noalyss Version-9
xml.php File Reference

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 $code =$dom->createElement('code', 1)
 $content =$dom->createElement('tl_content')
 $content_in =$dom->createTextNode( '<div style="position:absolute;right:2px;margin:2px;padding:0px;"><A id="close_div" class="input_text" onclick="removeDiv(\'todo_list_div116\');">&#10761;</A></div><h2 class="title" >Note</h2><form id="todo_form_116" onsubmit="todo_list_save(116)">\n <table>\n <tr>\n <td>\n Date </td>\n \n <td>\n <input type="text" name="p_date_todo" id="p_date_todo" class="input_text" size="10" style="width:6em" value ="21.04.2014" /><img src="image/x-office-calendar.png" id="p_date_todo_trigger" style="cursor: pointer" onmouseover="\'red\';" onmouseout="\'\'" /><script type="text/javascript">Calendar.setup({inputField : "p_date_todo", // id of the input field\n ifFormat : "%d.%m.%Y", // format of the input field\n button : "p_date_todo_trigger", // trigger for the calendar (button ID)\n align : "Bl", // alignment (defaults to "Bl")\n singleClick : true\n });\n </script>\n </td>\n \n </tr>\n <tr>\n <td>\n Titre </td>\n \n <td>\n <INPUT class="input_text" TYPE="TEXT" id="p_title" NAME="p_title" VALUE="Reste a faire" SIZE="20" > & & </td>\n \n </tr>\n \n </table>\n <TEXTAREA class="itextarea" name="p_desc" id="p_desc">encoder frais banque ach 01 & 02 2014 \r\nIntérêt (546 €) pour 31/12/2013\r\n</TEXTAREA> <input type="hidden" id="gDossier" name="gDossier" value="46"> <input type="submit" class="smallbutton" value="Sauve onclick="todo_list_save(116)">\n \n</form>' )
 $dom =new DOMDocument(1.0,'utf-8')

Variable Documentation

◆ $code

$code =$dom->createElement('code', 1)

Definition at line 16 of file xml.php.

◆ $content

$content =$dom->createElement('tl_content')

◆ $content_in

$content_in =$dom->createTextNode( '<div style="position:absolute;right:2px;margin:2px;padding:0px;"><A id="close_div" class="input_text" onclick="removeDiv(\'todo_list_div116\');">&#10761;</A></div><h2 class="title" >Note</h2><form id="todo_form_116" onsubmit="todo_list_save(116)">\n <table>\n <tr>\n <td>\n Date </td>\n \n <td>\n <input type="text" name="p_date_todo" id="p_date_todo" class="input_text" size="10" style="width:6em" value ="21.04.2014" /><img src="image/x-office-calendar.png" id="p_date_todo_trigger" style="cursor: pointer" onmouseover="\'red\';" onmouseout="\'\'" /><script type="text/javascript">Calendar.setup({inputField : "p_date_todo", // id of the input field\n ifFormat : "%d.%m.%Y", // format of the input field\n button : "p_date_todo_trigger", // trigger for the calendar (button ID)\n align : "Bl", // alignment (defaults to "Bl")\n singleClick : true\n });\n </script>\n </td>\n \n </tr>\n <tr>\n <td>\n Titre </td>\n \n <td>\n <INPUT class="input_text" TYPE="TEXT" id="p_title" NAME="p_title" VALUE="Reste a faire" SIZE="20" > & & </td>\n \n </tr>\n \n </table>\n <TEXTAREA class="itextarea" name="p_desc" id="p_desc">encoder frais banque ach 01 & 02 2014 \r\nIntérêt (546 €) pour 31/12/2013\r\n</TEXTAREA> <input type="hidden" id="gDossier" name="gDossier" value="46"> <input type="submit" class="smallbutton" value="Sauve onclick="todo_list_save(116)">\n \n</form>' )

Definition at line 18 of file xml.php.

◆ $dom

$dom =new DOMDocument(1.0,'utf-8')

Definition at line 15 of file xml.php.

Referenced by Extension\read_definition(), and Package_Repository\read_package_xml().