noalyss Version-9
template Directory Reference
+ Directory dependency graph for template:


file  acc_ledger-input_extra_info.php [code]
 display supplemental information to save when entering an operation of sale, purchase, financial or for a misc.
file  acc_ledger_history_financial_oneline.php [code]
 display Financial operation , simple and detailled
file  acc_ledger_history_purchase_detail.php [code]
 Display one purchase operation on one line , with the sum of VAT, ND...
file  acc_ledger_history_purchase_extended.php [code]
 detail of the list of operation with VAT and items
file  acc_ledger_history_purchase_oneline.php [code]
 display purchase on one line with sum of VAT, Operation, Private exp.
file  acc_ledger_history_sale_detail.php [code]
 from Acc_Ledger_History_Sale::export_html_oneline
file  acc_ledger_history_sale_extended.php [code]
 detail of the list of operation with VAT and items
file  acc_ledger_history_sale_oneline.php [code]
file  acc_ledger_search-display_list_filter.php [code]
 display a list of saved search for accountancy (alias filter)
file  acc_operation_note-input.php [code]
file  acc_report-create.php [code]
 display a form to enter a new Report definition
file  account_result.php [code]
file  account_search.php [code]
file  action_button.php [code]
 show button in the list of actions
file  action_display_short.php [code]
 call from follow_up::display_short display a small form to enter a new event
file  action_document_type_mtable_input.php [code]
 called from p_id already set,
file  action_other_action.php [code]
file  action_search.php [code]
 display the form for searching action
file  action_search_result.php [code]
 show the result of a search into a inner windows
file  action_show.php [code]
 display the last action inherited parameter : $cn database connection, $array
file  anc_balance_group.php [code]
file  anc_key_display_choice.php [code]
file  anc_key_display_list.php [code]
file  anc_key_input.php [code]
file  anticipation-display.php [code]
file  anticipation-input_title.php [code]
 Display a form for the title of a forecast.
file  balance_aged_result.php [code]
 show the result of balance ageing, included from Balance_Age::display_purchase
file  calendar-list.php [code]
 display the calendar as a list.
file  calendar.php [code]
file  card_multiple_display_option.php [code]
 Show the option of a contact, parameters received.
file  card_multiple_result.php [code]
file  card_result.php [code]
file  category_of_card.php [code]
file  contact-summary.php [code]
file  currency_mtable_input.php [code]
 input for currency_mtable
file  currency_mtable_input_new.php [code]
 input for currency_mtable
file  dashboard.php [code]
file  fiche_def_input.php [code]
file  fiche_def_list.php [code]
 show all the categories of card fiche_def
file  fiche_list.php [code]
 Show a list of card.
file  folder_display.php [code]
 display the folders the user has no access and permit to add them thanks ajax call.
file  follow_up-display.php [code]
file  follow_up-view_list.php [code]
 display list of followup
file  follow_up_detail_display.php [code]
 Called from Follow_Up_Detail for displaying detail.
file  follow_up_filter-display_list.php [code]
 display a list of filter for followup
file  follow_up_other_concerned_display_table.php [code]
 display a table
file  followup-show-action-add.php [code]
 display a button for adding an followup action
file  forecast-new.php [code]
 form to enter a new Forecast
file  forecast_item_mtable-display_table.php [code]
 display, add, delete and modify forecast_item, All rows are in $a_row
file  forecast_item_mtable-input.php [code]
 display, add, delete and modify forecast_item, All rows are in $a_row
file  form_ledger_detail.php [code]
 Display a form to enter an operation Sale or Purchase.
file  form_ledger_fin.php [code]
file  history_top.php [code]
file  impress_cat_card.php [code]
file  impress_reconciliation.php [code]
file  impress_reconciliation_detail.php [code]
file  ledger_detail_ach.php [code]
file  ledger_detail_bottom.php [code]
file  ledger_detail_file.php [code]
file  ledger_detail_fin.php [code]
file  ledger_detail_forbidden.php [code]
file  ledger_detail_misc.php [code]
file  ledger_detail_top.php [code]
file  ledger_detail_ven.php [code]
file  ledger_search.php [code]
file  letter_all.php [code]
file  letter_prop.php [code]
file  menu.php [code]
file  menu_detail.php [code]
file  mobile-display_menu.php [code]
 show the mobile menu
file  modele_document.php [code]
file  module.php [code]
file  new_mod_payment.php [code]
file  operation_exercice-input_row-error.php [code]
 operation already transfered
file  operation_exercice-input_row.php [code]
 input data for one row of OPERATION_EXERCICE_DETAIL, inherited data $operation_detail_sql
file  operation_exercice-input_source.php [code]
 input the source of the opening / closing operation
file  operation_exercice-input_transfer.php [code]
 propose to transfer
file  operation_exercice-list_draft.php [code]
file  param_jrn.php [code]
file  periode-form_exercice_label.php [code]
 Form to modify an existing label.
file  periode_add_exercice.php [code]
 Form to add new exercice.
file  pre_operation_display.php [code]
 display pre_operation value
file  predf_ledger_detail.php [code]
file  profile.php [code]
 show a profile
file  profile_menu_display_module.php [code]
 display the module, used to setup the module and menu, included from Profile_Menu
file  profile_menu_display_submenu.php [code]
 display a submenu contained in a array
file  profile_sec_repository.php [code]
 show the available profiles for action-management
file  result_cat_card_summary.php [code]
file  security_list_action.php [code]
file  show-all-variable.php [code]
 to be included , show all the variables, only for development purpopse
file  status_operation_event-display_event.php [code]
 Display event.
file  status_operation_event-display_operation.php [code]
file  status_operation_event-main_display.php [code]
 main display for situation
file  stock_histo.php [code]
 show the result of stock history
file  stock_histo_search.php [code]
 show box for search
file  stock_inv.php [code]
 show the input
file  stock_state_search.php [code]
 show the form for State of stock
file  stock_summary_list.php [code]
 show the result to stock state in list format (more detailled)
file  stock_summary_table.php [code]
 show State of the stock
file  tag_detail.php [code]
file  tag_list.php [code]
file  tag_search_select.php [code]
file  tag_select.php [code]
 list of tags
file  tax_summary_display.php [code]
 display the tax summary result
file  template_config_form.php [code]
file  todo_list_display.php [code]
file  todo_list_list_user.php [code]
file  user_sec_profile.php [code]
 show the available profiles for action-management