noalyss Version-9
Go to the documentation of this file.
4 * This file is part of NOALYSS.
5 *
6 * PhpCompta is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9 * (at your option) any later version.
10 *
11 * NOALYSS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14 * GNU General Public License for more details.
15 *
16 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17 * along with PhpCompta; if not, write to the Free Software
18 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
19 */
20// Copyright (2018) Author Dany De Bontridder <>
23 * @file
24 * @brief class for Ledger's history, list of operation for MISC, FIN, ACH and VEN
25 *
26 */
29 * @brief manage the list of operation when we need several ledger with a different
30 * type or from Misceleaneous ledger
31 * @include acc_ledger_historyTest.php
32 */
36 private $data; //!< array of rows
38 /**
39 * Constructor
40 * @param Database $cn
41 * @param type $pa_ledger
42 * @param type $p_from
43 * @param type $p_to
44 * @param type $p_mode
45 * @example acc_ledger_historyTest.php
46 */
48 function __construct(Database $cn, $pa_ledger, $p_from, $p_to, $p_mode)
49 {
50 parent::__construct($cn, $pa_ledger, $p_from, $p_to, $p_mode);
51 $this->data=[];
52 $this->ledger_type='ODS';
53 }
55 /**
56 * @brief get_detail gives the detail of row
57 * this array must contains at least the field
58 * <ul>
59 * <li> montant</li>
60 * <li> grpt_id
61 * </ul>
62 * the following field will be added
63 * <ul>
64 * <li> HTVA
65 * <li> TVAC
66 * <li> TVA array with
67 * <ul>
68 * <li> field 0 idx
69 * <li> array containing tva_id,tva_label and tva_amount
70 * </ul>
71 * </ul>
72 *
73 * @paramp_array the structure is set in get_rowSimple, this array is
74 * modified,
75 @verbatim
76 jrn.jr_id as jr_id ,
77 jrn.jr_id as num ,
78 jrn.jr_def_id as jr_def_id,
79 jrn.jr_montant as montant,
80 substr(jrn.jr_comment,1,35) as comment,
81 to_char(jrn.jr_date,'DD-MM-YYYY') as date,
82 to_char(jrn.jr_date_paid,'DD-MM-YYYY') as date_paid,
83 jr_pj_number,
84 jr_internal,
85 jrn.jr_grpt_id as grpt_id,
86 jrn.jr_pj_name as pj,
87 jrn_def_type,
88 jrn.jr_tech_per
89 @endverbatim
90 *
91 * @param $trunc if the data must be truncated, usefull for pdf export
92 * @paramp_jrn_type is the type of the ledger (ACH or VEN)
93 * @param $a_TVA TVA Array (default null)
94 * @param $a_ParmCode Array (default null)
95 *
96 * @todo useless since only 2 modes are supported : oneline and extended (accounting writing) but
97 * can be used for ledger before 2007
98 * \return p_array
99 */
100 function get_detail(&$p_array, $p_jrn_type, $trunc=0, $a_TVA=null,
101 $a_ParmCode=null)
102 {
103 bcscale(2);
105 if ($a_TVA==null)
106 {
107 //Load TVA array
108 $a_TVA=$this->db->get_array('select tva_id,tva_label,tva_poste
109 from tva_rate where tva_rate != 0 order by tva_rate,tva_label,tva_id');
110 }
111 if ($a_ParmCode==null)
112 {
113 //Load Parm_code
114 $a_ParmCode=$this->db->get_array('select p_code,p_value from parm_code');
115 }
116 // init
117 $p_array['client']="";
118 $p_array['TVAC']=0;
119 $p_array['HTVA']=0;
120 $p_array['TVA']=array();
121 $p_array['AMOUNT_TVA']=0.0;
122 $p_array['dep_priv']=0;
123 $p_array['dna']=0;
124 $p_array['tva_dna']=0;
125 $p_array['tva_np']=0;
126 $dep_priv=0.0;
129 // if using the QUANT_* tables then get there the needed info
130 //
131 if ($this->use_quant_table($p_array['grpt_id'], $p_array['jrn_def_type'])
132 ==TRUE)
133 {
134 // Initialize amount for VAT
135 $nb_tva=count($a_TVA);
136 for ($i=0; $i<$nb_tva; $i++)
137 {
138 $p_array['TVA'][$i]=array($i,
139 array(
140 $a_TVA[$i]['tva_id'],
141 $a_TVA[$i]['tva_label'],
142 0)
143 );
144 }
145 switch ($p_array['jrn_def_type'])
146 {
147 case "ACH":
148 $sql="select
149 sum(coalesce(qp_price,0)) as htva,
150 sum(coalesce(qp_vat)) as vat,
151 sum(coalesce(qp_nd_tva)) as nd_tva,
152 sum(coalesce(qp_nd_tva_recup)) as nd_tva_recup,
153 sum(coalesce(qp_dep_priv)) as dep_priv,
154 qp_vat_code as tva_code,
155 qp_supplier as fiche_id,
156 qp_vat_sided as tva_sided
157 from
158 quant_purchase
159 where
160 qp_internal=$1
161 group by qp_supplier,qp_vat_code,qp_vat_sided ";
162 break;
163 case "VEN":
164 $sql="select
165 sum(coalesce(qs_price,0)) as htva,
166 sum(coalesce(qs_vat)) as vat,
167 sum(0) as nd_tva,
168 sum(0) as nd_tva_recup,
169 sum(0) as dep_priv,
170 qs_vat_code as tva_code,
171 qs_client as fiche_id,
172 qs_vat_sided as tva_sided
173 from
174 quant_sold
175 where
176 qs_internal=$1
177 group by qs_client,qs_vat_code,qs_vat_sided ";
178 break;
180 default:
181 break;
182 }
183 $a_detail=$this->db->get_array($sql, array($p_array['jr_internal']));
184 $nb_detail=count($a_detail);
185 for ($x=0; $x<$nb_detail; $x++)
186 {
187 $p_array['HTVA']=bcadd($p_array['HTVA'], $a_detail[$x]['htva']);
188 $p_array['tva_dna']=bcadd($p_array['tva_dna'],
189 $a_detail[$x]['nd_tva_recup']);
190 $p_array['tva_dna']=bcadd($p_array['tva_dna'],
191 $a_detail[$x]['nd_tva']);
192 $p_array['TVAC']=bcadd($p_array['TVAC'], $a_detail[$x]['htva']);
193 if ($a_detail[$x]['tva_sided']==0)
194 $p_array['TVAC']=bcadd($p_array['TVAC'],
195 $a_detail[$x]['vat']);
196 $p_array['TVAC']=bcadd($p_array['TVAC'], $a_detail[$x]['nd_tva']);
197 $p_array['TVAC']=bcadd($p_array['TVAC'],
198 $a_detail[$x]['nd_tva_recup']);
199 $p_array['dep_priv']=bcadd($p_array['dep_priv'],
200 $a_detail[$x]['dep_priv']);
201 $xdx=$a_detail[$x]['tva_code'];
202 // $p_array['TVA'][$xdx]=bcadd($p_array['TVA'][$xdx],$a_detail[$x]['vat']);
203 //--- Put VAT in the right place in the array $a_TVA
204 $nb_tva=count($a_TVA);
205 for ($j=0; $j<$nb_tva; $j++)
206 {
207 if ($xdx==$p_array['TVA'][$j][1][0])
208 {
209 $p_array['TVA'][$j][1][2]=bcadd($p_array['TVA'][$j][1][2],
210 $a_detail[$x]['vat']);
211 }
212 }
213 }
214 $fiche=new Fiche($this->db, $a_detail[0]['fiche_id']);
215 $p_array['client']=($trunc==0)?$fiche->getName():mb_substr($fiche->getName(),
216 0, 20);
217 return $p_array;
218 }
219 //
220 // Retrieve data from jrnx
221 // Order is important for TVA autoreversed
222 $sql="select j_id,j_poste,j_montant, j_debit,j_qcode from jrnx where ".
223 " j_grpt=$1 order by 1 desc";
224 $Res2=$this->db->exec_sql($sql, array($p_array['grpt_id']));
225 $data_jrnx=Database::fetch_all($Res2);
226 $c=0;
228 // Parse data from jrnx and fill diff. field
229 if ( $data_jrnx == FALSE ){
230 $data_jrnx=[];
231 }
232 foreach ($data_jrnx as $code)
233 {
234 $idx_tva=0;
235 $poste=new Acc_Account_Ledger($this->db, $code['j_poste']);
237 // if card retrieve name if the account is not a VAT account
238 if (noalyss_strlentrim($code['j_qcode'])!=0&&$poste->isTva()==0)
239 {
240 $fiche=new Fiche($this->db);
241 $fiche->get_by_qcode(trim($code['j_qcode']), false);
242 $fiche_def_id=$fiche->get_fiche_def_ref_id();
243 // Customer or supplier
244 if ($fiche_def_id==FICHE_TYPE_CLIENT||
245 $fiche_def_id==FICHE_TYPE_FOURNISSEUR||$fiche_def_id==FICHE_TYPE_ADM_TAX)
246 {
247 $p_array['TVAC']=$code['j_montant'];
249 $p_array['client']=($trunc==0)?$fiche->getName():mb_substr($fiche->getName(),
250 0, 20);
251 $p_array['reversed']=false;
252 if ($fiche_def_id==FICHE_TYPE_CLIENT&&$code['j_debit']=='f')
253 {
254 $p_array['reversed']=true;
255 $p_array['TVAC']*=-1;
256 }
257 if ($fiche_def_id==FICHE_TYPE_ADM_TAX&&$code['j_debit']=='f')
258 {
259 $p_array['reversed']=true;
260 $p_array['TVAC']*=-1;
261 }
262 if ($fiche_def_id==FICHE_TYPE_FOURNISSEUR&&$code['j_debit']=='t')
263 {
264 $p_array['reversed']=true;
265 $p_array['TVAC']*=-1;
266 }
267 }
268 else
269 {
270 // if we use the ledger ven / ach for others card than supplier and customer
271 if ($fiche_def_id!=FICHE_TYPE_VENTE&&
272 $fiche_def_id!=FICHE_TYPE_ACH_MAR&&
273 $fiche_def_id!=FICHE_TYPE_ACH_SER&&
274 $fiche_def_id!=FICHE_TYPE_ACH_MAT
275 )
276 {
277 $p_array['TVAC']=$code['j_montant'];
279 $p_array['client']=($trunc==0)?$fiche->getName():mb_substr($fiche->getName(),
280 0, 20);
281 $p_array['reversed']=false;
282 if ($p_jrn_type=='ACH'&&$code['j_debit']=='t')
283 {
284 $p_array['reversed']=true;
285 $p_array['TVAC']*=-1;
286 }
287 if ($p_jrn_type=='VEN'&&$code['j_debit']=='f')
288 {
289 $p_array['reversed']=true;
290 $p_array['TVAC']*=-1;
291 }
292 }
293 }
294 }
295 // if TVA, load amount, tva id and rate in array
296 foreach ($a_TVA as $line_tva)
297 {
298 list($tva_deb, $tva_cred)=explode(',', $line_tva['tva_poste']);
299 if ($code['j_poste']==$tva_deb||
300 $code['j_poste']==$tva_cred)
301 {
303 // For the reversed operation
304 if ($p_jrn_type=='ACH'&&$code['j_debit']=='f')
305 {
306 $code['j_montant']=-1*$code['j_montant'];
307 }
308 if ($p_jrn_type=='VEN'&&$code['j_debit']=='t')
309 {
310 $code['j_montant']=-1*$code['j_montant'];
311 }
313 $p_array['AMOUNT_TVA']+=$code['j_montant'];
315 $p_array['TVA'][$c]=array($idx_tva, array($line_tva['tva_id'],
316 $line_tva['tva_label'], $code['j_montant']));
317 $c++;
319 $idx_tva++;
320 }
321 }
323 // isDNA
324 // If operation is reversed then amount are negatif
325 /* if ND */
326 if ($p_array['jrn_def_type']=='ACH')
327 {
328 $qp_id=$this->get_value("select qp_id from quant_purchase where j_id=$1",[$code['j_id']]);
329 $purchase=new Quant_Purchase_SQL($this->db,$qp_id);
331 $dep_priv=bcadd ($dep_priv,$purchase->qp_dep_priv);
332 $p_array['dep_priv']=$dep_priv;
333 $p_array['dna']=bcadd($p_array['dna'], $purchase->qp_nd_amount);
334 $p_array['tva_dna']=bcadd($p_array['tva_dna'],
335 bcadd($purchase->qp_nd_tva, $purchase->qp_nd_tva_recup));
336 $p_array['tva_np']=bcadd($purchase->qp_vat_sided,
337 $p_array['tva_np']);
338 }
339 if ($p_array['jrn_def_type']=='VEN')
340 {
341 $qs_id=$this->db->get_value("select qs_id from quant_sold where j_id=$1",array($code['j_id']));
342 $sold=new Quant_Sold_SQL($this->db,$qs_id);
343 $p_array['tva_np']=bcadd($sold->qs_vat_sided, $p_array['tva_np']);
344 }
345 }
346 $p_array['TVAC']=sprintf('% 10.2f', $p_array['TVAC']);
347 $p_array['HTVA']=sprintf('% 10.2f',
348 $p_array['TVAC']-$p_array['AMOUNT_TVA']-$p_array['tva_dna']);
349 $r="";
350 $a_tva_amount=array();
351 // inline TVA (used for the PDF)
352 foreach ($p_array['TVA'] as $linetva)
353 {
354 foreach ($a_TVA as $tva)
355 {
356 if ($tva['tva_id']==$linetva[1][0])
357 {
358 $a=$tva['tva_id'];
359 $a_tva_amount[$a]=$linetva[1][2];
360 }
361 }
362 }
363 foreach ($a_TVA as $line_tva)
364 {
365 $a=$line_tva['tva_id'];
366 if (isset($a_tva_amount[$a]))
367 {
368 $tmp=sprintf("% 10.2f", $a_tva_amount[$a]);
369 $r.="$tmp";
370 }
371 else
372 $r.=sprintf("% 10.2f", 0);
373 }
374 $p_array['TVA_INLINE']=$r;
376 return $p_array;
377 }
379 /**
380 * @brief depending on the mode will call the right function
381 * - export_oneline_html for one line (mode=L)
382 * - export_accounting_html for accounting (mode=A,D,E)
383 */
384 function export_html()
385 {
386 switch ($this->m_mode)
387 {
388 case "E":
389 $this->export_accounting_html();
390 break;
391 case "D":
392 $this->export_accounting_html();
393 break;
394 case "L":
395 $this->export_oneline_html();
396 break;
397 case "A":
398 $this->export_accounting_html();
399 break;
400 default:
401 break;
402 }
403 }
405 /**
406 * @brief Get simplified row from ledger
407 *
408 * @param p_from periode
409 * @param p_to periode
410 * @param p_limit starting line
411 * @param p_offset number of lines
412 * @param trunc if data must be truncated (pdf export)
413 * @todo Prévoir aussi les journaux sans tables quant < 2007
414 * @return numbe of rows found
415 */
416 function get_rowSimple($trunc=0, $p_limit=-1, $p_offset=-1)
417 {
418 global $g_user;
419 $jrn=" jrn_def_id in (".join(',',$this->ma_ledger).")";
421 $periode=sql_filter_per($this->db, $this->m_from, $this->m_to, 'p_id',
422 'jr_tech_per');
424 $cond_limite=($p_limit!=-1)?" limit ".$p_limit." offset ".$p_offset:"";
425 //---
426 $sql="
427 SELECT jrn.jr_id as jr_id ,
428 jrn.jr_id as num ,
429 jrn.jr_def_id as jr_def_id,
430 jrn.jr_montant as montant,
431 substr(jrn.jr_comment,1,35) as comment,
432 to_char(jrn.jr_date,'DD-MM-YYYY') as date,
433 to_char(jrn.jr_date_paid,'DD-MM-YYYY') as date_paid,
434 jr_pj_number,
435 jr_internal,
436 jrn.jr_grpt_id as grpt_id,
437 jrn.jr_pj_name as pj,
438 jrn_def_type,
439 jrn.jr_tech_per,
440 jrn.currency_id,
441 jrn.currency_rate,
442 jrn.currency_rate_ref,
443 currency.cr_code_iso,
444 coalesce(sum_ocamount,0) as sum_ocamount,
445 coalesce(sum_ocvat_amount,0) as sum_ocvat_amount
446 FROM jrn join jrn_def on (jrn_def_id=jr_def_id)
447 join currency on (
448 left join (
449 select jrn2.jr_id , sum(coalesce(oc_amount,0)) as sum_ocamount,sum(coalesce(oc_vat_amount,0)) as sum_ocvat_amount
450 from operation_currency
451 join jrnx using (j_id)
452 join jrn as jrn2 on (j_grpt=jrn2.jr_grpt_Id)
453 where
454 j_id in (select j_id from jrnx where j_grpt=jrn2.jr_grpt_id)
455 group by jr_id
456 ) as OC1 using (jr_id)
457 WHERE $periode and $jrn order by jr_date,substring(jrn.jr_pj_number,'[0-9]+$')::numeric asc $cond_limite";
458 $Res=$this->db->exec_sql($sql);
460 if ($Max==0)
461 {
462 return 0;
463 }
464// @todo Pas nécessaire puisqu'on ne traite que les journaux d'opération diverses,
465// Il faudrait p-e prévoir un système pour les journaux avant 2007 qui n'utilisaient
466// pas les tables quant
468// $type=$this->get_type();
469// // for type ACH and Ven we take more info
470// if ($type=='ACH'||$type=='VEN')
471// {
472// $a_ParmCode=$this->db->get_array('select p_code,p_value from parm_code');
473// $a_TVA=$this->db->get_array('select tva_id,tva_label,tva_poste
474// from tva_rate where tva_rate != 0 order by tva_rate,tva_label,tva_id ');
475// for ($i=0; $i<$Max; $i++)
476// {
477// $array[$i]=Database::fetch_array($Res, $i);
478// $p=$this->get_detail($array[$i], $type, $trunc, $a_TVA,
479// $a_ParmCode);
480// if ($array[$i]['dep_priv']!=0.0)
481// {
482// $array[$i]['comment'].="(priv. ".$array[$i]['dep_priv'].")";
483// }
484// }
485// }
486// else
487// {
489// }
491 $this->data=$array;
492 return $Max;
493 }
495 /**
496 * @brief set $this->data with the array of rows
497 *
498 *
499 * @param p_limit starting line
500 * @param p_offset number of lines
501 * @returns nb of rows found
502 *
503 */
504 function get_row($p_limit=-1, $p_offset=-1)
505 {
506 global $g_user;
507 $periode=sql_filter_per($this->db, $this->m_from, $this->m_to, 'p_id',
508 'jr_tech_per');
510 $cond_limite=($p_limit!=-1)?" limit ".$p_limit." offset ".$p_offset:"";
512 $ledger_list=join( ",",$this->ma_ledger);
513// Grand livre == 0
514 $Res=$this->db->exec_sql("select jr_id,j_id,j_id as int_j_id,to_char(j_date,'DD.MM.YYYY') as j_date,
515 jr_internal,
516 case j_debit when 't' then j_montant else 0 end as deb_montant,
517 case j_debit when 'f' then j_montant else 0 end as cred_montant,
518 j_debit as debit,j_poste as poste,j_qcode,jr_montant , ".
519 "case when j_text='' or j_text is null then pcm_lib else j_text end as description,j_grpt as grp,
520 jr_comment||' ('||jr_internal||')' as jr_comment,
521 jr_pj_number,
522 j_qcode,
523 jrn_def_type,
524 jr_rapt as oc, j_tech_per as periode,
525 j_id,
526 jrn.currency_id,
527 jrn.currency_rate,
528 jrn.currency_rate_ref,
529 operation_currency.oc_amount,
530 operation_currency.oc_vat_amount
531 from jrnx
532 join jrn on (jr_grpt_id=j_grpt )
533 left join operation_currency using (j_id)
534 left join tmp_pcmn on pcm_val=j_poste
535 join jrn_def on (jrn_def_id=jr_def_id)
536 where j_jrn_def in (".$ledger_list.")
537 and ".$periode."
538 order by j_date::date asc,substring(jr_pj_number,'[0-9]+$')::numeric asc,j_grpt,j_debit desc ".
539 $cond_limite);
541 $array=array();
543 if ($Max==0)
544 return array();
545 $case="";
546 $tot_deb=0;
547 $tot_cred=0;
549 bcscale(2);
550 for ($i=0; $i<$Max; $i++)
551 {
553 $line=$row[$i];
554 $tot_deb=bcadd($tot_deb, $line['deb_montant']);
555 $tot_cred=bcadd($tot_cred, $line['cred_montant']);
556 $tot_op=$line['jr_montant'];
558 /* Check first if there is a quickcode */
559 if (noalyss_strlentrim($line['description'])==0&&noalyss_strlentrim($line['j_qcode'])
560 !=0)
561 {
562 $fiche=new Fiche($this->db);
563 if ($fiche->get_by_qcode($line['j_qcode'], false)==0)
564 {
565 $line['description']=$fiche->strAttribut(ATTR_DEF_NAME);
566 }
567 }
568 if ($case!=$line['grp'])
569 {
570 $case=$line['grp'];
571 // for financial, we show if the amount is or not in negative
572 if ($line['jrn_def_type']=='FIN')
573 {
574 $amount=$this->db->get_value('select qf_amount from quant_fin where jr_id=$1',
575 array($line['jr_id']));
576 /* if nothing is found */
577 if ($this->db->count()==0)
578 $tot_op=$line['jr_montant'];
579 else if ($amount<0)
580 {
581 $tot_op=$amount;
582 }
583 }
584 $array[]=array(
585 'jr_id'=>$line['jr_id'],
586 'int_j_id'=>$line['int_j_id'],
587 'j_id'=>$line['j_id'],
588 'j_date'=>$line['j_date'],
589 'internal'=>$line['jr_internal'],
590 'deb_montant'=>'',
591 'cred_montant'=>' ',
592 'description'=>'<b><i>'.h($line['jr_comment']).' ['.$tot_op.'] </i></b>',
593 'poste'=>$line['oc'],
594 'j_qcode'=>$line['j_qcode'],
595 'periode'=>$line['periode'],
596 'jr_pj_number'=>$line ['jr_pj_number'],
597 "ledger_type"=>$line['jrn_def_type']);
599 $array[]=array(
600 'jr_id'=>'',
601 'int_j_id'=>$line['int_j_id'],
602 'j_id'=>'',
603 'j_date'=>'',
604 'internal'=>'',
605 'deb_montant'=>$line['deb_montant'],
606 'cred_montant'=>$line['cred_montant'],
607 'description'=>$line['description'],
608 'poste'=>$line['poste'],
609 'j_qcode'=>$line['j_qcode'],
610 'periode'=>$line['periode'],
611 'jr_pj_number'=>'',
612 "ledger_type"=>$line['jrn_def_type']
613 );
614 }
615 else
616 {
617 $array[]=array(
618 'jr_id'=>$line['jr_id'],
619 'int_j_id'=>$line['int_j_id'],
620 'j_id'=>'',
621 'j_date'=>'',
622 'internal'=>'',
623 'deb_montant'=>$line['deb_montant'],
624 'cred_montant'=>$line['cred_montant'],
625 'description'=>$line['description'],
626 'poste'=>$line['poste'],
627 'j_qcode'=>$line['j_qcode'],
628 'periode'=>$line['periode'],
629 'jr_pj_number'=>'',
630 "ledger_type"=>$line['jrn_def_type']);
631 }
632 }
633 $this->data=array($array, $tot_deb, $tot_cred);
634 return $Max;
635 }
637 /**
638 * display in html the detail the list of operation
639 */
640 public function export_detail_html()
641 {
642 $this->export_accounting_html();
643 }
645 /**
646 * display in html with extended detail the list of operation
647 */
648 public function export_extended_html()
649 {
650 $this->export_accounting_html();
651 }
653 /**
654 * display in html the accounting of the list of operations
655 */
656 public function export_accounting_html()
657 {
659 $this->get_row();
660 echo '<TABLE class="result">';
661 // detailled printing
662 //---
663 if ( empty ($this->data)) return;
664 foreach ($this->data[0] as $op)
665 {
666 $class="";
667 if ($op['j_date']!='')
668 {
669 $class="odd";
670 }
672 echo "<TR class=\"$class\">";
674 echo "<TD>".$op['j_date']."</TD>";
675 echo "<TD >".$op['jr_pj_number']."</TD>";
678 if ($op['internal']!='')
679 echo "<TD>".HtmlInput::detail_op($op['jr_id'], $op['internal'])."</TD>";
680 else
681 echo td();
683 echo "<TD >".$op['poste']."</TD>".
684 "<TD >".$op['description']."</TD>".
685 "<TD style=\"text-align:right\">".nbm($op['deb_montant'])."</TD>".
686 "<TD style=\"text-align:right\">".nbm($op['cred_montant'])."</TD>".
687 "</TR>";
688 }// end loop
689 echo "</table>";
691// show the saldo
692//@todo use <li> instead of <br>
693 echo _("solde débiteur:").$this->data[1]."<br>";
694 echo _("solde créditeur:").$this->data[2];
695 }
697 /**
698 * @brief list operation on one line per operation
699 */
700 public function export_oneline_html()
701 {
702 $this->get_rowSimple();
704 echo \HtmlInput::filter_table("tb_print_ledger", "0,1,2,3,4,5,6", 1);
705 echo '<TABLE class="result" id="tb_print_ledger">';
706 echo "<TR>".
707 th(_("Date")).
708 th(_("n° pièce")).
709 th(_("internal")).
710 th(_("Tiers")).
711 th(_("Commentaire")).
712 th(_("Devise")).
713 th(_("Total opération")).
714 "</TR>";
715 // set a filter for the FIN
716 $i=0; $tot_amount=0;
717 bcscale(2);
718 foreach ($this->data as $line)
719 {
720 $i++;
721 $class=($i%2==0)?' class="even" ':' class="odd" ';
722 echo "<tr $class>";
723 echo "<TD>".$line['date']."</TD>";
724 echo "<TD>".h($line['jr_pj_number'])."</TD>";
725 echo "<TD>".HtmlInput::detail_op($line['jr_id'],
726 $line['jr_internal'])."</TD>";
727 $tiers=$this->get_tiers($line['jrn_def_type'], $line['jr_id']);
728 echo td($tiers);
729 echo "<TD>".h($line['comment'])."</TD>";
730 if ( $line['currency_id'] != 0) {
731 echo td(bcadd($line['sum_ocamount'],$line['sum_ocvat_amount'])." ".$line['cr_code_iso'],'class="num"');
732 } else {
733 echo td("");
734 }
738 // echo "<TD>".$line['pj']."</TD>";
739 // If the ledger is financial :
740 // the credit must be negative and written in red
741 // Get the jrn type
742 if ($line['jrn_def_type']=='FIN')
743 {
744 $positive=$this->db->get_value("select qf_amount from quant_fin where jr_id=$1",
745 array($line['jr_id']));
746 if ($this->db->count()==0)
747 $positive=1;
748 else
749 $positive=($positive>0)?1:0;
751 echo "<TD align=\"right\">";
752 echo ( $positive==0 )?"<font color=\"red\"> - ".nbm($line['montant'])."</font>":nbm($line['montant']);
753 echo "</TD>";
754 if ($positive==1)
755 {
756 $tot_amount=bcadd($tot_amount, $line['montant']);
757 }
758 else
759 {
760 $tot_amount=bcsub($tot_amount, $line['montant']);
761 }
762 }
763 else
764 {
765 echo "<TD align=\"right\">".nbm($line['montant'])."</TD>";
766 $tot_amount=bcadd($tot_amount, $line['montant']);
767 }
769 echo "</tr>";
770 }
771 echo '<tr class="highlight">';
772 echo '<td>'._('Totaux').'</td>';
773 echo td().td().td().td().td();
774 echo '<td class="num">'.nbm($tot_amount).'</td>';
775 echo '</tr>';
776 echo "</table>";
777 }
779 /**
780 * To get data
781 * @return array of rows
782 */
783 function get_data()
784 {
785 return $this->data;
786 }
788 /**
789 * export CSV
790 */
791 function export_csv()
792 {
793 $export=new Noalyss_Csv(_('journal'));
794 $export->send_header();
796 $this->get_row();
797 $title=array();
798 $title[]=_("operation");
799 $title[]=_("N° Pièce");
800 $title[]=_("Interne");
801 $title[]=_("Date");
802 $title[]=_("Poste");
803 $title[]=_("QuickCode");
804 $title[]=_("Libellé");
805 $title[]=_("Débit");
806 $title[]=_("Crédit");
807 $export->write_header($title);
808 if (count($this->data)==0)
809 exit;
810 $old_id="";
811 foreach ($this->data[0] as $idx=>$op)
812 {
813 // should clean description : remove <b><i> tag and '; char
814 $desc=$op['description'];
815 $desc=noalyss_str_replace("<b>", "", $desc);
816 $desc=noalyss_str_replace("</b>", "", $desc);
817 $desc=noalyss_str_replace("<i>", "", $desc);
818 $desc=noalyss_str_replace("</i>", "", $desc);
819 if ($op['j_id']!="")
820 $old_id=$op['j_id'];
822 $export->add($old_id, "text");
823 $export->add($op['jr_pj_number']);
824 $export->add($op['internal']);
825 $export->add($op['j_date']);
826 $export->add($op['poste']);
827 $export->add($op['j_qcode']);
828 $export->add($desc);
829 $export->add($op['deb_montant'], "number");
830 $export->add($op['cred_montant'], "number");
831 $export->write();
832 }
833 }
th($p_string, $p_extra='', $raw='')
Definition: ac_common.php:58
sql_filter_per($p_cn, $p_from, $p_to, $p_form='p_id', $p_field='jr_tech_per')
Create the condition to filter on the j_tech_per thanks a from and to date.
Definition: ac_common.php:682
Definition: ac_common.php:1549
noalyss_str_replace($search, $replace, $string)
Definition: ac_common.php:1553
td($p_string='', $p_extra='')
surround the string with td
Definition: ac_common.php:83
nbm($p_number, $p_dec=2)
format the number with a sep.
Definition: ac_common.php:137
global $g_user
if no group available , then stop
catch(Exception $exc) if(! $g_user->can_write_action($ag_id)) $r
Definition: ajax_admin.php:38
h( $row[ 'oa_description'])
Manage the account from the table jrn, jrnx or tmp_pcmn.
manage the list of operation when we need several ledger with a different type or from Misceleaneous ...
get_row($p_limit=-1, $p_offset=-1)
set $this->data with the array of rows
__construct(Database $cn, $pa_ledger, $p_from, $p_to, $p_mode)
get_rowSimple($trunc=0, $p_limit=-1, $p_offset=-1)
Get simplified row from ledger.
display in html the accounting of the list of operations
list operation on one line per operation
display in html the detail the list of operation
get_detail(&$p_array, $p_jrn_type, $trunc=0, $a_TVA=null, $a_ParmCode=null)
get_detail gives the detail of row this array must contains at least the field
display in html with extended detail the list of operation
depending on the mode will call the right function
Display history of operation.
get_tiers($p_jrn_type, $jr_id)
Retrieve the third : supplier for purchase, customer for sale, bank for fin,.
static fetch_all($ret)
wrapper for the function pg_fetch_all
static num_row($ret)
wrapper for the function pg_num_rows
contains the class for connecting to Noalyss
define Class fiche and fiche def, those class are using class attribut. When adding or modifing new c...
Definition: fiche.class.php:38
Manage the CSV : manage files and write CSV record.
ORM of the table public.quant_purchase.
ORM of the table public.quant_sold.
Definition: constant.php:255
Definition: constant.php:216
Definition: constant.php:254
Definition: constant.php:248
Definition: constant.php:253
Definition: constant.php:247
Definition: constant.php:256
Definition: constant.php:249
for($e=0; $e< count($afiche); $e++) exit
$SecUser db