noalyss Version-9
Go to the documentation of this file.
4 * Copyright (C) 2017 Dany De Bontridder <>
5 *
6 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
7 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
8 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
9 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
10 *
11 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14 * GNU General Public License for more details.
15 *
16 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
18 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
19 */
23 * @file
24 * @brief class Acc_Plan_MTabme
25 * @see Acc_Plan_MTabme
26 *
27 */
28require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE.'/database/acc_plan_sql.class.php';
30 * @brief this instance extends Manage_Table_SQL and aims to manage
31 * the Table tmp_pcmn thanks a web interface (add , delete, display...)
32 *
33 * @see Acc_Plan_SQL
34 */
37 function __construct(Acc_Plan_SQL $p_table)
38 {
39 $this->table = $p_table;
40 parent::__construct($p_table);
41 //--------------------------------------------------------------
42 //Set the table header
43 //--------------------------------------------------------------
44 $this->set_col_label("pcm_val", _("Poste Comptable"));
45 $this->set_col_label("pcm_type", _("Type"));
46 $this->set_col_label("pcm_lib", _("Libellé"));
47 $this->set_col_label("parent_accounting", _("Dépend"));
48 $this->set_col_label("fiche_qcode", _("Fiche"));
49 $this->set_col_label("pcm_direct_use", _("Utilisation directe"));
50 //--------------------------------------------------------------
51 $this->set_property_visible("id", FALSE);
52 $this->set_property_updatable("fiche_qcode", FALSE);
53 $this->set_col_type("pcm_type", "select", [
54 ["label"=>_("Actif"),"value"=>"ACT"],
55 ["label"=>_("Actif inversé"),"value"=>"ACTINV"],
56 ["label"=>_("Passif"),"value"=>"PAS"],
57 ["label"=>_("Passif Inversé"),"value"=>"PASINV"],
58 ["label"=>_("Charge"),"value"=>"CHA"],
59 ["label"=>_("Charge inversé"),"value"=>"CHAINV"],
60 ["label"=>_("Produit"),"value"=>"PRO"],
61 ["label"=>_("Produit inversé"),"value"=>"PROINV"],
62 ["label"=>_("Contexte"),"value"=>"CON"]
63 ]);
64 $this->set_col_type("pcm_direct_use", "select",
65 array(["label" => _("Oui"), "value" => "Y"], ["label" => "Non", "value" => "N"]));
66 $this->set_col_type("pcm_val", "custom");
67 $this->a_order = ["pcm_val", "pcm_lib", "parent_accounting", "pcm_direct_use", "pcm_type", "fiche_qcode"];
68 $this->set_icon_mod("first");
69 $this->set_dialogbox_style(["width"=>"auto"]);
70 }
72 /**
73 * @brief Display a row
74 * @param type $p_row array of value key column=>value
75 */
76 function display_row($p_row)
77 {
78 printf('<tr id="%s_%s">',
79 $this->object_name,
80 $p_row[$this->table->primary_key])
81 ;
84 $nb_order=count($this->a_order);
85 for ($i=0; $i<$nb_order; $i++)
86 {
87 $v=$this->a_order[$i];
88 $nb=0;
90 $nb_used=$cn->get_value("select count(*) from jrnx where j_poste=$1",[$p_row['pcm_val']]);
91 $nb_plan=$cn->get_value("select count(*) from tmp_pcmn where pcm_val_parent=$1",[$p_row['pcm_val']]);
92 $nb=$nb_used+$nb_plan;
93 if ($v=="pcm_val")
94 {
95 $js=sprintf("onclick=\"%s.input('%s','%s');\"", $this->object_name,
96 $p_row[$this->table->primary_key], $this->object_name);
97 echo sprintf('<td sort_type="text" sort_value="X%s">%s',
98 htmlspecialchars($p_row[$v]),
99 HtmlInput::anchor($p_row[$v], "", $js)).
100 '</td>';
101 }
102 elseif ($v == "fiche_qcode") {
103 $count=$this->table->cn->get_value("select count(*) from fiche_detail where ad_id=5 and ad_value=$1"
104 ,array($p_row['pcm_val']));
105 if ($count == 0) echo td("");
106 elseif ($count == 1 ) {
107 echo '<td>';
108 echo HtmlInput::card_detail($p_row[$v]) ;
109 echo '</td>';
111 }
112 elseif ($count > 1) {
113 echo '<td>';
114 $a_code=explode(",",$p_row[$v]);
115 $nb_code=count($a_code);
116 for ($xx = 0;$xx < $nb_code;$xx++)
117 {
118 echo HtmlInput::card_detail($a_code[$xx],'','style="display:inline"')."," ;
119 }
120 echo " ($count) ";
121 echo Icon_Action::more(uniqid(), sprintf("display_all_card('%s','%s')",
122 $dossier_id,$p_row["pcm_val"]));
123 echo '</td>';
125 }
126 }
127 elseif ($v=="pcm_lib")
128 {
130 if ( $nb >0){
131 echo "<td>";
132 if ($nb_used > 0) {
133 $used=sprintf (' (%s)',$nb_used);
134 echo HtmlInput::history_account($p_row['pcm_val'],h($p_row["pcm_lib"].$used));
135 } else {
136 echo h($p_row["pcm_lib"]);
137 }
138 echo "</td>";
139 } else {
140 echo td($p_row[$v]);
141 }
143 }
144 else
145 {
146 if ( ! $this->get_property_visible($v)) continue;
147 echo td($p_row[$v]);
148 }
149 }
150 if ( $nb == 0 ) $this->display_icon_del($p_row);
151 else echo td("&nbsp;");
154 echo '</tr>';
155 }
157 /**
158 * @brief Check that the entered data are valid before recording them into
159 * tmp_pcmn, the errors are stored into this->a_error and if someting wrong
160 * is found it returns false, if the data can be saved it returns true
161 * @return return false if an error is found,
162 */
163 function check()
164 {
166 $count=$cn->get_value("select count(*) from tmp_pcmn where pcm_val = $1 and id <> $2",
167 array($this->table->pcm_val,$this->table->id));
168 if ($count > 0 ) {
169 $this->set_error("pcm_val", _("Poste comptable est unique"));
170 }
171 if ( trim($this->table->pcm_val) == "") {
172 $this->set_error("pcm_val", _("Poste comptable ne peut être vide"));
173 }
174 // Check size
175 if ( noalyss_strlentrim($this->table->pcm_val) > 40) {
176 $this->set_error("pcm_val", _("Poste comptable trop long"));
177 }
178 if ( trim($this->table->parent_accounting) == "") {
179 $this->set_error("parent_accounting", _("Poste comptable dépendant ne peut pas être vide"));
180 }
181 /**
182 * Check that the parent accounting does exist
183 */
184 $exist_parent=$cn->get_value("select count(*) from tmp_pcmn where pcm_val = $1 ",
185 array($this->table->parent_accounting));
186 if ($exist_parent == 0) {
187 $this->set_error("parent_accounting", _("Compte parent n'existe pas"));
188 }
189 /**
190 * check that accounting is not already used
191 */
192 $old_accounting = $cn->get_value("select pcm_val from tmp_pcmn where id = $1",
193 array($this->table->id));
194 // it is not a new accounting and is different
195 if ($old_accounting != "" && $old_accounting != $this->table->pcm_val) {
196 // count it is used
197 if ($cn->get_value("select count(*) from jrnx where j_poste=$1",
198 [$old_accounting]) > 0) {
199 $this->set_error("pcm_val", _("Poste utilisé"));
200 }
201 }
202 if (count($this->aerror) > 0) return false;
203 return true;
204 }
206 /**
207 * @brief display into a dialog box the datarow in order
208 * to be appended or modified. Can be override if you need
209 * a more complex form
210 */
211 function input()
212 {
213 parent::input();
215 echo HtmlInput::button_action(_("Toutes les fiches") , sprintf("display_all_card('%s','%s')",$dossier_id,$this->table->pcm_val));
216 }
218 /**
219 * if pcm_val already used then it cannot be modified
220 *
221 * @param $p_key always pcm_val
222 * @param $p_value current value of pcm_val
223 * @return nothing|void
224 */
225 function input_custom($p_key, $p_value)
226 {
227 $readonly=true;
229 if (
230 $p_value == "" ||
231 ($p_value !="" && $cn->get_value("select count(*) from jrnx where j_poste=$1",[$p_value]) == 0 )
232 )
233 {
234 $readonly=false;
235 }
236 $text=new IText($p_key);
237 $text->setReadOnly($readonly);
238 $text->value=$p_value;
239 $min_size=(strlen($p_value)<30)?30:strlen($p_value)+5;
240 $text->size=$min_size;
241 echo $text->input();
242 }
Definition: ac_common.php:1549
td($p_string='', $p_extra='')
surround the string with td
Definition: ac_common.php:83
h( $row[ 'oa_description'])
Definition: ajax_poste.php:43
this instance extends Manage_Table_SQL and aims to manage the Table tmp_pcmn thanks a web interface (...
Check that the entered data are valid before recording them into tmp_pcmn, the errors are stored into...
display into a dialog box the datarow in order to be appended or modified.
input_custom($p_key, $p_value)
if pcm_val already used then it cannot be modified
Display a row.
__construct(Acc_Plan_SQL $p_table)
this class is above tmp_pcmn_sql and is a view of tmp_pcmn
static id()
return the 'gDossier' value after a check
static connect()
static history_account($p_account, $p_mesg, $p_style="", $p_exercice="")
display a div with the history of the account
static card_detail($p_qcode, $pname='', $p_style="", $p_nohistory=false, $nofollowup=false)
show the detail of a card
static anchor($p_text, $p_url="", $p_js="", $p_style=' class="line" ', $p_title="click", array $p_attribute=[])
Return a simple anchor with a url or a javascript if $p_js is not null then p_url will be javascript:...
static button_action($action, $javascript, $id=NULL, $p_class="button", $p_symbole="")
button Html with javascript
Html Input.
Definition: itext.class.php:30
static more($p_id, $p_javascript)
Purpose is to propose a librairy to display a table content and allow to update and delete row ,...
Set the icon to modify at the right ,the first col or left of the row, if the mod if custom ,...
set_property_updatable($p_key, $p_value)
set a column of the data row updatable or not
set_col_type($p_key, $p_value, $p_array=NULL)
set the type of a column , it will change in the input db box , the select must supply an array of po...
return True if the column is visible otherwise false
Dialog box style , by default {position: "fixed", top: '15', width: "auto", "margin-left": "20%"}.
set_property_visible($p_key, $p_value)
set a column of the data row visible or not
set_error($p_col, $p_message)
set the error message for a wrong input
set_col_label($p_key, $p_display)
set the name to display for a column
$all table
if( $delta< 0) elseif( $delta==0)