noalyss Version-9

Constructor : set the label to the column name, the order of the column , set the properties and the permission for updating or deleting row.

Constructor : set the label to the column name, the order of the column , set the properties and the permission for updating or deleting row

* This file is part of PhpCompta.
* PhpCompta is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* NOALYSS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with PhpCompta; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// Copyright (2016) Author Dany De Bontridder <>
ini_set('disable_functions', 'exit,die,header');
//@description:Test the class manage_table_sql and javascript
$_GET=array (
$_POST=array (
require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE."/database/acc_plan_sql.class.php";
require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE."/lib/manage_table_sql.class.php";
echo $manage_table->get_json();
echo " Function add_json_param : add param TestAjaxFile";
echo " <br>";
$r =json_decode($manage_table->get_json(),TRUE);
if ( isset($r['TestAjaxFile']) && $r['TestAjaxFile'] == NOALYSS_HOME."/../scenario/ajax_manage_table_sql.php") { echo "$g_succeed ok <br>";} else {echo "$g_failed not ok";}
echo " <br>";
// Test the column header
$manage_table->set_col_label('pcm_val', "Poste ");
$manage_table->set_col_label('parent_accounting', "DĂ©pend");
$manage_table->set_col_label('pcm_lib', "Libellé");
$manage_table->set_col_label('pcm_type', "Type de menu".Icon_Action::infobulle(33));
$manage_table->set_col_option("pcm_val", "onclick=\"alert('toto')\" style=\"text-decoration:underline\" onmouseover=\"'pointer'\"");
$manage_table->set_header_option("pcm_val", "onmouseover=\"smoke.alert('Click on Poste for detail',undefined,{duration:500})\"");
// Change visible property
function test_visible_update(Manage_Table_SQL $p_manage_table,$p_property,$p_visible,$p_update) {
// test visibility
$p_manage_table->set_property_visible($p_property, $p_visible);
echo "$p_property VISIBLE ($p_visible)" .$p_manage_table->get_property_visible($p_property);
if ( $p_manage_table->get_property_visible($p_property) == $p_visible) echo "$g_succeed OK"; else echo " $g_failed FAIL";echo "<br>";
// test update
echo "$p_property UPDATE ($p_update)" .$p_manage_table->get_property_updatable($p_property);
$p_manage_table->set_property_updatable($p_property, $p_update);
if ( $p_manage_table->get_property_updatable($p_property) == $p_update) echo "$g_succeed OK"; else echo "$g_failed FAIL";echo "<br>";
test_visible_update($manage_table, "pcm_type", FALSE, FALSE);
test_visible_update($manage_table, "pcm_type", FALSE, TRUE);
test_visible_update($manage_table, "pcm_type", TRUE, FALSE);
test_visible_update($manage_table, "pcm_type", TRUE, TRUE);
test_visible_update($manage_table, "parent_accounting", FALSE, FALSE);
test_visible_update($manage_table, "parent_accounting", FALSE, TRUE);
test_visible_update($manage_table, "parent_accounting", TRUE, FALSE);
test_visible_update($manage_table, "parent_accounting", TRUE, TRUE);
echo "<h1>"."Icon MODIFY place"."</h1>";
echo "<h2>"." Mod left"."</h2>";
$manage_table->display_table("where pcm_val::text >= '400' order by pcm_val::text limit 10");
echo "<h2>"." Mod right"."</h2>";
$manage_table->display_table("where pcm_val::text >= '400' order by pcm_val::text limit 10");
echo "<h2>"." Mod first"."</h2>";
$manage_table->display_table("where pcm_val::text >= '400' order by pcm_val::text limit 10");
echo "<h1>"."Icon DELETE place"."</h1>";
echo "<h2>"." Delete left"."</h2>";
$manage_table->display_table("where pcm_val::text >= '400' order by pcm_val::text limit 10");
echo "<h2>"." Delete right"."</h2>";
$manage_table->display_table("where pcm_val::text >= '400' order by pcm_val::text limit 10");
echo "<h2>"." Custom , by default show the row"."</h2>";
$manage_table->display_table("where pcm_val::text >= '400' order by pcm_val::text limit 10");
catch(Exception $exc) if(! $g_user->can_write_action($ag_id)) $r
if($gDossier==-1) $gDossierLogInput
Definition: ajax_test.php:47
this class is above tmp_pcmn_sql and is a view of tmp_pcmn
static infobulle($p_comment)
Display a info in a bubble, text is in message_javascript.
Purpose is to propose a librairy to display a table content and allow to update and delete row ,...
return True if the column is updatable otherwise false
set_property_updatable($p_key, $p_value)
set a column of the data row updatable or not
return True if the column is visible otherwise false
set_property_visible($p_key, $p_value)
set a column of the data row visible or not
global $g_failed
global $g_succeed
Definition: do.php:310