noalyss  Version-7
 All Data Structures Namespaces Files Functions Variables Pages
include Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for include:


directory  ajax
directory  class
directory  database
directory  export
directory  lib
directory  template


file [code]
 this file is common to suivi client, suivi fournisseur, suivi administration.
file [code]
 Page who manage the different actions (meeting, letter)
file [code]
 Called from the module "Gestion" to manage the customer.
file [code]
 Administration of the repository : creation of user, folder, security, templates... Accessible only by the administrator.
file [code]
 Module Balance Accountancy - Analyc.
file [code]
 Module Printing : Analytic to display relation between card or accounting with Analytic.
file [code]
 Print the crossed balance between 2 plan.
file [code]
 Print the balance of 1 plan.
file [code]
 Print the great ledger for Analytic accounting.
file [code]
 manage the group
file [code]
 Print the balance of 1 plan of analytic accountancy separated by group.
file [code]
 Print history for Analytic accounting.
file [code]
 manage distribution keys for Analytic accountancy, this file is called by do.php
file [code]
 Misc Operation for analytic accountancy.
file [code]
 Plan Analytique.
file  audit_log.php [code]
 let you see the list of the connexion
file [code]
 Make and restore backup.
file [code]
 Show the balance and let you print it or export to PDF file included by user_impress.
file [code]
 Print the aged balance for accountancy see.
file [code]
 show the status of a card
file [code]
 Aged Balance for card.
file [code]
 Called from the module 'Gestion' to manage the supplier.
file [code]
 show the calendar
file [code]
 Manage the attributs.
file [code]
 this file is included to perform modification on category of document table document_type
file [code]
 this file will handle all the actions for a specific customer ( contact,operation,invoice and financial) include from and concerned only the customer card and the customer category
file [code]
 this file will handle all the actions for a specific customer ( contact,operation,invoice and financial) include from and concerned only the customer card and the customer category parameter
file [code]
 this file is used for the follow up of the customer (mail, meeting...)
file [code]
 show all the operation for a customer the variable inherited are
file [code]
 module to manage the card (removing, listing, creating, modify attribut)
file [code]
 Create, update and delete ledgers.
file [code]
 Automatic installation of plugins and activation.
file [code]
 Manage the tags.
file [code]
 Manage the company setting : address, vat number, Check period, VAT, CA ....
file [code]
 file included to manage all the sold operation
file [code]
 this file is to be included to handle the financial ledger
file [code]
 reconcile operation
file [code]
file [code]
 to write directly into the ledgers,the stock and the tables quant_purchase and quant_sold are not changed by this
file [code]
 file included to manage all the operations for the ledger of sales
file  constant.php [code]
 Contains all the variable + the javascript and some parameter.
file [code]
file [code]
 Called from the module "Gestion" to manage the contact.
file [code]
 Called from the module "Gestion" to manage the customer.
file [code]
file  database.item.php [code]
file [code]
file [code]
 Manage the status of the document (document_state)
file [code]
 Manage the document template.
file [code]
 Management of the folder.
file [code]
file [code]
file  fake-include.php [code]
file [code]
 printing of category of card : balance, historic
file [code]
 Let customise the fiche_def_ref for the user.
file [code]
 display, add, delete and modify forecast
file  header_print.php [code]
 contains several function to replace the header in generated document
file [code]
file [code]
 form who call the printing of the bilan in RTF file included by user_impress
file [code]
 Print account (html or pdf) file included from user_impress.
file [code]
 ask for Printing the ledger (pdf,html)
file [code]
 Print account (html or pdf) file included from user_impress.
file [code]
 print first the report in html and propose to print it in pdf file included by user_impress
file [code]
 print the all the operation reconciled or not, with or without the same amount
file [code]
 show the lettering by account
file [code]
 show the lettering by account
file [code]
file [code]
 Called from the module "Gestion" to manage the supplier.
file [code]
 Show the table menu and let you add your own.
file [code]
 concerne only the template
file  newPHPClass_1.php [code]
file [code]
file [code]
 confirm ODS operation
file [code]
 to write into the ledgers ODS a new operation
file [code]
 concerns the management of the "Plan Comptable"
file [code]
 Set the security for an user.
file [code]
 payment mode
file [code]
file [code]
 p_action contains the main action (always poste here) action contains the sub action
file [code]
 included file for managing the predefined operation
file [code]
file  recover.php [code]
file [code]
 handle your own report: create or view report
file [code]
 restaure a database
file [code]
 Manage the repository.
file [code]
file [code]
 Inventory : add manuel change.
file [code]
 history of manuel change
file [code]
 show the state of the repository
file [code]
 Called from the module "Gestion" to manage the supplier.
file [code]
 included file for customizing with the vat (account,rate...)
file  upgrade-core.php [code]
file  upgrade-plugin.php [code]
 Install new plugin.
file  upgrade-template.php [code]
file [code]
 Upgrade all the database : the central repository , the templates and the folder.
file [code]
 user managemnt, included from admin-noalyss, action=user_mgt
file [code]
 Users Security.
file [code]
 Verify the saldo of ledger: independant file.