noalyss  Version-7
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ajax Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for ajax:


file  ajax_accounting.php [code]
 Manange Accounting.
file  ajax_action_remove_concerned.php [code]
 remove concerned operation , call from follow up
file  ajax_action_save_concerned.php [code]
 insert concerned operation , call from follow up
file  ajax_add_concerned_card.php [code]
 insert concerned operation , call from follow up
file  ajax_add_menu.php [code]
 show the form for adding a menu.
file  ajax_admin.php [code]
 the file contents the code which answer to ajax call from admin-noalyss.php
file  ajax_anc_accounting.php [code]
 Insert , update delete anc accounting.
file  ajax_anc_detail_operation.php [code]
 display the detail of an anc operation parameters : oa_group
file  ajax_anc_key_choice.php [code]
 show the available distribution keys for analytic activities.
file  ajax_anc_key_compute.php [code]
 Compute the amount.
file  ajax_anc_plan.php [code]
 ajax answer to update or change name or description of an analytic plan
file  ajax_anc_search.php [code]
 show a screen to search a ca account
file  ajax_auto_anc_card.php [code]
 no used ??
file  ajax_bank_saldo.php [code]
 respond ajax request, the get contains the value :
file  ajax_bookmark.php [code]
 user's bookmark
file  ajax_boxcard_search.php [code]
 show result card search
file  ajax_calendar_zoom.php [code]
 zoom the sheduler
file  ajax_card.php [code]
 this file respond to an ajax request and return an object with the ctl and the html string at minimum
file  ajax_create_menu.php [code]
 Menu creation.
file  ajax_display_letter.php [code]
 show the lettered operation
file  ajax_display_submenu.php [code]
 call from ajax : display submenu Security : only user with the menu CFGPRO display the submenu of a menu or a module It expects 2 parameters = p_profile (profile.p_id) and the dep (menu_ref.me_code)
file  ajax_fiche_def_detail.php [code]
 show detail of a fiche_def (category of card) + Attribut
file  ajax_gestion.php [code]
 display a box containing last actions
file  ajax_get_menu_detail.php [code]
 get detail of a menu
file  ajax_get_profile.php [code]
 show the profile detail, included from ajax_misc.php
file  ajax_get_receipt.php [code]
 respond ajax request, the get contains the value :
file  ajax_history.php [code]
 show the history of a card of an accounting for the card f_id is set and for an accounting : pcm_val
file  ajax_ledger.php [code]
 answer to the ajax request for the ledger it means :
file  ajax_ledger_show.php [code]
 Show a div for selecting ledger return a html code for creating a window parameter.
file  ajax_min_row.php [code]
 return the number of rows for a ledger
file  ajax_mod_document.php [code]
 show the detail of a document and let you modify it
file  ajax_mod_menu.php [code]
 Menu modification.
file  ajax_mod_predf_op.php [code]
 display a form to change the name of a predefined operation
file  ajax_mod_stock_repo.php [code]
 show a depot
file  ajax_navigator.php [code]
 display the navigator
file  ajax_periode.php [code]
 display or save a periode variable received $op, $cn $g_user variable : act
file  ajax_plugin_detail.php [code]
 add, modify or delete plugin
file  ajax_poste.php [code]
 this file answer to the Ajax request from js/accounting_item.js
file  ajax_preference.php [code]
 this file is always included and then executed it permits to change the user preferences
file  ajax_remove_submenu.php [code]
 remove a submenu
file  ajax_save_predf_op.php [code]
 save the new predefined operation included from ajax_misc
file  ajax_search_action.php [code]
 Search module.
file  ajax_search_add_tag.php [code]
 add tag , used for follow up
file  ajax_search_clear_tag.php [code]
 remove tag , call from follow up
file  ajax_search_display_tag.php [code]
 remove tag , call from follow up
file  ajax_search_filter.php [code]
 Managed the search filter.
file  ajax_search_operation.php [code]
file  ajax_tag_add_action.php [code]
 remove tag , call from follow up
file  ajax_tag_detail.php [code]
 display a window with the content of a tag
file  ajax_tag_list.php [code]
 Display the list of tags.
file  ajax_tag_remove_action.php [code]
 remove a tag from an event in the follow up
file  ajax_tag_save.php [code]
 save a new tag or disable / enable the tag
file  ajax_tag_select_search.php [code]
 Show the tags to select.
file  ajax_template_cat_card.php [code]
 Manage the template of category of card.
file  ajax_template_cat_category.php [code]
 manage attribut of a Template of Category of card.
file  ajax_todo_list.php [code]
 handle the ajax request for the todo_list (delete, update and insert) for add, needed parameters
file  ajax_tva_parameter.php [code]
file  ajax_update_payment.php [code]
 refresh the area with payment method -l for the ledger
file  ajax_update_predef.php [code]
 respond ajax request, the get contains the value :
file  ajax_user_security.php [code]
 Manage the security of a ledger , from CFGSEC module.
file  ajax_view_action.php [code]
 show the detail of an action
file  ajax_view_mod_stock.php [code]
 show detail of inv.