noalyss Version-9
Todo List
Global Acc_Ledger_History::get_tiers ($p_jrn_type, $jr_id)
duplicate function , also in Acc_Ledger::get_tiers, remove one
Global Acc_Ledger_History_Generic::get_detail (&$p_array, $p_jrn_type, $trunc=0, $a_TVA=null, $a_ParmCode=null)
useless since only 2 modes are supported : oneline and extended (accounting writing) but can be used for ledger before 2007
Global Acc_Ledger_History_Generic::get_rowSimple ($trunc=0, $p_limit=-1, $p_offset=-1)
Prévoir aussi les journaux sans tables quant < 2007
File acc_ledger_history_purchase_oneline.php
prévoir aussi pour les non assujetti : faire disparaître les montants TVA
File acc_ledger_history_sale_detail.php
prévoir aussi pour les non assujetti : faire disparaître les montants TVA
Global Acc_Ledger_Purchase::show_unpaid_deprecated ()

to remove, obsolete

Global Acc_Ledger_Search::__construct ($p_type, $p_all=1, $p_div="")
the parameter $all_type_ledger is useless : ALL means all the ledgers, VEN all the ledger of sales...
Global Acc_Payment::select ($p_select, $p_amount, $p_date, $p_comm)
this class is used only for storage of the defined payment method, not the payment itself, it must be moved to another class 'Operation_Payment'
Global Data_SQL::verify ()
ajout vérification type (date, text ou numeric)
Global Extension::check_plugin_version ($p_plugin_code)
add a mechanism to check once a day @global User $g_user @global number $version_plugin
Global FileToSend::compute_name ($p_filename)
compute a filename
Global Follow_Up::remove_operation_deprecated ()
to remove
Global HttpInput::check_type ($p_name, $p_type)
Add regex:pattern
Rewrite : split table parm_periode into parm_periode and parm_exercice disabling temporarily a trigger is not the right solution , but make the trigger more flexible and less secure is worst. The trigger is disable in a transaction means it is still enable for other session.