noalyss  Version-9
Public Member Functions
Attr_def_SQL Class Reference

abstract of the table public.attr_def More...

+ Inheritance diagram for Attr_def_SQL:
+ Collaboration diagram for Attr_def_SQL:

Public Member Functions

 __construct (DatabaseCore $p_cn, $p_id=-1)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Table_Data_SQL
 __construct ($p_cn, $p_id=-1)
 build_query ()
 Build the SQL select statement for querying the object and returns it. More...
 count ($p_where="", $p_array=null)
 return the number of count in the table corresponding to the where condition More...
 delete ()
 exist ()
 Count the number of record with the id ,. More...
 get_all_to_array ($p_key_col, $p_cond="", $p_array=NULL)
 Get all the row and use the p_key_code are the key value of array. More...
 insert ()
 load ()
 seek ($cond='', $p_array=null)
 retrieve array of object thanks a condition More...
 update ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from Data_SQL
 collect_objects ($cond='', $p_array=null)
 return an array of objects. More...
 from_array ($p_array)
 Transform an array into object. More...
 get ($p_string)
 get the value thanks the colum name and not the alias (name). More...
 get_cn ()
 get_info ()
 get_name ()
 get_object ($p_ret, $idx)
 get_pk_value ()
 get_primary_key ()
 get_type ()
 getp ($p_string)
 set the value thanks the alias name instead of the colum name More...
 next ($ret, $i)
 get_seek return the next object, the return of the query must have all the column of the object More...
 save ()
 Insert or update : if the row already exists, update otherwise insert. More...
 set ($p_string, $p_value)
 set the value thanks the colum name and not the alias (name) More...
 set_cn ($cn)
 set_name ($name)
 set_pk_value ($p_value)
 set_primary_key ($primary_key)
 set_type ($type)
 setp ($p_string, $p_value)
 set the value thanks the alias name instead of the colum name More...
 to_array ($prefix="")
 Turn an object (row) into an array, and the key could be prefixed with $prefix. More...
 verify ()

Additional Inherited Members

- Data Fields inherited from Data_SQL
 Type of the data. More...
 defaullt date format More...
 Database connection. More...
 Array of logical and real name. More...
 Column name of the primary key. More...

Detailed Description

abstract of the table public.attr_def

Definition at line 32 of file attr_def_sql.class.php.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ __construct()

Attr_def_SQL::__construct ( DatabaseCore  $p_cn,
  $p_id = -1 

Reimplemented from Data_SQL.

Definition at line 35 of file attr_def_sql.class.php.

36  {
37  $this->table="public.attr_def";
38  $this->primary_key="ad_id";
39  /*
40  * List of columns
41  */
42  $this->name=array(
43  "id"=>"ad_id"
44  , "desc"=>"ad_text"
45  , "type"=>"ad_type"
46  , "size"=>"ad_size"
47  , "extra"=>"ad_extra"
48  , "search_followup"=>"ad_search_followup"
49  );
50  /*
51  * Type of columns
52  */
53  $this->type=array(
54  "ad_id"=>"numeric"
55  , "ad_text"=>"text"
56  , "ad_type"=>"text"
57  , "ad_size"=>"text"
58  , "ad_extra"=>"text"
59  , "ad_search_followup"=>"numeric"
60  );
63  $this->default=array(
64  "ad_id"=>"auto"
65  );
67  $this->date_format="DD.MM.YYYY";
68  parent::__construct($p_cn, $p_id);
69  }

References $p_id, name, table, and type.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
$from_poste name
$input_from type
$all table
Definition: ajax_accounting.php:33