->db == false) {
59 if ( DEBUGNOALYSS > 0 ) {
61 echo '<h2 class="error">'._('Impossible de se connecter à postgreSql').'</h2>';
62 echo '<p>';
63 echo _("Vos paramètres sont incorrectes").": <br>";
64 echo "<br>";
65 printf (_("base de donnée = %s"), $p_dbname)."<br>";
66 printf (_("Port %s"),$p_port )."<br>";
67 printf ( _("Utilisateur : %s"),$p_user )."<br>";
68 echo '</p>';
70 die();
71 } else {
72 echo '<h2 class="error">' . _('Erreur de connexion !') . '</h2>';
73 $this->is_open = false;
74 throw new Exception(_('Erreur Connexion'));
75 }
76 }
78 $this->is_open = TRUE;
79 $this->sql="";
81 }
83 /**
84 * return the name of the current database
85 * @return false|string
86 */
87 public function get_name () {
88 return pg_dbname($this->ret);
89 }
91 public function verify()
92 {
93 // Verify that the elt we want to add is correct
94 }
96 function set_encoding($p_charset)
97 {
98 pg_set_client_encoding($this->db, $p_charset);
99 }
101 function get_encoding()
102 {
103 return pg_client_encoding($this->db);
104 }
107 /**
108 * @return mixed
109 */
110 public function get_db()
111 {
112 return $this->db;
113 }
115 /**
116 * @param mixed $db
117 */
118 public function set_db($db)
119 {
120 $this->db = $db;
121 }
123 /**
124 * @return mixed
125 */
126 public function get_ret()
127 {
128 return $this->ret;
129 }
131 /**
132 * @param mixed $ret
133 */
134 public function set_ret($ret)
135 {
136 $this->ret = $ret;
137 }
139 /**
140 * @return mixed
141 */
142 public function get_is_open()
143 {
144 return $this->is_open;
145 }
147 /**
148 * @param mixed $is_open
149 */
150 public function set_is_open($is_open)
151 {
152 $this->is_open = $is_open;
153 }
154 /**
155 * last SQL stmt executed
156 * @param string $sql
157 */
158 public function get_sql()
159 {
160 return $this->sql;
161 }
162 /**
163 * last SQL stmt executed
164 * @param string $sql
165 */
166 public function set_sql($sql)
167 {
168 $this->sql=$sql;
169 return $this;
170 }
172 /**
173 * \brief send a sql string to the database
174 * \param $p_string sql string
175 * \param $p_array array for the SQL string (see pg_query_params)
176 * \return the result of the query, a resource or false if an
177 * error occured
178 */
180 function exec_sql($p_string, $p_array = null)
181 {
182 try {
183 if (!$this->is_open) throw new Exception(' Database is closed');
184 $this->sql = $p_string;
185 $this->array = $p_array;
187 if ($p_array == null) {
188 if ( DEBUGNOALYSS == 0 )
189 $this->ret = pg_query($this->db, $p_string);
190 else
191 $this->ret = @pg_query($this->db, $p_string);
192 } else {
193 $a = is_array($p_array);
194 if (!is_array($p_array)) {
195 throw new Exception(_("Erreur : exec_sql attend un array"));
196 }
197 if ( DEBUGNOALYSS == 0 )
198 $this->ret =@pg_query_params($this->db, $p_string, $p_array);
199 else
200 $this->ret = pg_query_params($this->db, $p_string, $p_array);
201 }
202 if ($this->ret == false) {
203 $str_error = pg_last_error($this->db) ;
204 throw new Exception(" SQL ERROR $p_string " . $str_error, 1);
205 }
206 } catch (Exception $a) {
207 if ( DEBUGNOALYSS > 0 ) {
208 print_r($p_string);
209 print_r($p_array);
210 echo $a->getMessage();
211 echo $a->getTraceAsString();
212 echo pg_last_error($this->db);
213 }
214 record_log($a);
215 record_log($p_string);
217 $this->rollback();
219 throw ($a);
220 }
222 return $this->ret;
223 }
225 /**
226 * \brief Count the number of row returned by a sql statement
227 *
228 * \param $p_sql sql string
229 * \param $p_array if not null we use the safer pg_query_params
230 */
232 function count_sql($p_sql, $p_array = null)
233 {
234 $r_sql = $this->exec_sql($p_sql, $p_array);
235 return pg_num_rows($r_sql);
236 }
238 /**
239 * \brief get the current sequence value
240 */
242 function get_current_seq($p_seq)
243 {
244 $Res = $this->get_value("select currval('$p_seq') as seq");
245 return $Res;
246 }
248 /**
249 * \brief get the next sequence value
250 */
252 function get_next_seq($p_seq)
253 {
254 $Res = $this->exec_sql("select nextval('$p_seq') as seq");
255 $seq = pg_fetch_array($Res, 0);
256 return $seq['seq'];
257 }
259 /**
260 * @brief : start a transaction
261 *
262 */
263 function start()
264 {
265 $Res = $this->exec_sql("start transaction");
266 }
268 /**
269 * Commit the transaction
270 *
271 */
272 function commit()
273 {
274 if (!$this->is_open) return;
275 $Res = $this->exec_sql("commit");
276 }
278 /**
279 * rollback the current transaction
280 */
281 function rollback()
282 {
283 if (!$this->is_open) return;
284 $Res = $this->exec_sql("rollback");
285 }
287 /**
288 * @brief alter the sequence value
289 * @param $p_name name of the sequence
290 * @param $min the start value of the sequence
291 */
292 function alter_seq($p_name, $min)
293 {
294 if ($min < 1)
295 $min = 1;
296 $Res = $this->exec_sql("alter sequence $p_name restart $min");
297 }
299 /**
300 * \brief Execute a sql script
301 * \param $script script name
302 */
305 {
307 if ( DEBUGNOALYSS == 0 ) {
308 ob_start();
309 } else {
310 $debug = fopen("/tmp/debug_execute_script".uniqid().".log", "w+");
311 }
312 $hf = fopen($script, 'r');
313 if ($hf == false) {
314 throw new Exception ('Ne peut ouvrir ' . $script);
315 }
316 printf (" open %s <br>", $script);
317 $sql = "";
318 $flag_function = false;
319 while (!feof($hf)) {
320 $buffer = fgets($hf);
321 $buffer = str_replace('$BODY$', '$_$', $buffer);
322 print $buffer . "<br>";
323 // comment are not execute
324 if (substr($buffer, 0, 2) == "--") {
325 //echo "comment $buffer";
326 continue;
327 }
328 // Blank Lines Are Skipped
329 If (Strlen($buffer) == 0) {
330 //echo "Blank $buffer";
331 Continue;
332 }
333 if (strpos(strtolower($buffer), "create function") === 0) {
334 echo "found a function";
335 $flag_function = true;
336 $sql = $buffer;
337 continue;
338 }
339 if (strpos(strtolower($buffer), "create or replace function") === 0) {
340 echo "found a function";
341 $flag_function = true;
342 $sql = $buffer;
343 continue;
344 }
345 // No semi colon -> multiline command
346 if ($flag_function == false && strpos($buffer, ';') == false) {
347 $sql .= $buffer;
348 continue;
349 }
350 if ($flag_function) {
351 if (strpos(strtolower($buffer), "$$;") === false &&
352 strpos(strtolower($buffer), '$_$;') === false &&
353 strpos(strtolower($buffer), '$function$;') === false &&
354 strpos(strtolower($buffer), 'language plpgsql;') === false &&
355 strpos(strtolower($buffer), 'language plpgsql ;') === false
356 ) {
357 $sql .= $buffer;
358 continue;
359 }
360 } else {
361 // cut the semi colon
362 $buffer = str_replace(';', '', $buffer);
363 }
364 $sql .= $buffer;
365 if ( DEBUGNOALYSS > 0 ) fwrite($debug, $sql);
366 if ($this->exec_sql($sql) == false) {
368 $this->rollback();
369 if ( DEBUGNOALYSS == 0 )
370 ob_end_clean();
371 print "ERROR : $sql";
372 throw new Exception("ERROR : $sql");
373 }
374 $sql = "";
375 $flag_function = false;
376 print "<hr>";
377 } // while (feof)
378 fclose($hf);
379 if ( DEBUGNOALYSS == 0 )
380 ob_end_clean();
381 }
384 /**
385 * @brief fetch the $p_indice array from the last query
386 * @param $p_indice index
387 *
388 */
389 function fetch($p_indice)
390 {
391 if ($this->ret == false)
392 throw new Exception('this->ret is empty');
393 return pg_fetch_array($this->ret, $p_indice,PGSQL_ASSOC);
394 }
396 /**
397 *
398 * @brief return the number of rows found by the last query, or the number
399 * of rows from $p_ret
400 * @param $p_ret is the result of a query, the default value is null, in that case
401 * it is related to the last query
402 * @note synomym for count()
403 */
405 function size($p_ret = null)
406 {
407 if ($p_ret == null)
408 return pg_num_rows($this->ret);
409 else
410 return pg_num_rows($p_ret);
411 }
413 /**
414 * @brief synomym for size()
415 */
417 function count($p_ret = null)
418 {
419 return $this->size($p_ret);
420 }
423 /**
424 *
425 * \brief return the value of the sql, the sql will return only one value
426 * with the value
427 * \param $p_sql the sql stmt example :select s_value from
428 * document_state where s_id=2
429 * \param $p_array if array is not null we use the ExecSqlParm (safer)
430 * \see exec_sql
431 * \note print a warning if several value are found, if only the first value is needed
432 * consider using a LIMIT clause
433 * \return only the first value or an empty string if nothing is found
434 */
436 function get_value($p_sql, $p_array = null)
437 {
438 try {
439 $this->ret = $this->exec_sql($p_sql, $p_array);
440 $r = pg_num_rows($this->ret);
441 if ($r == 0)
442 return "";
443 if ($r > 1) {
444 $array = pg_fetch_all($this->ret);
445 throw new Exception("Attention $p_sql retourne " . pg_num_rows($this->ret) . " valeurs " .
446 var_export($p_array, true) . " values=" . var_export($array, true));
447 }
448 $r = pg_fetch_row($this->ret, 0);
449 return $r[0];
451 } catch (Exception $ex) {
452 throw($ex);
453 }
454 }
456 /**
457 * @brief return the number of rows affected by the previous query
458 */
459 function get_affected()
460 {
461 return Database::num_row($this->ret);
462 }
464 /**
465 * \brief purpose return the result of a sql statment
466 * in a array
467 * \param $p_sql sql query
468 * \param $p_array if not null we use ExecSqlParam
469 * \return false if nothing is found
470 */
472 function get_array($p_sql, $p_array = null)
473 {
474 $r = $this->exec_sql($p_sql, $p_array);
476 if (pg_num_rows($r) == 0)
477 return array();
478 $array = pg_fetch_all($r);
479 return $array;
480 }
482 /**
483 * @brief Returns only one row from a query
484 * @param string $p_sql
485 * @param array $p_array
486 * @return array , idx = column of the table or null if nothing is found
487 * @throws Exception if too many rows are found code 100
488 */
489 function get_row($p_sql, $p_array = NULL)
490 {
491 $array = $this->get_array($p_sql, $p_array);
492 if (empty($array)) return null;
493 if (count($array) == 1) return $array[0];
494 throw new Exception(_("Database:get_row retourne trop de lignes"), 100);
495 }
497 /**
498 * @brief Create a sequence
499 * @param string $p_name Sequence Name
500 * @param int $min starting value
501 */
502 function create_sequence($p_name, $min = 1)
503 {
504 if ($min < 1)
505 $min = 1;
506 $sql = "create sequence " . $p_name . " minvalue $min";
507 $this->exec_sql($sql);
508 }
510 /**
511 * \brief test if a sequence exist */
512 /* \return true if the seq. exist otherwise false
513 */
515 function exist_sequence($p_name)
516 {
517 $r = $this->count_sql("select relname from pg_class where relname=lower($1)", array($p_name));
518 if ($r == 0)
519 return false;
520 return true;
521 }
523 /**
524 * \brief test if a table exist
525 * \param $p_name table name
526 * \param $schema name of the schema default public
527 * \return true if a table exist otherwise false
528 */
530 function exist_table($p_name, $p_schema = 'public')
531 {
532 $r = $this->count_sql("select table_name from information_schema.tables where table_schema=$1 and table_name=lower($2)", array($p_schema, $p_name));
533 if ($r == 0)
534 return false;
535 return true;
536 }
538 /**
539 * Check if a column exists in a table
540 * @param $col : column name
541 * @param $table :table name
542 * @param $schema :schema name, default public
543 * @return true or false
544 */
545 function exist_column($col, $table, $schema)
546 {
547 $r = $this->get_value('select count(*) from information_schema.columns where table_name=lower($1) and column_name=lower($2) and table_schema=lower($3)', array($col, $table, $schema));
548 if ($r > 0)
549 return true;
550 return false;
551 }
554 /**
555 * Count the database name in a system view
556 * @param $p_name string database name
557 * @return number of database found (normally 0 or 1)
558 */
559 function exist_database($p_name)
560 {
561 $database_exist = $this->get_value('select count(*)
562 from pg_catalog.pg_database where datname = lower($1)', array($p_name));
563 return $database_exist;
564 }
566 /**
567 * @brief check if the large object exists
568 * @param $p_oid of the large object
569 * @return return true if the large obj exist or false if not
570 */
571 function exist_blob($p_oid)
572 {
573 $r = $this->get_value('select count(*) from pg_largeobject_metadata where oid=$1'
574 , array($p_oid));
575 if ($r > 0)
576 return true;
577 else
578 return false;
579 }
581 /*
582 *!\brief test if a view exist
583 * \return true if the view. exist otherwise false
584 */
586 function exist_view($p_name)
587 {
588 $r = $this->count_sql("select viewname from pg_views where viewname=lower($1)", array($p_name));
589 if ($r == 0)
590 return false;
591 return true;
592 }
594 /***
595 * @brief test if a schema exists
596 * @return true if the schemas exists otherwise false
597 */
599 function exist_schema($p_name)
600 {
601 $r = $this->count_sql("select nspname from pg_namespace where nspname=lower($1)", array($p_name));
602 if ($r == 0)
603 return false;
604 return true;
605 }
607 /**
608 * \brief create a string containing the value separated by comma
609 * for use in a SQL in statement
610 * \return the string or empty if nothing is found
611 * \see fid_card.php
612 */
614 function make_list($sql, $p_array = null)
615 {
616 if ($p_array == null) {
617 $aArray = $this->get_array($sql);
618 } else {
619 $aArray = $this->get_array($sql, $p_array);
620 }
621 if (empty($aArray))
622 return "";
623 $aIdx = array_keys($aArray[0]);
624 $idx = $aIdx[0];
625 $ret = "";
626 $f = "";
627 for ($i = 0; $i < count($aArray); $i++) {
628 $row = $aArray[$i];
629 $ret .= $f . $aArray[$i][$idx];
630 $f = ',';
631 }
632 $ret = trim($ret, ',');
633 return $ret;
634 }
636 /**
637 * \brief make a array with the sql.
638 *
639 * \param $p_sql sql statement, only the first two column will be returned in
640 * an array. The first col. is the label and the second the value
641 * \param $p_null if the array start with a null value Yes = 1 , No=0
642 * \param $p_array is the array with the bind value
643 * \note this function is used with ISelect when it is needed to have a list of
644 * options.
645 * \return: a double array like
646 * \verbatim
647 * Array
648 * (
649 * [0] => Array
650 * (
651 * [value] => 1
652 * [label] => Marchandise A
653 * )
654 *
655 * [1] => Array
656 * (
657 * [value] => 2
658 * [label] => Marchandise B
659 * )
660 *
661 * [2] => Array
662 * (
663 * [value] => 3
664 * [label] => Marchandise C
665 * )
666 * )
667 * \endverbatim
668 * \see ISelect
669 */
671 function make_array($p_sql, $p_null = 0, $p_array = null)
672 {
673 $a = $this->exec_sql($p_sql, $p_array);
674 $max = pg_num_rows($a);
675 if ($max == 0 && $p_null == 0)
676 return null;
677 for ($i = 0; $i < $max; $i++) {
678 $row = pg_fetch_row($a);
679 $r[$i]['value'] = $row[0];
680 $r[$i]['label'] = h($row[1]);
681 }
682 // add a blank item ?
683 if ($p_null == 1) {
684 for ($i = $max; $i != 0; $i--) {
685 $r[$i]['value'] = $r[$i - 1]['value'];
686 $r[$i]['label'] = $r[$i - 1]['label'];
687 }
688 $r[0]['value'] = -1;
689 $r[0]['label'] = " ";
690 } // if ( $p_null == 1 )
692 return $r;
693 }
695 /***
696 * \brief Save a document into the database , it just puts the file in the database
697 * and returns the corresponding OID , the mimetype , size ... of the document
698 * must be set in the calling function.
699 *
700 * \param name of the variable in $_FILES
701 * \return $oid of the lob file if success
702 * false if a error occurs or if there is no file to upload
703 *
704 */
706 function upload($p_name)
707 {
708 /* there is no file to upload */
709 if ($_FILES[$p_name]["error"] == UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE) {
710 return false;
711 }
713 $new_name = tempnam($_ENV['TMP'], $p_name);
714 if ($_FILES[$p_name]["error"] > 0) {
715 print_r($_FILES);
716 echo_error(__FILE__ . ":" . __LINE__ . "Error: " . $_FILES[$p_name]["error"]);
717 return false;
718 }
719 if (strlen($_FILES[$p_name]['tmp_name']) != 0) {
720 if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES[$p_name]['tmp_name'], $new_name)) {
721 // echo "Image saved";
722 $oid = pg_lo_import($this->db, $new_name);
723 if ($oid == false) {
724 echo_error(__FILE__, __LINE__, "cannot upload document");
725 $this->rollback();
726 return false;
727 }
728 return $oid;
729 } else {
730 echo "<H1>Error</H1>";
731 $this->rollback();
732 return false;
733 }
734 }
735 return false;
736 }
738 /**
739 * \brief wrapper for the function pg_num_rows
740 * \param $ret is the result of a exec_sql
741 * \return number of line affected
742 */
744 static function num_row($ret)
745 {
746 return pg_num_rows($ret);
747 }
749 /**
750 * \brief wrapper for the function pg_fetch_array
751 * \param $ret is the result of a pg_exec
752 * \param $p_indice is the index
753 * \param $p_indice is the index
754 * \return $array of column
755 */
757 static function fetch_array($ret, $p_indice = 0,$p_mode=PGSQL_ASSOC)
758 {
759 return pg_fetch_array($ret, $p_indice,$p_mode);
760 }
762 /**
763 * \brief wrapper for the function pg_fetch_all
764 * \param $ret is the result of pg_exec (exec_sql)
765 * \return double array (row x col ) or false
766 */
768 static function fetch_all($ret)
769 {
770 return pg_fetch_all($ret,PGSQL_ASSOC);
771 }
773 /**
774 * \brief wrapper for the function pg_fetch_all
775 * \param $ret is the result of pg_exec (exec_sql)
776 * \param $p_row is the indice of the row
777 * \param $p_col is the indice of the col
778 * \return a string or an integer
779 */
781 static function fetch_result($ret, $p_row = 0, $p_col = 0)
782 {
783 return pg_fetch_result($ret, $p_row, $p_col);
784 }
786 /**
787 * \brief wrapper for the function pg_fetch_row
788 * \param $ret is the result of pg_exec (exec_sql)
789 * \param $p_row is the indice of the row
790 * \return an array indexed from 0
791 */
792 static function fetch_row($ret, $p_row)
793 {
794 return pg_fetch_row($ret, $p_row);
795 }
797 /**
798 * \brief wrapper for the function pg_lo_unlink
799 * \param $p_oid is the of oid
800 * \return return the result of the operation
801 */
803 function lo_unlink($p_oid)
804 {
805 if (!$this->exist_blob($p_oid)) return;
806 return pg_lo_unlink($this->db, $p_oid);
807 }
809 /**\brief wrapper for the function pg_prepare
810 * \param $p_string string name for pg_prepare function
811 * \param $p_sql is the sql to prepare
812 * \return return the result of the operation
813 */
815 function prepare($p_string, $p_sql)
816 {
817 return pg_prepare($this->db, $p_string, $p_sql);
818 }
820 /**
821 * \brief wrapper for the function pg_execute
822 * \param $p_string string name of the stmt given in pg_prepare function
823 * \param $p_array contains the variables
824 * \note set this->ret to the return of pg_execute
825 * \return return the result of the operation,
826 */
828 function execute($p_string, $p_array)
829 {
830 $this->ret = pg_execute($this->db, $p_string, $p_array);
831 return $this->ret;
832 }
834 /**
835 * \brief wrapper for the function pg_lo_export
836 * \param $p_oid is the oid of the log
837 * \param $tmp_file is the file
838 * \return result of the operation
839 */
841 function lo_export($p_oid, $tmp_file)
842 {
843 return pg_lo_export($this->db, $p_oid, $tmp_file);
844 }
846 /**
847 * \brief wrapper for the function pg_lo_export
848 * \param $p_filename is the filename
849 * \param $tmp is the file
850 * \return result of the operation
851 */
853 function lo_import($p_filename)
854 {
855 return pg_lo_import($this->db, $p_filename);
856 }
858 /**
859 * \brief wrapper for the function pg_escape_string
860 * \param $p_string is the string to escape
861 * \return escaped string
862 */
864 static function escape_string($p_string)
865 {
866 static $cn=null;
867 if ( $cn==null) $cn=new Database();
868 return pg_escape_string($cn->db,$p_string);
869 }
871 /**
872 * \brief wrapper for the function pg_close
873 */
875 function close()
876 {
877 if ($this->is_open) pg_close($this->db);
878 $this->is_open = FALSE;
879 }
881 /**
882 * \brief
883 * \param
884 * \return
885 * \note
886 * \see
887 */
889 function __toString()
890 {
891 return "database ";
892 }
894 static function test_me()
895 {
897 }
898 /**
899 * @brief get the transaction status :
900 * The status can be
901 * - PGSQL_TRANSACTION_IDLE (currently idle),
902 * - PGSQL_TRANSACTION_ACTIVE (a command is in progress),
903 * - PGSQL_TRANSACTION_INTRANS (idle, in a valid transaction block),
904 * - PGSQL_TRANSACTION_INERROR (idle, in a failed transaction block).
905 * - PGSQL_TRANSACTION_UNKNOWN is reported if the connection is bad.
906 * - PGSQL_TRANSACTION_ACTIVE is reported only when a query has been sent to the server
907 * and not yet completed.
909 */
910 function status()
911 {
912 return pg_transaction_status($this->db);
913 }
916 /**
917 * @brief Find all lob and remove those which are not used by any tables
918 *
919 */
921 {
922 // find all columns of type lob
923 $sql = "
924 select table_schema,table_name,column_name
925 from
926 information_schema.columns
927 where table_schema not in ('information_schema','pg_catalog')
928 and data_type='oid'";
929 $all_lob = "
930 select oid,'N' as used from pg_largeobject_metadata
931 ";
932 $a_table = $this->get_array($sql);
933 $a_lob = $this->get_array($all_lob);
934 if ($a_table == false || $a_lob == false) return;
935 // for each lob
936 $nb_lob = count($a_lob);
937 $nb_table = count($a_table);
938 for ($i = 0; $i < $nb_lob; $i++) {
939 $lob = $a_lob[$i]['oid'];
940 if ($a_lob[$i]['used'] == 'Y') continue;
941 for ($j = 0; $j < $nb_table; $j++) {
942 if ($a_lob[$i]['used'] == 'Y') continue;
943 $check = $this->get_value(" select count(*) from " .
944 $a_table[$j]['table_schema'] . "." . $a_table[$j]['table_name'] .
945 " where " .
946 $a_table[$j]['column_name'] . "=$1", array($lob));
947 if ($check != 0)
948 $a_lob[$i]['used'] = 'Y';
950 }
951 }
952 for ($i = 0; $i < $nb_lob; $i++) {
953 if ($a_lob[$i]['used'] == 'Y') continue;
954 $this->lo_unlink($a_lob[$i]['oid']);
955 }
956 }
958 /**
959 * @brief Check if a prepared statement already exists or not
960 * @param string $query_name name of the prepared query
961 * @return boolean false is not yet prepared
962 */
963 function is_prepare($query_name)
964 {
965 $nb_prepared = $this->get_value("select count(*) from pg_prepared_statements where name=$1", [$query_name]);
966 if ($nb_prepared == 0) return FALSE;
967 return TRUE;
968 }
970 /**
971 * @brief with the handle of a successull query, echo each row into CSV and
972 * send it directly
973 * @param type $ret handle to a query
974 * @param type $aheader double array, each item of the array contains
975 * a key type (num) and a key title
976 */
977 function query_to_csv($ret, $aheader)
978 {
979 $csv = new Noalyss_Csv("db-query");
980 $a_header = [];
981 for ($i = 0; $i < count($aheader); $i++) {
982 $a_header[] = $aheader[$i]['title'];
983 }
984 $csv->write_header($a_header);
986 // fetch all the rows
987 for ($i = 0; $i < Database::num_row($ret); $i++) {
989 // for each rows, for each value
990 for ($e = 0; $e < count($row) / 2; $e++) {
991 switch ($aheader[$e]['type']) {
992 case 'num':
993 $csv->add($row[$e], "number");
994 break;
995 default:
996 $csv->add($row[$e]);
997 }
998 }
999 $csv->write();
1000 }
1001 }
1002 /**
1003 * @brief Returns the number of columns in a ret
1004 * @param handler $p_ret handler to a query
1005 */
1006 static function nb_column($p_ret) {
1007 return pg_num_fields($p_ret);
1008 }
1009 /**
1010 * @brief FInd if a SQL Select has a SQL stmt to inject or damage Data
1011 * When a SELECT SQL string is build, this string could contain a SQL attempt to damage data,
1012 *so the statement DELETE TRUNCATE ... are forbidden. Throw an exception EXC_INVALID
1013 *
1014 */
1015 function search_sql_inject($p_sql)
1016 {
1017 $forbid_sql=array("update","delete","truncate","insert");
1018 // protect against SQL inject
1019 foreach ($forbid_sql as $forbid_key) {
1020 if (stripos($p_sql,$forbid_key) !== false)
1021 {
1022 throw new Exception(_("Possible SQL inject"),EXC_INVALID);
1023 }
1025 }
1026 }
1028 /**
1029 * @brief clear a prepare stmt
1030 * @see DatabaseCore::is_prepare
1031 * @see DatabaseCore::execute
1032 * @see DatabaseCore::prepare
1033 * @param $sql_name name of the prepare SQL
1034 */
1035 function clear_prepare($sql_name)
1036 {
1037 pg_exec($this->db,sprintf('DEALLOCATE "%s"'),DatabaseCore::escape_string($sql_name));
1038 }
1039 /**
1040 * @brief clear all prepare stmt
1041 * @see DatabaseCore::is_prepare
1042 * @see DatabaseCore::execute
1043 * @see DatabaseCore::prepare
1044 */
1046 {
1047 pg_exec($this->db,'DEALLOCATE ALL');
1048 }
1051/* test::test_me(); */
echo_error($p_log, $p_line="", $p_message="")
log error into the /tmp/noalyss_error.log it doesn't work on windows
Definition: ac_common.php:169
Record an error message into the log file of the server.
Definition: ac_common.php:1342
catch(Exception $exc) if(! $g_user->can_write_action($ag_id)) $r
h( $row[ 'oa_description'])
This class allow you to connect to the postgresql database, execute sql, retrieve data.
Commit the transaction.
: start a transaction
wrapper for the function pg_close
get_array($p_sql, $p_array=null)
purpose return the result of a sql statment in a array
make_list($sql, $p_array=null)
create a string containing the value separated by comma for use in a SQL in statement
static fetch_all($ret)
wrapper for the function pg_fetch_all
alter_seq($p_name, $min)
alter the sequence value
database connection
static escape_string($p_string)
wrapper for the function pg_escape_string
exist_column($col, $table, $schema)
Check if a column exists in a table.
lo_export($p_oid, $tmp_file)
wrapper for the function pg_lo_export
static fetch_result($ret, $p_row=0, $p_col=0)
wrapper for the function pg_fetch_all
last SQL stmt executed
execute($p_string, $p_array)
wrapper for the function pg_execute
rollback the current transaction
Check if a prepared statement already exists or not.
get_value($p_sql, $p_array=null)
return the value of the sql, the sql will return only one value with the value
return the number of rows found by the last query, or the number of rows from $p_ret
last SQL stmt executed
synomym for size()
test if a sequence exist
fetch the $p_indice array from the last query
get the next sequence value
clear all prepare stmt
make_array($p_sql, $p_null=0, $p_array=null)
make a array with the sql.
check if the large object exists
static fetch_row($ret, $p_row)
wrapper for the function pg_fetch_row
clear a prepare stmt
wrapper for the function pg_lo_export
FInd if a SQL Select has a SQL stmt to inject or damage Data When a SELECT SQL string is build,...
static fetch_array($ret, $p_indice=0, $p_mode=PGSQL_ASSOC)
wrapper for the function pg_fetch_array
get the transaction status : The status can be
return the number of rows affected by the previous query
get the current sequence value
create_sequence($p_name, $min=1)
Create a sequence.
exec_sql($p_string, $p_array=null)
send a sql string to the database
wrapper for the function pg_lo_unlink
last SQL stmt executed
Find all lob and remove those which are not used by any tables.
__construct($p_user, $p_password, $p_dbname, $p_host, $p_port)
static num_row($ret)
wrapper for the function pg_num_rows
return the name of the current database
Execute a sql script.
Count the database name in a system view.
query_to_csv($ret, $aheader)
with the handle of a successull query, echo each row into CSV and send it directly
count_sql($p_sql, $p_array=null)
Count the number of row returned by a sql statement.
exist_table($p_name, $p_schema='public')
test if a table exist
prepare($p_string, $p_sql)
wrapper for the function pg_prepare
static nb_column($p_ret)
Returns the number of columns in a ret.
get_row($p_sql, $p_array=NULL)
Returns only one row from a query.
contains the class for connecting to Noalyss
Manage the CSV : manage files and write CSV record.
Definition: constant.php:346
$SecUser db
Type of printing.
Definition: popup.php:125