29 $key=
"SELECT cr_name, cr_note,cr_tantieme
30 FROM coprop.clef_repartition where cr_id=$1",array($key_id));
39 $note->style=
'style="border:solid blue 1px;vertical-align:text-top;" ';
46 $tantieme->javascript=
50 (select ad_value from fiche_detail where f_id=lot_fk and ad_id=1) as name,
51 (select ad_value from fiche_detail where f_id=lot_fk and ad_id=23) as qcode,
52 (select ad_value from fiche_detail where f_id=lot_fk and ad_id=9) as desc,
55 coprop.clef_repartition_detail
59 f_id,vw_name as name,quick_code as qcode,vw_description as desc, 0 as l_part
60 from vw_fiche_attr where fd_id=$2
61 and f_id not in (select lot_fk from coprop.clef_repartition_detail where cr_id=$1)",array($key_id,
64 coprop.clef_repartition_detail
65 where cr_id=$1",array($key_id));
67 echo
'<form id="fkey" method="post">';
68 echo HtmlInput::hidden(
69 require_once
70 echo HtmlInput::submit(
' onclick="return confirm (\'Vous confirmez?\')"');
71 echo HtmlInput::button(
'Retour liste',
' onclick="$(\'key_list\').show();$(\'keydetail_div\').hide()"');
global $g_copro_parameter