amortis | |
  include | |
   template | |
    listing_histo.php | |
    listing_year.php | |
    material_add.php | |
    material_detail.php | |
    material_display.php | |
    material_listing.php | |
    util_generate.php | Select the mat. to amortize, the ledger and the year |
   am_card.php | Display a list of card to be paid off, let modify, remove or add included from index.php |
   am_generate.inc.php | Let you generate the accounting for the paid off for a selected year |
   am_histo.inc.php | Print all |
   am_print.php | This file let you print a report about |
   am_util.php | Let you generate the accounting for the paid off for a selected year history and remove |
   class_am_card.php | Let you add all the materiel you need to amortize |
   class_am_generate.php | Generate writing of amortize |
   class_amortissement_detail_sql.php | Manage the table amortissement.amortissement_detail |
   class_amortissement_histo_sql.php | Manage the table amortissement.amortissement_histo |
   class_amortissement_material_pdf.php | |
   class_amortissement_sql.php | Manage the table amortissement.amortissement |
   class_amortissement_table_pdf.php | |
   class_install_plugin.php | This class manages the installation and the patch of the plugin |
   class_pdf_card.php | |
   material_add.inc.php | Add material |
   material_delete.inc.php | |
   material_modify.inc.php | |
   material_new.inc.php | Save new material and show a form with the amount for each year, insert into amortissement and amortissement detail |
   material_save.inc.php | Save modification |
   print_all.inc.php | Print all the card |
   print_fiche.inc.php | Print detail of a card |
   print_table.inc.php | Print for a specific year |
  ajax.php | Ajax handling for AMORTIZING $t is the target $op is the request action |
  amortis_constant.php | Contains all the needed variable for the plugin is name is plugin_name_constant.php You can use some globale variable, especially for the database connection |
  amortize_javascript.js | |
  index.php | Main entry |
  raw.php | Raw file for PDF |
 backup_noadmin | |
  include | |
   template | |
    home.php | |
  index.php | Main file for this plugin |
  raw.php | |
 coprop | |
  include | |
   template | |
    appel_fond.php | Demande info pour générer appel de fond |
    bud_detail.php | |
    budget.php | Show budget header |
    budget_list.php | |
    coprop_lot_list.php | Show list building, lot and copropriétaire |
    historic.php | Display history |
    key_detail.php | Detail of a key included from ajax_add_key or ajax_mod_key |
   ajax_add_key.php | Ajout clef repartition |
   ajax_bud_display.php | |
   ajax_mod_key.php | Modifie clef |
   ajax_remove_key.php | |
   appel_fond.inc.php | Génére écriture comptable pour appel de fond |
   budget.inc.php | |
   class_copro_appel_fond_detail.php | |
   class_copro_budget.php | |
   class_copro_key.php | Gère les clefs |
   class_copro_lot.php | Gère la liaison entre lots et copropriétaire table jnt_coprop_lot |
   class_copro_parameter.php | Class for the table coprop.parameter |
   class_coprop_appel_fond.php | |
   class_install_plugin.php | This class manages the installation and the patch of the plugin |
   copro-parameter.inc.php | Table parametre pour les copropriétés |
   historic.inc.php | Show history of call |
   key.inc.php | Gestion des clefs de répartitions |
   lot.inc.php | Liaison entre lot et copropriétaires |
  ajax.php | |
  coprop-constant.php | Contains all the needed variable for the plugin is name is plugin_name_constant.php You can use some globale variable, especially for the database connection |
  coprop-javascript.js | |
  index.php | Main file for tva |
  raw.php | Raw file for PDF ewa |
 import_account | |
  database | |
   class_impacc_import_csv_sql.php | Class_import_csv_sql.php |
   class_impacc_import_detail_sql.php | Autogenerated file This file is part of NOALYSS |
   class_impacc_import_file_sql.php | Class_import_file_sql.php |
   class_impacc_parameter_tva_sql.php | Autogenerated file This file is part of NOALYSS |
  include | |
   class_impacc_csv.php | |
   class_impacc_csv_bank.php | Filter for the Financial format |
   class_impacc_csv_misc_operation.php | |
   class_impacc_csv_purchase.php | |
   class_impacc_csv_sale.php | |
   class_impacc_csv_sale_purchase.php | |
   class_impacc_export.php | Export |
   class_impacc_file.php | |
   class_impacc_operation.php | |
   class_impacc_tool.php | Usefull static functions |
   class_impacc_tva.php | Match between Noalyss VAT code and VAT Code from CSV file |
   class_impacc_verify.php | |
   class_install_impacc.php | |
   imd_export.inc.php | Export operation from NOALYSS |
   imd_history.inc.php | History of the import file |
   imd_operation.inc.php | |
   imd_parameter.inc.php | Matching between code from Noalyss and TVA code from file |
 import_card | |
  include | |
   template | |
    input_file.php | |
    input_format.php | |
    template_save.php | |
    template_show.php | |
    test_file.php | |
   class_impcard_file_csv_sql.php | Autogenerated file This file is part of NOALYSS |
   class_impcard_format_sql.php | Autogenerated file This file is part of NOALYSS |
   class_import_card.php | Manage import |
  ajax.php | Manage the ajax calls |
  importcard.js | |
  index.php | |
 import_doli | |
  include | |
   template | |
    input_file.php | |
    parameter.php | |
    parameter_tva_add.php | Add a match between tva and rate |
    test_file.php | |
    test_operation.php | |
    upload_operation.php | Upload operation |
   class_impdol_operation.php | |
   class_import_card.php | Manage import |
   class_install_impdol.php | |
   class_sql_impdol.php | |
   imd_operation.inc.php | Upload operation |
   imd_parameter.inc.php | Matching between tva and rate |
  impdol.js | |
  index.php | Main file for importing card |
 importbank | |
  include | |
   template | |
    confirm_transfer.php | |
    delete_item.php | |
    detail_item.php | |
    import_new.php | |
    input_file.php | |
    show_field.php | |
    show_import.php | |
    show_list.php | : this file is called from Import_Bank::list_record , it lets you set the tiers, remove, transfer the imported operation |
    show_transfer.php | |
    test_file.php | |
   class_bank_item.php | |
   class_format_bank_sql.php | Manage the table importbank.format_bank |
   class_import_bank.php | |
   class_install_plugin.php | This class manages the installation and the patch of the plugin |
   class_temp_bank_sql.php | Manage the table importbank.temp_bank |
   import_bank.php | |
  ajax.php | |
  bank_constant.php | All the constant for this plugin |
  bank_js.js | |
  index.php | Main file for importing card |
 modop | |
  class_modop_operation.php | Operation for modify operation plugin |
  index.php | Modify a operation |
  modop_confirm.php | Confirm operation before save it but verify first |
  modop_display.php | Display the form for the operation |
  modop_save.php | Save the operation |
  template_ledger_fin.php | |
 rapport_avance | |
  include | |
   template | |
    declaration_display.php | Display content of a declaration |
    formulaire_definition.php | Show the definition |
    formulaire_listing.php | Display list of formulaire + button |
    formulaire_titre.php | Input for title, description |
    param_detail_new.php | Add parameter for declaration |
    param_detail_new_child.php | Add parameter for declaration |
   class_formulaire_param.php | Factory display the definition and parameters of a form |
   class_formulaire_param_detail.php | |
   class_rapav.php | |
   class_rapav_declaration.php | Compute all the formulaire_row and save them into rappport_advanced.declaration |
   class_rapav_formulaire.php | Manage les formulaires |
   class_rapav_install.php | Install the rapport_advanced (RAPAV plugin) |
   class_rapport_avance_sql.php | Handle the data: database level |
   declaration.inc.php | Déclaration |
   formulaire.inc.php | Liste des déclarations + modification, création.. |
   formulaire_definition_show.inc.php | |
   historique.inc.php | Show the history of the saved declaration take data from rapport_avance.declaration and display via ajax |
  ajax.php | |
  ajax_add_param_detail.php | Montre un form pour ajouter une formule retour en XML |
  ajax_add_row_definition.php | Ajoute une ligne dans la definition |
  ajax_mod_form.php | |
  ajax_mod_param.php | Montre le résultat et permet de changer les paramètrages d'un formulaire uniquement pour ceux ayant un champs de calcul (formule, code tva+poste comptable + totaux intermédiare |
  ajax_modify_param_detail.php | |
  ajax_modify_rapav_description.php | |
  ajax_rapav_declaration_display.php | Display a declaration from history but you can't modify it |
  ajax_rapav_search_code.php | Show the list of code of the form |
  ajax_save_definition.php | |
  ajax_save_param_detail.php | Sauve la nouvelle ligne de détail (paramètre) et renvoie un xml avec code = ok ou nok, p_id pk de formulaire_param et html le code html à afficher : soit une ligne à ajouter à la table soit le message d'erreur à ajouter dans le div |
  index.php | Main file for tools |
  rapav_constant.php | Contains all the needed variable for the plugin is name is plugin_name_constant.php You can use some globale variable, especially for the database connection |
  rapav_javascript.js | |
  raw.php | Raw file for PDF ewa |
 skel | |
  include | |
   class_install_plugin.php | Install the .. |
   class_skel_parameter.php | Class for the table SKEL.parameter replace SKEL by the plugin schema |
  ajax.php | |
  index.php | |
  raw.php | Raw file for PDF ewa |
  skel_constant.php | Contains all the needed variable for the plugin is name is plugin_name_constant.php You can use some globale variable, especially for the database connection |
  skel_javascript.js | |
 tool_pcmn | |
  include | |
   export_plan.php | Export Accountancy plan |
   import_plan.php | Import Accountancy plan |
  index.php | Main file for importing or exporting accountancy |
  raw.php | Export the pcmn |
 tools | |
  include | |
   template | |
    numbering.php | |
    result_receipt.php | |
    search_box.php | |
    search_view.php | |
    tool_exercice_input.php | Input data for new Exercice |
   class_anc_grandlivre_ext.php | |
   class_tool_exercice.php | |
   export_operation.inc.php | |
   operation.inc.php | |
   receipt.inc.php | Renumbered ledger |
   tool_function.php | Functions for tools |
   tools_exercice.inc.php | Add an exercice of 12 month starting when we want |
  ajax.php | |
  index.php | Main file for tools |
  raw.php | Raw file for PDF ewa |
  tools_constant.php | Contains all the needed variable for the plugin is name is plugin_name_constant.php You can use some globale variable, especially for the database connection |
  tools_javascript.js | |
 tva | |
  ajax.php | |
  class_ext_list_assujetti.php | |
  class_ext_list_intra.php | |
  class_ext_tva.php | |
  class_ext_tvagen.php | |
  class_install_plugin.php | This class manages the installation and the patch of the plugin |
  class_listing.php | |
  class_tva_amount.php | |
  class_tva_parameter.php | |
  decl_tva.inc.php | This file is included to create a new VAT declaration |
  form_decl.php | |
  form_decl_info.php | |
  form_parameter.php | |
  form_periode.php | |
  index.php | Main file for tva |
  js_scripts.js | |
  list_assujetti.inc.php | Listing intracom |
  list_intra.inc.php | Listing intracom |
  list_tva.inc.php | Show all the declaration by date |
  tva_constant.php | |
  tva_param.inc.php | Set up the parameters |