noalyss Version-9
lib Directory Reference
+ Directory dependency graph for lib:


file  ac_common.php [code]
 common utilities for a lot of procedure, classe
file  arrayphp.php [code]
file  config_file.php [code]
 functions concerning the config file The domain is not set into the form for security issues
file  data_sql.class.php [code]
 this a abstract class , all the SQL class, like noalyss_sql (table), Acc_Plan_SQL (based on a SQL not a table)
file  database_core.class.php [code]
 contains the class for connecting to a postgresql database
file  dbg.php [code]
 This class contains utility for developpers.
file  export_data.class.php [code]
file  export_data_pdf.class.php [code]
file  file_cache.class.php [code]
file  filetosend.class.php [code]
 file to add to a message
file  function_javascript.php [code]
file  html_input.class.php [code]
 This class is used to create all the HTML INPUT TYPE.
file  html_tab.class.php [code]
 Tab element.
file  html_table.class.php [code]
 contains HTML features
file  http_input.class.php [code]
 manage the http input (get , post, request)
file  iaction.class.php [code]
 Html Input show just a ref to an action create a button with a link, if you want to use a javascript value must be empty.
file  ianccard.class.php [code]
 Input HTML for the card show buttons.
file  ibutton.class.php [code]
 Html Input.
file  icard.class.php [code]
 Input HTML for the card show buttons.
file  icheckbox.class.php [code]
 Html Input.
file  icolor.class.php [code]
 Html Input for color.
file  icon_action.class.php [code]
 Utility , library of icon with javascript.
file  iconcerned.class.php [code]
 Html Input.
file  idate.class.php [code]
 Html Input Date type.
file  ifile.class.php [code]
 Html Input.
file  ihidden.class.php [code]
 Html Input.
file  impress.class.php [code]
file  inplace_edit.class.php [code]
 Inplace_edit class for ajax update of HtmlInput object.
file  inplace_switch.class.php [code]
 A switch let you switch between 2 values : 0 and 1, it is used to replace the check.
file  input_checkbox.class.php [code]
 modern checkbox, using a javascript to change the icon when clicked and a hidden field, there is always a value , either 1 or 0 EXPERIMENTAL
file  input_switch.class.php [code]
 show a switch, when you click on it an hidden field is changed, the value is 1 or 0
file  inum.class.php [code]
 for the numeric input text field
file  iperiod.class.php [code]
 Html Input.
file  ipopup.class.php [code]
 create a popup in html above the current layer the html inside the popup cannot contain any floating elt as div..
file  iposte.class.php [code]
 Html Input.
file  iradio.class.php [code]
 Html Input.
file  irelated_action.class.php [code]
 Html Input.
file  iselect.class.php [code]
 Html Input , create a tag <SELECT> ... </SELECT> if readonly == true then display the label corresponding to the selected value You can use also $this->rowsize to specify the number of lines to display.
file  ispan.class.php [code]
 Html Input.
file  itext.class.php [code]
 Html Input.
file  itextarea.class.php [code]
 Html Input.
file  itva_popup.class.php [code]
 Html Input.
file  manage_table_sql.class.php [code]
 Definition Manage_Table_SQL.
file  message_javascript.php [code]
 Contains all the javascript messages, this file must be included before the javascript file.
file  noalyss_csv.class.php [code]
 Manage the CSV : manage files and write CSV record.
file  noalyss_sql.class.php [code]
 deprecated Noalyss_SQL class
file  output_html_tab.class.php [code]
 Display the tabs.
file  pdf_core.class.php [code]
 API for creating PDF, unicode, based on tfpdf.
file  progress_bar.class.php [code]
 Manage the progress bar and display it with javascript.
file  select_box.class.php [code]
 display a kind of select
file  select_dialog.class.php [code]
file  sendmail_core.class.php [code]
 API for sending email.
file  single_record.class.php [code]
 Objec to check a double insert into the database, this duplicate occurs after a refresh of the web page.
file  sort_table.class.php [code]
file  table_data_sql.class.php [code]
 interface : for creating ORM Object
file  user_common.php [code]
 Common functions.
file  user_menu.php [code]
 Nearly all the menu are here, some of them returns a HTML string, others echo directly the result.
file  zip_extended.class.php [code]
 extends the Zip object