noalyss Version-9
Go to the documentation of this file.
4 * This file is part of NOALYSS.
5 *
6 * PhpCompta is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9 * (at your option) any later version.
10 *
11 * PhpCompta is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14 * GNU General Public License for more details.
15 *
16 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17 * along with PhpCompta; if not, write to the Free Software
18 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
19 */
20// Copyright (2018) Author Dany De Bontridder <>
23 * @file
24 * @brief Currency thanks the view v_currency_last_value
25 */
26require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE.'/database/currency_sql.class.php';
27require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE.'/database/currency_history_sql.class.php';
30 * Manage the configuration of currency , add currency, rate, remove and update
31 * Concerned tables are v_currency_last_value_SQL , Currency_SQL , Currency_History_SQL
32 * currency_id = 0 for the default currency , -1 for a new one
33 */
37 /**
38 * constructor
39 * @param Data $p_table
40 * @example test_currency_mtable.php
41 */
43 {
44 parent::__construct($p_table);
46 // If currency , cannot be deleted
47 if ($this->is_currency_used($p_table->currency_id)==TRUE)
48 {
49 $this->set_delete_row(FALSE);
50 }
51 else
52 {
53 $this->set_delete_row(TRUE);
54 }
55 $this->set_property_visible("currency_id", FALSE);
56 $this->set_property_visible("currency_history_id", FALSE);
57 $this->set_col_label("cr_code_iso", "ISO");
58 $this->set_col_label("cr_name", _("Nom"));
59 $this->set_col_label('ch_value', _("Valeur"));
60 $this->set_col_label('str_from', _("Date"));
61 $this->set_col_type("str_from", "date");
62 $this->a_order=array("cr_code_iso", "currency_id", "currency_history_id", "cr_name", "ch_value", "str_from");
63 $this->set_icon_mod("first");
64 $this->set_sort_column("cr_code_iso");
65 }
67 /**
68 * returns TRUE the currency is used otherwise FALSE. We cannot delete a currency which is used in a
69 * operation
70 * @param integer $p_id currency_id
71 * @returns boolean true if currency is used
72 */
74 {
75 global $cn;
76 $cnt_used=$cn->get_value(" select count(*) from jrn where currency_id=$1",[$p_id]);
77 if ($cnt_used > 0)
78 {
79 return TRUE;
80 }
81 return FALSE;
82 }
83 /**
84 * Box to enter either a new currency or update a existing one
85 */
86 function input()
87 {
88 $record=$this->get_table();
89 $cr_code_iso=new IText("cr_code_iso", $record->cr_code_iso);
90 $cr_code_iso->size=10;
91 $cr_name=new IText("cr_name", $record->cr_name);
92 $cr_name->size=50;
93 $a_histo=$record->cn->get_array("select id,to_char(ch_from,'DD.MM.YYYY') as str_from,ch_value
94 from
95 currency_history
96 where
97 currency_id=$1", array($record->currency_id));
98 $new_rate_date=new IDate("new_rate_date");
99 $new_rate_value=new INum("new_rate_value");
100 $new_rate_value->prec=6;
101 if ($record->currency_id!=-1)
102 {
103 require NOALYSS_TEMPLATE."/currency_mtable_input.php";
104 }
105 else
106 {
107 require NOALYSS_TEMPLATE."/currency_mtable_input_new.php";
108 }
109 }
111 /**
112 * Check that the value are correct :
113 * - Code iso must be unique
114 * - Name cannot be empty
115 * - At least one rate
116 * - Date of the rate
117 * - code iso is max 10 char
118 * - name is max 80
119 * Default currency (id=0) cannot be changed
120 */
121 function check()
122 {
123 global $cn;
124 $table=$this->get_table();
125 $is_error=0;
126 if ( $table->currency_id == 0) {
127 $is_error++;
128 $this->set_error("cr_code_iso", _("Devise par défaut ne peut être changée"));
129 }
130 // ------ cr_code_iso can not be empty
131 if (trim($table->cr_code_iso)=="")
132 {
133 $is_error++;
134 $this->set_error("cr_code_iso", _("Code iso ne peut pas être vide"));
135 }
136 // ------ cr_name can not be empty
137 if (trim($table->cr_name)=="")
138 {
139 $is_error++;
140 $this->set_error("cr_name", _("Nom ne peut pas être vide"));
141 }
142 // ----- for new record than we need at leat a date + value
143 if ($table->currency_id==-1)
144 {
145 // -- for new record , we need a date + value
146 if (isDate($table->str_from)==0||trim($table->str_from)=="")
147 {
148 $is_error++;
149 $this->set_error("str_from", _("Date incorrecte, il faut au moins une valeur"));
150 }
151 if (isNumber($table->ch_value)==0||trim($table->ch_value)=="")
152 {
153 $is_error++;
154 $this->set_error("ch_value", _("Valeur incorrecte, il faut au moins une valeur"));
155 }
156 }
157 else
158 {
159 if (trim($table->str_from) =="" && trim($table->ch_value)=="")
160 {
161 // we don't add any new date
163 }
164 // -- for update, the date and value must be valid
165 elseif (trim($table->str_from)!=""&&trim($table->ch_value)!="")
166 {
167 if (isDate($table->str_from)==0)
168 {
169 $is_error++;
170 $this->set_error("str_from", _("Date incorrecte"));
171 }
172 if (isNumber($table->ch_value)==0)
173 {
174 $is_error++;
175 $this->set_error("ch_value", _("Valeur incorrecte"));
176 }
177 // Date must be the greatest
178 $count=$cn->get_value("select count(*)
179 from
180 currency_history
181 where
182 currency_id =$1
183 and ch_from >= to_date($2,'DD.MM.YYYY') ", array($table->currency_id, $table->str_from));
184 if ($count>0)
185 {
186 $is_error++;
187 $this->set_error("str_from", _("Date doit être après la dernière valeur"));
188 }
189 }
190 elseif (trim($table->str_from)!=""||trim($table->ch_value)!="")
191 {
192 $is_error++;
193 $this->set_error("str_from", _("Valeur manquante"));
194 }
195 }
196 //-- duplicate iso code
197 $cnt=$cn->get_value("select count(*) from currency where id != $1 and cr_code_iso=$2",
198 array($table->currency_id, $table->cr_code_iso));
199 if ($cnt>0)
200 {
201 $is_error++;
202 $this->set_error("cr_code_iso", _("Code ISO existe déjà"));
203 }
204 // - check size
205 if ( trim(mb_strlen($table->cr_code_iso))>10)
206 {
207 $is_error++;
208 $this->set_error("cr_code_iso", _("Code ISO trop long max = 10"));
209 }
210 // - check size
211 if ( trim(mb_strlen($table->cr_name))>80)
212 {
213 $is_error++;
214 $this->set_error("cr_name", _("Nom trop long max=80"));
215 }
216 if ( $table->ch_value != "" && ($table->ch_value < 0 || $table->ch_value == 0)) {
217 $is_error++;
218 $this->set_error("ch_value", _("Valeur incorrecte"));
219 }
220 if ($is_error==0)
221 {
222 return TRUE;
223 }
225 return FALSE;
226 }
228 /**
229 * Either insert a new currency + one rate or add a rate to an existing currency
230 */
231 function save()
232 {
234 try
235 {
236 $cn->start();
237 $record=$this->get_table();
239 if ($record->currency_id==-1)
240 {
241 // Append a new currency and a default value
243 $currency->setp("cr_code_iso", mb_strtoupper($record->cr_code_iso));
244 $currency->setp("cr_name", $record->cr_name);
245 $currency->insert();
247 $currency_history=new Currency_history_SQL($cn);
248 $currency_history->setp("ch_value", $record->ch_value);
249 $currency_history->setp("ch_from", $record->str_from);
250 $currency_history->setp("currency_id", $currency->id);
251 $currency_history->insert();
253 $this->table->currency_id=$currency->id;
254 $this->table->load();
255 }
256 else
257 {
258 // append a value in currency_historique and update currency
259 $currency=new Currency_SQL($cn, $record->currency_id);
260 $currency->setp("cr_code_iso", mb_strtoupper($record->cr_code_iso));
261 $currency->setp("cr_name", $record->cr_name);
262 $currency->update();
264 if ($record->str_from!="")
265 {
266 $currency_history=new Currency_history_SQL($cn);
267 $currency_history->setp("ch_value", $record->ch_value);
268 $currency_history->setp("ch_from", $record->str_from);
269 $currency_history->setp("currency_id", $currency->id);
270 $currency_history->insert();
271 }
272 }
273 $cn->commit();
274 }
275 catch (Exception $ex)
276 {
277 $cn->rollback();
278 throw ($ex);
279 }
280 }
281 /**
282 * Fill the object from request
283 * parameters :
284 * - cr_code_iso
285 * - cr_name
286 * - p_id
287 * - new_rate_date
288 * - new_rate_value
289 *
290 */
291 function from_request()
292 {
293 $http=new HttpInput();
294 $this->table->cr_code_iso=mb_strtoupper($http->request("cr_code_iso"));
295 $this->table->cr_name=$http->request("cr_name");
296 $this->table->currency_id=$http->request("p_id", "number");
297 $this->table->ch_value=$http->request("new_rate_value");
298 $this->table->str_from=$http->request("new_rate_date");
299 }
300 /**
301 *
302 * We cannot modify the default currency (id := 0)
303 */
304 function display_row($p_row)
305 {
306 if ($p_row['currency_id']==0)
307 {
308 $this->set_update_row(FALSE);
309 $this->set_delete_row(FALSE);
310 parent::display_row($p_row);
311 return;
312 }
313 if ($this->is_currency_used($p_row['currency_id'])==TRUE)
314 {
315 $this->set_delete_row(FALSE);
316 } else {
317 $this->set_delete_row(TRUE);
319 }
321 $this->set_update_row(TRUE);
322 parent::display_row($p_row);
323 }
324 /**
325 * Delete after checking the currency is not used
326 */
327 function delete()
328 {
329 $id=$this->get_table()->currency_id;
330 if ( $this->is_currency_used($id) == FALSE) $this->table->delete();
331 }
Definition: ac_common.php:215
Definition: ac_common.php:236
Manage the configuration of currency , add currency, rate, remove and update Concerned tables are v_c...
We cannot modify the default currency (id := 0)
Either insert a new currency + one rate or add a rate to an existing currency.
__construct(V_Currency_Last_Value_SQL $p_table)
Fill the object from request parameters :
Box to enter either a new currency or update a existing one.
Check that the value are correct :
returns TRUE the currency is used otherwise FALSE.
abstract of the table public.currency
abstract of the table public.currency_history
static connect()
manage the http input (get , post, request) and extract from an array
Html Input : Input a date format The property title should be set to indicate what it is e...
Definition: idate.class.php:34
This class handles only the numeric input, the input will call a javascript to change comma to period...
Definition: inum.class.php:42
Html Input.
Definition: itext.class.php:30
Purpose is to propose a librairy to display a table content and allow to update and delete row ,...
Set the icon to modify at the right ,the first col or left of the row, if the mod if custom ,...
Enable or disable the deletion of rows.
set_col_type($p_key, $p_value, $p_array=NULL)
set the type of a column , it will change in the input db box , the select must supply an array of po...
Enable or disable the updating of rows.
set the column to sort by default
set_property_visible($p_key, $p_value)
set a column of the data row visible or not
set_error($p_col, $p_message)
set the error message for a wrong input
set_col_label($p_key, $p_display)
set the name to display for a column
$all table
if( $delta< 0) elseif( $delta==0)