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File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
|o*ajax.phpAjax handling for AMORTIZING $t is the target $op is the request action
|o*amortis_constant.phpContains all the needed variable for the plugin is name is plugin_name_constant.php You can use some globale variable, especially for the database connection
|o*index.phpMain entry
|\*raw.phpRaw file for PDF
|o*index.phpMain file for this plugin
|o*coprop-constant.phpContains all the needed variable for the plugin is name is plugin_name_constant.php You can use some globale variable, especially for the database connection
|o*index.phpMain file for tva
|\*raw.phpRaw file for PDF ewa
|o*ajax.phpManage the ajax calls
|\*index.phpMain file for importing card
|o*bank_constant.phpAll the constant for this plugin
|\*index.phpMain file for importing card
|o*class_modop_operation.phpOperation for modify operation plugin
|o*index.phpModify a operation
|o*modop_confirm.phpConfirm operation before save it but verify first
|o*modop_display.phpDisplay the form for the operation
|o*modop_save.phpSave the operation
|o*ajax_add_param_detail.phpMontre un form pour ajouter une formule retour en XML
|o*ajax_add_row_definition.phpAjoute une ligne dans la definition
|o*ajax_mod_param.phpMontre le résultat et permet de changer les paramètrages d'un formulaire uniquement pour ceux ayant un champs de calcul (formule, code tva+poste comptable + totaux intermédiare
|o*ajax_rapav_declaration_display.phpDisplay a declaration from history but you can't modify it
|o*ajax_rapav_search_code.phpShow the list of code of the form
|o*ajax_save_param_detail.phpSauve la nouvelle ligne de détail (paramètre) et renvoie un xml avec code = ok ou nok, p_id pk de formulaire_param et html le code html à afficher : soit une ligne à ajouter à la table soit le message d'erreur à ajouter dans le div
|o*index.phpMain file for tools
|o*rapav_constant.phpContains all the needed variable for the plugin is name is plugin_name_constant.php You can use some globale variable, especially for the database connection
|\*raw.phpRaw file for PDF ewa
|o*raw.phpRaw file for PDF ewa
|o*skel_constant.phpContains all the needed variable for the plugin is name is plugin_name_constant.php You can use some globale variable, especially for the database connection
|o*index.phpMain file for importing or exporting accountancy
|\*raw.phpExport the pcmn
|o*index.phpMain file for tools
|o*raw.phpRaw file for PDF ewa
|o*tools_constant.phpContains all the needed variable for the plugin is name is plugin_name_constant.php You can use some globale variable, especially for the database connection
 o*class_install_plugin.phpThis class manages the installation and the patch of the plugin
 o* file is included to create a new VAT declaration
 o*index.phpMain file for tva
 o* intracom
 o* intracom
 o* all the declaration by date
 \* up the parameters