This parts contains documentation for developpers
Convention de codage
Some coding conventions to have a homogeneous code
Reuse the existing code ,
Improve and test that the function is still working
Make documentation thanks doxygen tag
In the folder include: filenames ending by *.inc.php will be executer after being included
In the folder include: filenames end by *.php if they contains only function
In the folder include: filenames starting with class_*.php if it is related to a class.
In the folder include, files starting with ajax are executed by ajax call, usually, the file name is based on the javascript function, example for the javascript function anc_key_choice the corresponding file is ajax/ajax_anc_key_choice.php
In the folder include/template: files for the HTML presentation
Use sql/upgrade.sql as temporary file to modify the database,this file will be the base for a SQL patch
Write documentation
Use this document, it is generated automatically by doxygen, check the documentation your made, read it first this documentation before making changes
Related contains all the \todo
Global -> all the functions
check into mod1.html and account_repository.html for the database design
You need to know only these tags
\file in the beginning of a file
\todo add a todo
\enum comment a variable
\param about the parameter of a function
\brief Documentation of the file, function or class
\note note exemple
\throw or exception is a function can throw an exception
\par to create a new paragraph
\return what the function returns
\code and \endcode code snippet given as example
\verbatim and \endverbatim if we want to keep the formatting without transformation
\see xxxx create a link to the file, function or object xxxx