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1 <?php
3 /*
4  * This file is part of NOALYSS.
5  *
6  * NOALYSS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9  * (at your option) any later version.
10  *
11  * NOALYSS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14  * GNU General Public License for more details.
15  *
16  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17  * along with NOALYSS; if not, write to the Free Software
18  * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
19  */
20 // Copyright Author Dany De Bontridder
21 require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE.'/lib/class_itextarea.php';
22 require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE.'/lib/class_idate.php';
23 require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE.'/lib/class_iselect.php';
24 require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE.'/lib/class_ihidden.php';
25 require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE.'/lib/class_itext.php';
26 require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE.'/lib/class_ispan.php';
27 require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE.'/lib/class_icard.php';
28 require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE.'/lib/class_icheckbox.php';
29 require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE.'/lib/class_ifile.php';
30 require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE.'/class/class_fiche.php';
31 require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE.'/class/class_document.php';
32 require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE.'/class/class_document_type.php';
33 require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE.'/class/class_document_modele.php';
34 require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE.'/lib/user_common.php';
35 require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE.'/class/class_follow_up_detail.php';
36 require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE.'/lib/class_inum.php';
37 require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE.'/lib/class_sort_table.php';
38 require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE.'/lib/class_irelated_action.php';
39 require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE.'/class/class_tag.php';
40 require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE.'/class/class_default_menu.php';
41 /**
42  * \file
43  * \brief class_action for manipulating actions
44  * action can be :
45  * <ul>
46  * <li>an invoice
47  * <li>a meeting
48  * <li>an order
49  * <li>a letter
50  * </ul>
51  * The table document_type are the possible actions
52  */
54 /**
55  * \brief class_action for manipulating actions
56  * action can be :
57  * <ul>
58  * <li> a meeting
59  * <li>an order
60  * <li>a letter
61  * </ul>
62  * The table document_type are the possible actions
63  */
64 class Follow_Up
65 {
67  var $db; /*!< $db database connexion */
68  var $ag_timestamp; /*!< $ag_timestamp document date (ag_gestion.ag_timestamp) */
69  var $dt_id; /*!< $dt_id type of the document (document_type.dt_id) */
70  var $ag_state; /*!< $ag_state stage of the document (printed, send to client...) */
71  var $d_number; /*!< $d_number number of the document */
72  var $d_filename; /*!< $d_filename filename's document */
73  var $d_mimetype; /*!< $d_mimetype document's filename */
74  var $ag_title; /*!< $ag_title title document */
75  var $f_id; /*!< $f_id_dest fiche id (From field ) */
76  var $ag_ref; /*!< $ag_ref is the ref */
77  var $ag_hour; /*!< $ag_hour is the hour of the meeting, action */
78  var $ag_priority; /*!< $ag_priority is the priority 1 High, 2 medium, 3 low */
79  var $ag_dest; /*!< $ag_dest person who is in charged */
80  var $ag_contact; /*!< $ag_contact contact */
81  var $ag_remind_date; /*!< $ag_contact contact */
83  /**
84  * @brief $operation string related operation
85  */
88  /**
89  * @brief $action string related action
90  */
91  var $action;
93  /**
94  * @brief constructor
95  * \brief constructor
96  * \param p_cn database connection
97  */
98  function __construct($p_cn, $p_id=0)
99  {
100  $this->db=$p_cn;
101  $this->ag_id=$p_id;
102  $this->f_id=0;
103  $this->aAction_detail=array();
104  $this->operation="";
105  $this->action="";
106  }
107  /**
108  * Create a filter based on the current user,
109  * @remark type $g_user Connected user
110  * @param type $cn Database connection
111  * @param type $p_mode Mode is R (for Read) or W (for write)
112  * @return string SQL where clause to include in the SQL
113  * example: (ag_dest in (select p_granted from user_sec_action_profile where p_id=x)
114  */
115  static function sql_security_filter($cn, $p_mode)
116  {
117  global $g_user;
118  $profile=$cn->get_value("select p_id from profile_user where user_name=$1", array($g_user->login));
119  if ($profile=='')
120  die("Security");
121  if ($p_mode=='R')
122  {
123  $sql=" (ag_dest in (select p_granted from user_sec_action_profile where p_id=$profile ) ) ";
124  } else if ($p_mode=='W')
125  {
126  $sql=" ( ag_dest in (select p_granted from user_sec_action_profile where p_id=$profile and ua_right='W' ) )";
127  } else {
128  error_log(_('Securité'));
129  throw new Exception(_('Securité'));
130  }
131  return $sql;
132  }
134  //----------------------------------------------------------------------
135  /**
136  * \brief Display the object, the tags for the FORM
137  * are in the caller. It will be used for adding and updating
138  * action
139  * \note If ag_id is not equal to zero then it is an update otherwise
140  * it is a new document
141  *
142  * \param $p_view form will be in readonly mode (value: READ, UPD or NEW )
143  * \param $p_gen true we show the tag for generating a doc (value : true or false) and adding files
144  * \param $p_base is the ac parameter
145  * \param $retour is the html code for the return button
146  * \note update the reference number or the document type is not allowed
147  *
148  *
149  * \return string containing the html code
150  */
151  function Display($p_view, $p_gen, $p_base, $retour="")
152  {
153  global $g_user;
154  if ($p_view=='UPD')
155  {
156  $upd=true;
157  $readonly=false;
158  }
159  elseif ($p_view=="NEW")
160  {
161  $upd=false;
162  $readonly=false;
163  $this->ag_ref=_("Nouveau");
164  }
165  elseif ($p_view=='READ')
166  {
167  $upd=true;
168  $readonly=true;
169  }
170  else
171  {
172  throw new Exception('class_action'.__LINE__.'Follow_Up::Display error unknown parameter'.$p_view);
173  }
174  // Compute the widget
175  // Date
176  $date=new IDate();
177  $date->readOnly=$readonly;
178  $date->name="ag_timestamp";
179  $date->id="ag_timestamp";
180  $date->value=$this->ag_timestamp;
182  $remind_date=new IDate();
183  $remind_date->readOnly=$readonly;
184  $remind_date->name="ag_remind_date";
185  $remind_date->id="ag_remind_date";
186  $remind_date->value=$this->ag_remind_date;
189  // Doc Type
190  $doc_type=new ISelect();
191  $doc_type->name="dt_id";
192  $doc_type->value=$this->db->make_array("select dt_id,dt_value from document_type order by dt_value", 1);
193  $doc_type->selected=$this->dt_id;
194  $doc_type->readOnly=$readonly;
195  $str_doc_type=$doc_type->input();
197  // Description
198  $desc=new ITextArea();
199  $desc->style=' class="itextarea" style="width:80%;margin-left:0px"';
200  $desc->name="ag_comment";
201  $desc->readOnly=$readonly;
202  $acomment=$this->db->get_array("SELECT agc_id, ag_id, to_char(agc_date,'DD.MM.YYYY HH24:MI') as str_agc_date, agc_comment, tech_user
203  FROM action_gestion_comment where ag_id=$1 order by agc_id", array($this->ag_id)
204  );
206  // List opération liées
207  $operation=$this->db->get_array("select ago_id,j.jr_id,j.jr_internal,j.jr_comment,to_char(j.jr_date,'DD.MM.YY') as str_date
208  from jrn as j join action_gestion_operation as ago on (j.jr_id=ago.jr_id)
209  where ag_id=$1 order by jr_date", array($this->ag_id));
210  $iconcerned=new IConcerned('operation');
212  // List related action
213  $iaction=new IRelated_Action('action');
214  $iaction->value=(isset($this->action))?$this->action:"";
216  // state
217  // Retrieve the value
218  $a=$this->db->make_array("select s_id,s_value from document_state ");
219  $state=new ISelect();
220  $state->readOnly=$readonly;
221  $state->name="ag_state";
222  $state->value=$a;
223  $state->selected=$this->ag_state;
224  $str_state=$state->input();
226  // Retrieve the value if there is an attached doc
227  $doc_ref="";
228  // Document id
230  $h2=new IHidden();
231  $h2->name="d_id";
232  $h2->value=$this->d_id;
234  if ($this->d_id!=0&&$this->d_id!="")
235  {
236  $h2->readonly=($p_view=='NEW')?false:true;
237  $doc=new Document($this->db, $this->d_id);
238  $doc->get();
239  if (strlen(trim($doc->d_lob))!=0)
240  {
241  $d_id=new IHidden();
242  $doc_ref="<p> Document ".$doc->anchor().'</p>';
243  $doc_ref.=$h2->input().$d_id->input('d_id', $this->d_id);
244  }
245  }
248  // title
249  $title=new IText();
250  $title->readOnly=$readonly;
251  $title->name="ag_title";
252  $title->value=$this->ag_title;
253  $title->size=60;
256  // Priority of the ag_priority
257  $ag_priority=new ISelect();
258  $ag_priority->readOnly=$readonly;
259  $ag_priority->name="ag_priority";
261  $ag_priority->value=array(array('value'=>1, 'label'=>_('Haute')),
262  array('value'=>2, 'label'=>_('Moyenne')),
263  array('value'=>3, 'label'=>_('Basse'))
264  );
265  $str_ag_priority=$ag_priority->input();
267  // hour of the action (meeting) ag_hour
268  $ag_hour=new IText();
269  $ag_hour->readOnly=$readonly;
270  $ag_hour->name="ag_hour";
271  $ag_hour->value=$this->ag_hour;
272  $ag_hour->size=6;
273  $ag_hour->javascript=" onblur=check_hour('ag_hour');";
274  $str_ag_hour=$ag_hour->input();
276  // Profile in charged of the action
277  $ag_dest=new ISelect();
278  $ag_dest->readOnly=$readonly;
279  $ag_dest->name="ag_dest";
280  // select profile
281  $aAg_dest=$this->db->make_array("select p_id as value, ".
282  "p_name as label ".
283  " from profile where p_id in ".$g_user->get_writable_profile()."order by 2");
285  $ag_dest->value=$aAg_dest;
286  $ag_dest->selected=$this->ag_dest;
287  $str_ag_dest=$ag_dest->input();
289  // ag_ref
290  // Always false for update
292  $client_label=new ISpan();
294  /* Add button */
295  $f_add_button=new IButton('add_card');
296  $f_add_button->label=_('Créer une nouvelle fiche');
297  $f_add_button->set_attribute('ipopup', 'ipop_newcard');
298  $filter=$this->db->make_list('select fd_id from fiche_def ');
299  $f_add_button->set_attribute('filter', $filter);
301  $f_add_button->javascript=" select_card_type(this);";
302  $str_add_button=$f_add_button->input();
304  // f_id_dest sender
305  if ($this->qcode_dest!=NOTFOUND&&strlen(trim($this->qcode_dest))!=0)
306  {
307  $tiers=new Fiche($this->db);
308  $tiers->get_by_qcode($this->qcode_dest);
309  $qcode_dest_label=$tiers->strAttribut(1);
310  $this->f_id_dest=$tiers->id;
311  }
312  else
313  {
314  $qcode_dest_label=($this->f_id_dest==0||trim($this->qcode_dest)=="")?'Interne ':'Error';
315  }
317  $h_ag_id=new IHidden();
318  // if concerns another action : show the link otherwise nothing
319  //
320  // sender
321  $w=new ICard();
322  $w->readOnly=$readonly;
323  $w->jrn=0;
324  $w->name='qcode_dest';
325  $w->value=($this->f_id_dest!=0)?$this->qcode_dest:"";
326  $w->label="";
327  $list_recipient=$this->db->make_list('select fd_id from fiche_def where frd_id in (14,25,8,9,16)');
328  $w->extra=$list_recipient;
329  $w->set_attribute('typecard', $list_recipient);
330  $w->set_dblclick("fill_ipopcard(this);");
331  $w->set_attribute('ipopup', 'ipopcard');
333  // name of the field to update with the name of the card
334  $w->set_attribute('label', 'qcode_dest_label');
335  // name of the field to update with the name of the card
336  $w->set_attribute('typecard', $w->extra);
337  $w->set_function('fill_data');
338  $w->javascript=sprintf(' onchange="fill_data_onchange(\'%s\');" ', $w->name);
340  $sp=new ISpan();
341  $sp->name='qcode_dest_label';
342  $sp->value=$qcode_dest_label;
344  // autre - a refaire pour avoir plusieurs fiches
345  // Sur le modèle des tags
346  $ag_contact=new ICard();
347  $ag_contact->readOnly=$readonly;
348  $ag_contact->jrn=0;
349  $ag_contact->name='ag_contact';
350  $ag_contact->value='';
351  $ag_contact->set_attribute('ipopup', 'ipopcard');
353  if ($this->ag_contact!=0)
354  {
355  $contact=new Fiche($this->db, $this->ag_contact);
356  $ag_contact->value=$contact->get_quick_code();
357  }
359  $ag_contact->label="";
361  $list_contact=$this->db->make_list('select fd_id from fiche_def where frd_id=16');
362  $ag_contact->extra=$list_contact;
364  $ag_contact->set_dblclick("fill_ipopcard(this);");
365  // name of the field to update with the name of the card
366  $ag_contact->set_attribute('label', 'ag_contact_label');
367  // name of the field to update with the name of the card
368  $ag_contact->set_attribute('typecard', $list_contact);
369  $ag_contact->set_function('fill_data');
370  $ag_contact->javascript=sprintf(' onchange="fill_data_onchange(\'%s\');" ', $ag_contact->name);
372  $spcontact=new ISpan();
373  $spcontact->name='ag_contact_label';
374  $spcontact->value='';
375  $fiche_contact=new Fiche($this->db);
376  $fiche_contact->get_by_qcode($this->ag_contact);
377  if ($fiche_contact->id!=0)
378  {
379  $spcontact->value=$fiche_contact->strAttribut(ATTR_DEF_NAME);
380  }
383  $h_agrefid=new IHidden();
384  $iag_ref=new IText("ag_ref");
385  $iag_ref->value=$this->ag_ref;
386  $iag_ref->readOnly=($p_view=="NEW"||$p_view=='READ')?true:false;
387  $str_ag_ref=$iag_ref->input();
388  // Preparing the return string
389  $r="";
391  /* for new files */
392  $upload=new IFile();
393  $upload->name="file_upload[]";
394  $upload->readOnly=$readonly;
395  $upload->value="";
396  $aAttachedFile=$this->db->get_array('select d_id,d_filename,d_description,d_mimetype,'.
397  '\'export.php?act=RAW:document&'.
398  Dossier::get().'&d_id=\'||d_id as link'.
399  ' from document where ag_id=$1', array($this->ag_id));
400  /* create the select for document */
401  $aDocMod=new ISelect();
402  $aDocMod->name='doc_mod';
403  $aDocMod->value=$this->db->make_array('select md_id,dt_value||\' : \'||md_name as md_name'.
404  ' from document_modele join document_type on (md_type=dt_id)'.
405  ' order by md_name');
406  $str_select_doc=$aDocMod->input();
407  /* if no document then do not show the generate button */
408  if (empty($aDocMod->value))
409  $str_submit_generate="";
410  else
411  $str_submit_generate=HtmlInput::submit("generate", _("Génére le document"));
415  /* fid = Icard */
416  $icard=new ICard();
417  $icard->jrn=0;
418  $icard->table=0;
419  $icard->extra2='QuickCode';
420  $icard->noadd="no";
421  $icard->extra='all';
423  /* Text desc */
424  $text=new IText();
425  $num=new INum();
427  /* TVA */
428  $itva=new ITva_Popup($this->db);
429  $itva->in_table=true;
430  $aCard=array();
431  /* create aArticle for the detail section */
432  $article_count=(count($this->aAction_detail)==0)?MAX_ARTICLE:count($this->aAction_detail);
433  /* Compute total */
434  $tot_item=0;
435  $tot_vat=0;
436  for ($i=0; $i<$article_count; $i++)
437  {
438  /* fid = Icard */
439  $icard=new ICard();
440  $icard->jrn=0;
441  $icard->table=0;
442  $icard->noadd="no";
443  $icard->extra='all';
444  $icard->name="e_march".$i;
445  $tmp_ad=(isset($this->aAction_detail[$i]))?$this->aAction_detail[$i]:false;
446  $icard->readOnly=$readonly;
447  $icard->value='';
448  $aCard[$i]=0;
449  if ($tmp_ad)
450  {
451  $march=new Fiche($this->db);
452  $f=$tmp_ad->get_parameter('qcode');
453  if ($f!=0)
454  {
455  $march->id=$f;
456  $icard->value=$march->get_quick_code();
457  $aCard[$i]=$f;
458  }
459  }
460  $icard->set_dblclick("fill_ipopcard(this);");
461  // name of the field to update with the name of the card
462  $icard->set_attribute('label', "e_march".$i."_label");
463  // name of the field to update with the name of the card
464  $icard->set_attribute('typecard', $icard->extra);
465  $icard->set_attribute('ipopup', 'ipopcard');
466  $icard->set_function('fill_data');
467  $icard->javascript=sprintf(' onchange="fill_data_onchange(\'%s\');" ', $icard->name);
469  $aArticle[$i]['fid']=$icard->search().$icard->input();
471  $text->javascript=' onchange="clean_tva('.$i.');compute_ledger('.$i.')"';
472  $text->css_size="100%";
473  $text->name="e_march".$i."_label";
474  $text->id="e_march".$i."_label";
475  $text->size=40;
476  $text->value=($tmp_ad)?$tmp_ad->get_parameter('text'):"";
477  $text->readOnly=$readonly;
478  $aArticle[$i]['desc']=$text->input();
480  $num->javascript=' onchange="format_number(this,4);clean_tva('.$i.');compute_ledger('.$i.')"';
481  $num->name="e_march".$i."_price";
482  $num->id="e_march".$i."_price";
483  $num->size=8;
484  $num->readOnly=$readonly;
485  $num->value=($tmp_ad)?$tmp_ad->get_parameter('price_unit'):0;
486  $aArticle[$i]['pu']=$num->input();
488  $num->name="e_quant".$i;
489  $num->id="e_quant".$i;
490  $num->size=8;
491  $num->value=($tmp_ad)?$tmp_ad->get_parameter('quantity'):0;
492  $aArticle[$i]['quant']=$num->input();
494  $itva->name='e_march'.$i.'_tva_id';
495  $itva->id='e_march'.$i.'_tva_id';
496  $itva->value=($tmp_ad)?$tmp_ad->get_parameter('tva_id'):0;
497  $itva->readOnly=$readonly;
498  $itva->js=' onchange="format_number(this);clean_tva('.$i.');compute_ledger('.$i.')"';
499  $itva->set_attribute('compute', $i);
501  $aArticle[$i]['tvaid']=$itva->input();
503  $num->name="e_march".$i."_tva_amount";
504  $num->id="e_march".$i."_tva_amount";
505  $num->value=($tmp_ad)?$tmp_ad->get_parameter('tva_amount'):0;
506  $num->javascript=" onchange=\"compute_ledger('".$i." ')\"";
507  $num->size=8;
508  $aArticle[$i]['tva']=$num->input();
509  $tot_vat=bcadd($tot_vat,$num->value);
511  $num->name="tvac_march".$i;
512  $num->id="tvac_march".$i;
513  $num->value=($tmp_ad)?$tmp_ad->get_parameter('total'):0;
514  $num->size=8;
515  $aArticle[$i]['tvac']=$num->input();
516  $tot_item=bcadd($tot_item,$num->value);
518  $aArticle[$i]['hidden_htva']=HtmlInput::hidden('htva_march'.$i, 0);
519  $aArticle[$i]['hidden_tva']=HtmlInput::hidden('tva_march'.$i, 0);
520  $aArticle[$i]['ad_id']=($tmp_ad)?HtmlInput::hidden('ad_id'.$i, $tmp_ad->get_parameter('id')):HtmlInput::hidden('ad_id'.$i, 0);
521  }
523  /* Add the needed hidden values */
524  $r.=dossier::hidden();
526  /* add the number of item */
527  $Hid=new IHidden();
528  $r.=$Hid->input("nb_item", $article_count);
529  $r.=HtmlInput::request_to_hidden(array("closed_action", "remind_date_end", "remind_date", "sag_ref", "only_internal", "state", "qcode", "ag_dest_query", "action_query", "tdoc", "date_start", "date_end", "hsstate", "searchtag"));
530  $a_tag=$this->tag_get();
531  $menu=new Default_Menu();
532  /* get template */
533  ob_start();
534  require NOALYSS_TEMPLATE.'/detail-action.php';
535  $content=ob_get_contents();
536  ob_end_clean();
537  $r.=$content;
539  //hidden
540  $r.="<p>";
541  $r.=$h2->input();
542  $r.=$h_ag_id->input('ag_id', $this->ag_id);
543  $hidden2=new IHidden();
544  $r.=$hidden2->input('f_id_dest', $this->f_id_dest);
545  $r.="</p>";
547  return $r;
548  }
550  //----------------------------------------------------------------------
551  /**
552  * \brief This function shows the detail of an action thanks the ag_id
553  */
554  function get()
555  {
556  $sql="select ag_id,to_char (ag_timestamp,'DD.MM.YYYY') as ag_timestamp,".
557  " f_id_dest,ag_title,ag_ref,d_id,ag_type,ag_state, ag_owner, ".
558  " ag_dest, ag_hour, ag_priority, ag_contact,to_char (ag_remind_date,'DD.MM.YYYY') as ag_remind_date ".
559  " from action_gestion left join document using (ag_id) where ag_id=".$this->ag_id;
560  $r=$this->db->exec_sql($sql);
562  if ($row==false)
563  {
564  $this->ag_id=0;
565  return;
566  }
567  $this->ag_timestamp=$row[0]['ag_timestamp'];
568  $this->ag_contact=$row[0]['ag_contact'];
569  $this->f_id_dest=$row[0]['f_id_dest'];
570  $this->ag_title=$row[0]['ag_title'];
571  $this->ag_type=$row[0]['ag_type'];
572  $this->ag_ref=$row[0]['ag_ref'];
573  $this->ag_state=$row[0]['ag_state'];
574  $this->d_id=$row[0]['d_id'];
575  $this->ag_dest=$row[0]['ag_dest'];
576  $this->ag_hour=$row[0]['ag_hour'];
577  $this->ag_priority=$row[0]['ag_priority'];
578  $this->ag_remind_date=$row[0]['ag_remind_date'];
579  $this->ag_owner=$row[0]['ag_owner'];
581  $action_detail=new Follow_Up_Detail($this->db);
582  $action_detail->set_parameter('ag_id', $this->ag_id);
583  $this->aAction_detail=$action_detail->load_all();
586  // if there is no document set 0 to d_id
587  if ($this->d_id=="")
588  $this->d_id=0;
589  // if there is a document fill the object
590  if ($this->d_id!=0)
591  {
592  $this->state=$row['0']['ag_state'];
593  $this->ag_state=$row[0]['ag_state'];
594  }
595  $this->dt_id=$this->ag_type;
596  $aexp=new Fiche($this->db, $this->f_id_dest);
597  $this->qcode_dest=$aexp->strAttribut(ATTR_DEF_QUICKCODE);
598  }
600  /**
601  * \brief Save the document and propose to save the generated document or
602  * to upload one, the data are included except the file. Temporary the generated
603  * document is save.
604  * The files into $_FILES['file_upload'] will be saved
605  * @note the array $_POST['input_desc'] must be set, contains the description
606  * of the uploaded files
607  *
608  * \return
609  */
610  function save()
611  {
613  // Get The sequence id,
614  $seq_name="seq_doc_type_".$this->dt_id;
615  $str_file="";
616  $add_file='';
618  // f_id exp
619  $exp=new Fiche($this->db);
620  $exp->get_by_qcode($this->qcode_dest);
621  $exp->id=($exp->id==0)?null:$exp->id;
623  $contact=new Fiche($this->db);
624  $contact->get_by_qcode($this->ag_contact);
626  if (trim($this->ag_title)=="")
627  {
628  $doc_mod=new document_type($this->db);
629  $doc_mod->dt_id=$this->dt_id;
630  $doc_mod->get();
631  $this->ag_title=$doc_mod->dt_value;
632  }
633  $this->ag_id=$this->db->get_next_seq('action_gestion_ag_id_seq');
635  // Create the reference
636  $ag_ref=$this->db->get_value('select dt_prefix from document_type where dt_id=$1', array($this->dt_id)).'-'.$this->db->get_next_seq($seq_name);
637  $this->ag_ref=$ag_ref;
639  // save into the database
640  if ($this->ag_remind_date!=null||$this->ag_remind_date!='')
641  {
642  $sql="insert into action_gestion".
643  "(ag_id,ag_timestamp,ag_type,ag_title,f_id_dest,ag_ref, ag_dest, ".
644  " ag_hour, ag_priority,ag_owner,ag_contact,ag_state,ag_remind_date) ".
645  " values ($1,to_date($2,'DD.MM.YYYY'),$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9,$10,$11,$12,to_date($13,'DD.MM.YYYY'))";
646  }
647  else
648  {
649  $this->ag_remind_date=null;
650  $sql="insert into action_gestion".
651  "(ag_id,ag_timestamp,ag_type,ag_title,f_id_dest,ag_ref, ag_dest, ".
652  " ag_hour, ag_priority,ag_owner,ag_contact,ag_state,ag_remind_date) ".
653  " values ($1,to_date($2,'DD.MM.YYYY'),$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9,$10,$11,$12,$13)";
654  }
655  $this->db->exec_sql($sql, array($this->ag_id, /* 1 */
656  $this->ag_timestamp, /* 2 */
657  $this->dt_id, /* 3 */
658  $this->ag_title, /* 4 */
659  $exp->id, /* 5 */
660  $ag_ref, /* 6 */
661  $this->ag_dest, /* 7 */
662  $this->ag_hour, /* 8 */
663  $this->ag_priority, /* 9 */
664  $_SESSION['g_user'], /* 10 */
665  $contact->id, /* 11 */
666  $this->ag_state, /* 12 */
667  $this->ag_remind_date /* 13 */
668  )
669  );
671  /* insert also the details */
672  for ($i=0; $i<$_POST['nb_item']; $i++)
673  {
674  $act=new Follow_Up_Detail($this->db);
675  $act->from_array($_POST, $i);
676  if ($act->f_id==0)
677  continue;
678  $act->ag_id=$this->ag_id;
679  $act->save();
680  }
682  /* Upload the documents */
683  $doc=new Document($this->db);
684  $doc->Upload($this->ag_id);
685  if (trim($this->ag_comment)!='')
686  {
687  $this->db->exec_sql("insert into action_gestion_comment (ag_id,tech_user,agc_comment) values ($1,$2,$3)"
688  , array($this->ag_id, $_SESSION['g_user'], $this->ag_comment));
689  }
690  $this->insert_operation();
691  $this->insert_action();
692  }
694  /**
695  * myList($p_base, $p_filter = "", $p_search = "")
696  * Show list of action by default if sorted on date
697  * @param $p_base base url with ac...
698  * @param $p_filter filters on the document_type
699  * @param $p_search must a valid sql command ( ex 'and ag_title like upper('%hjkh%'))
700  * @return string containing html code
701  */
702  function myList($p_base, $p_filter="", $p_search="")
703  {
704  // for the sort
705  $url=HtmlInput::get_to_string(array("closed_action", "remind_date_end", "remind_date", "sag_ref", "only_internal", "state", "qcode", "ag_dest_query", "action_query", "tdoc", "date_start", "date_end", "hsstate", "searchtag")).'&'.$p_base;
707  $table=new Sort_Table();
708  $table->add('Date Doc.', $url, 'order by ag_timestamp asc', 'order by ag_timestamp desc', 'da', 'dd');
709  $table->add('Date Comm.', $url, 'order by last_comment', 'order by last_comment desc', 'dca', 'dcd');
710  $table->add('Date Limite', $url, 'order by ag_remind_date asc', 'order by ag_remind_date desc', 'ra', 'rd');
711  $table->add('Tag', $url, 'order by tags asc', 'order by tags desc', 'taa', 'tad');
712  $table->add('Réf.', $url, 'order by ag_ref asc', 'order by ag_ref desc', 'ra', 'rd');
713  $table->add('Groupe', $url, "order by coalesce((select p_name from profile where p_id=ag_dest),'Aucun groupe')", "order by coalesce((select p_name from profile where p_id=ag_dest),'Aucun groupe') desc", 'dea', 'ded');
714  $table->add('Dest/Exp', $url, 'order by name asc', 'order by name desc', 'ea', 'ed');
715  $table->add('Titre', $url, 'order by ag_title asc', 'order by ag_title desc', 'ta', 'td');
717  $ord=(!isset($_GET['ord']))?"dcd":$_GET['ord'];
718  $sort=$table->get_sql_order($ord);
720  if (strlen(trim($p_filter))!=0)
721  $p_filter_doc=" dt_id in ( $p_filter )";
722  else
723  $p_filter_doc=" 1=1 ";
725  $sql="
726  select ag_id,to_char(ag_timestamp,'DD.MM.YYYY') as my_date,
727  to_char(ag_remind_date,'DD.MM.YYYY') as my_remind,
728  to_char(coalesce((select max(agc_date) from action_gestion_comment as agc where agc.ag_id=ag.ag_id),ag_timestamp),'DD.MM.YY') as str_last_comment,
729  coalesce((select max(agc_date) from action_gestion_comment as agc where agc.ag_id=ag.ag_id),ag_timestamp) as last_comment,
730  f_id_dest,
731  s_value,
732  ag_title,dt_value,ag_ref, ag_priority,ag_state,
733  coalesce((select p_name from profile where p_id=ag_dest),'Aucun groupe') as dest,
734  (select ad_value from fiche_Detail where f_id=ag.f_id_dest and ad_id=1) as name,
735  array_to_string((select array_agg(t1.t_tag) from action_tags as a1 join tags as t1 on (a1.t_id=t1.t_id) where a1.ag_id=ag.ag_id ),',') as tags
736  from action_gestion as ag
737  join document_type on (ag_type=dt_id)
738  join document_state on (ag_state=s_id)
739  where $p_filter_doc $p_search $sort";
740  $max_line=$this->db->count_sql($sql);
741  $step=$_SESSION['g_pagesize'];
742  $page=(isset($_GET['offset']))?$_GET['page']:1;
743  $offset=(isset($_GET['offset']))?Database::escape_string($_GET['offset']):0;
744  if ($step!=-1)
745  $limit=" LIMIT $step OFFSET $offset ";
746  else
747  $limit='';
750  $Res=$this->db->exec_sql($sql.$limit);
751  $a_row=Database::fetch_all($Res);
753  $r="";
754  $r.='<p>'.$bar.'</p>';
755  $r.='<table class="document">';
756  $r.="<tr>";
757  $r.='<th name="ag_id_td" style="display:none" >'.ICheckBox::toggle_checkbox('ag', 'list_ag_frm').'</th>';
758  $r.='<th>'.$table->get_header(0).'</th>';
759  $r.='<th>'.$table->get_header(1).'</th>';
760  $r.='<th>'.$table->get_header(2).'</th>';
761  $r.='<th>'.$table->get_header(3).'</th>';
762  $r.='<th>'.$table->get_header(4).'</th>';
763  $r.='<th>'.$table->get_header(5).'</th>';
764  $r.='<th>'.$table->get_header(6).'</th>';
765  $r.='<th>'.$table->get_header(7).'</th>';
766  $r.=th('Priorité');
767  $r.="</tr>";
770  // if there are no records return a message
771  if (sizeof($a_row)==0 or $a_row==false)
772  {
773  $r='<div style="clear:both">';
774  $r.='<hr>Aucun enregistrement trouvé';
775  $r.="</div>";
776  return $r;
777  }
778  $today=date('d.m.Y');
779  $i=0;
780  $checkbox=new ICheckBox("mag_id[]");
781  //show the sub_action
782  foreach ($a_row as $row)
783  {
784  $href='<A class="document" HREF="do.php?'.$p_base.HtmlInput::get_to_string(array("closed_action", "remind_date_end", "remind_date", "sag_ref", "only_internal", "state", "gDossier", "qcode", "ag_dest_query", "action_query", "tdoc", "date_start", "date_end", "hsstate", "searchtag", "ac"), "&").'&sa=detail&ag_id='.$row['ag_id'].'">';
785  $i++;
786  $tr=($i%2==0)?'even':'odd';
787  if ($row['ag_priority']<2)
788  $tr='priority1';
789  $st='';
790  if ($row['my_date']==$today)
791  $st=' style="font-weight:bold; border:2px solid orange;"';
792  $date_remind=format_date($row['my_remind'], 'DD.MM.YYYY', 'YYYYMMDD');
793  $date_today=date('Ymd');
794  if ($date_remind!=""&&$date_remind==$date_today&&$row['ag_state']!=1&&$row['ag_state']!=3)
795  $st=' style="font-weight:bold;background:orange"';
796  if ($date_remind!=""&&$date_remind<$date_today&&$row['ag_state']!=1&&$row['ag_state']!=3)
797  $st=' style="font-weight:bold;background:#FF0000;color:white;"';
798  $r.="<tr class=\"$tr\" $st>";
799  $checkbox->value=$row['ag_id'];
800  $r.='<td name="ag_id_td" style="display:none">'.$checkbox->input().'</td>';
801  $r.="<td>".$href.smaller_date($row['my_date']).'</a>'."</td>";
802  $r.="<td>".$href.$row['str_last_comment'].'</a>'."</td>";
803  $r.="<td>".$href.smaller_date($row['my_remind']).'</a>'."</td>";
804  $r.="<td>".$href.h($row['tags']).'</a>'."</td>";
805  $r.="<td>".$href.$row['ag_ref'].'</a>'."</td>";
806  $r.="<td>".$href.h($row['dest']).'</a>'."</td>";
808  // Expediteur
809  $fexp=new Fiche($this->db);
810  $fexp->id=$row['f_id_dest'];
811  $qcode_dest=$fexp->strAttribut(ATTR_DEF_QUICKCODE);
813  $qexp=($qcode_dest==NOTFOUND)?"Interne":$qcode_dest;
814  $jsexp=sprintf("javascript:showfiche('%s')", $qexp);
815  if ($qexp!='Interne')
816  {
817  $r.="<td>$href".$qexp." : ".$fexp->getName().'</a></td>';
818  }
819  else
820  $r.="<td>$href Interne </a></td>";
822  $ref="";
825  $r.='<td>'.$href.
826  h($row['ag_title'])."</A></td>";
828  /*
829  * State
830  */
831  switch ($row['ag_priority'])
832  {
833  case 1:
834  $priority='Haute';
835  break;
836  case 2:
837  $priority="Moyenne";
838  break;
839  case 3:
840  $priority="Important";
841  break;
842  }
843  $r.=td($priority);
845  $r.="<td>".$ref."</td>";
846  $r.="</tr>";
847  }
849  $r.="</table>";
851  $r.='<p>'.$bar.'</p>';
852  return $r;
853  }
855  //----------------------------------------------------------------------
856  /* * \brief Update the data into the database
857  *
858  * \return true on success otherwise false
859  */
860  function Update()
861  {
863  // if ag_id == 0 nothing to do
864  if ($this->ag_id==0)
865  return;
866  // retrieve customer
867  // f_id
869  if (trim($this->qcode_dest)=="")
870  {
871  // internal document
872  $this->f_id_dest=null; // internal document
873  }
874  else
875  {
876  $tiers=new Fiche($this->db);
877  if ($tiers->get_by_qcode($this->qcode_dest)==-1) // Error we cannot retrieve this qcode
878  return false;
879  else
880  $this->f_id_dest=$tiers->id;
881  }
882  $contact=new Fiche($this->db);
883  if ($contact->get_by_qcode($this->ag_contact)==-1)
884  $contact->id=0;
886  // reload the old one
887  $old=new Follow_Up($this->db);
888  $old->ag_id=$this->ag_id;
889  $old->get();
891  // If ag_ref changed then check if unique
892  if ($old->ag_ref!=$this->ag_ref)
893  {
894  $nAg_ref=$this->db->get_value("select count(*) from action_gestion where ag_ref=$1", array($this->ag_ref));
895  if ($nAg_ref!=0)
896  {
897  echo h2("Référence en double, référence non sauvée", 'class="error"');
898  $this->ag_ref=$old->ag_ref;
899  }
900  }
903  if ($this->ag_remind_date!=null)
904  {
905  $this->db->exec_sql("update action_gestion set ".
906  " ag_timestamp=to_date($1,'DD.MM.YYYY'),".
907  " ag_title=$2,".
908  " ag_type=$3, ".
909  " f_id_dest=$4, ".
910  "ag_state=$5,".
911  " ag_hour = $7 ,".
912  " ag_priority = $8 ,".
913  " ag_dest = $9 , ".
914  " ag_contact = $10, ".
915  " ag_ref = $11, ".
916  " ag_remind_date=to_date($12,'DD.MM.YYYY') ".
917  " where ag_id = $6", array(
918  $this->ag_timestamp, /* 1 */
919  $this->ag_title, /* 2 */
920  $this->dt_id, /* 3 */
921  $this->f_id_dest, /* 4 */
922  $this->ag_state, /* 5 */
923  $this->ag_id, /* 6 */
924  $this->ag_hour, /* 7 */
925  $this->ag_priority, /* 8 */
926  $this->ag_dest, /* 9 */
927  $contact->id, /* 10 */
928  $this->ag_ref, /* 11 */
929  $this->ag_remind_date /* 12 */
930  ));
931  }
932  else
933  {
934  $this->db->exec_sql("update action_gestion set ".
935  " ag_timestamp=to_date($1,'DD.MM.YYYY'),".
936  " ag_title=$2,".
937  " ag_type=$3, ".
938  " f_id_dest=$4, ".
939  "ag_state=$5,".
940  " ag_hour = $7 ,".
941  " ag_priority = $8 ,".
942  " ag_dest = $9 , ".
943  " ag_contact = $10, ".
944  " ag_ref = $11, ".
945  " ag_remind_date=null ".
946  " where ag_id = $6", array(
947  $this->ag_timestamp, /* 1 */
948  $this->ag_title, /* 2 */
949  $this->dt_id, /* 3 */
950  $this->f_id_dest, /* 4 */
951  $this->ag_state, /* 5 */
952  $this->ag_id, /* 6 */
953  $this->ag_hour, /* 7 */
954  $this->ag_priority, /* 8 */
955  $this->ag_dest, /* 9 */
956  $contact->id, /* 10 */
957  $this->ag_ref /* 11 */
958  ));
959  }
960  // Upload documents
961  $doc=new Document($this->db);
962  $doc->Upload($this->ag_id);
964  /* save action details */
965  for ($i=0; $i<$_POST['nb_item']; $i++)
966  {
967  $act=new Follow_Up_Detail($this->db);
968  $act->from_array($_POST, $i);
969  if ($act->f_id==0&&$act->ad_id!=0)
970  $act->delete();
971  if ($act->f_id==0)
972  continue;
973  $act->save();
974  }
975  if (trim($this->ag_comment)!='')
976  {
977  $this->db->exec_sql("insert into action_gestion_comment (ag_id,tech_user,agc_comment) values ($1,$2,$3)"
978  , array($this->ag_id, $_SESSION['g_user'], $this->ag_comment));
979  }
980  $this->insert_operation();
981  $this->insert_action();
982  return true;
983  }
985  /**
986  * \brief generate the document and add it to the action
987  * \param md_id is the id of the document_modele
988  * \param $p_array contains normally the $_POST
989  */
990  function generate_document($md_id, $p_array)
991  {
992  $doc=new Document($this->db);
993  $mod=new Document_Modele($this->db, $md_id);
994  $mod->load();
995  $doc->f_id=$this->f_id_dest;
996  $doc->md_id=$md_id;
997  $doc->ag_id=$this->ag_id;
998  $doc->Generate($p_array,$this->ag_id);
999  }
1001  /**
1002  * \brief put an array in the variable member, the indice
1003  * is the member name
1004  * \param $p_array to parse
1005  * - ag_id id of the Follow_up
1006  * - ag_ref reference of the action
1007  * - qcode_dest quick_code of the card of dest
1008  * - f_id_dest f_id of the card of dest
1009  * - dt_id Document_Modele::dt_id
1010  * - ag_state document_state::s_id (default:2)
1011  * - ag_title title of the action
1012  * - ag_hour
1013  * - ag_dest Profile, profile of the user
1014  * - ag_comment comment
1015  * - ag_remind_date Remind Date
1016  * - operation related operation
1017  * - action related action
1018  * - op deprecated
1019  * \return nothing
1020  */
1022  {
1023  global $g_user;
1024  $this->ag_id=(isset($p_array['ag_id']))?$p_array['ag_id']:0;
1025  $this->ag_ref=(isset($p_array['ag_ref']))?$p_array['ag_ref']:"";
1026  $this->qcode_dest=(isset($p_array['qcode_dest']))?$p_array['qcode_dest']:"";
1027  $this->f_id_dest=(isset($p_array['f_id_dest']))?$p_array['f_id_dest']:null;
1028  $this->ag_timestamp=(isset($p_array['ag_timestamp']))?$p_array['ag_timestamp']:date('d.m.Y');
1029  $this->qcode_dest=(isset($p_array['qcode_dest']))?$p_array['qcode_dest']:"";
1030  $this->dt_id=(isset($p_array['dt_id']))?$p_array['dt_id']:"";
1031  $this->ag_state=(isset($p_array['ag_state']))?$p_array['ag_state']:2;
1032  $this->ag_ref=(isset($p_array['ag_ref']))?$p_array['ag_ref']:"";
1033  $this->ag_title=(isset($p_array['ag_title']))?$p_array['ag_title']:"";
1034  $this->ag_hour=(isset($p_array['ag_hour']))?$p_array['ag_hour']:"";
1035  $this->ag_dest=(isset($p_array['ag_dest']))?$p_array['ag_dest']:$g_user->get_profile();
1036  $this->ag_priority=(isset($p_array['ag_priority']))?$p_array['ag_priority']:2;
1037  $this->ag_contact=(isset($p_array['ag_contact']))?$p_array['ag_contact']:"";
1038  $this->ag_comment=(isset($p_array['ag_comment']))?$p_array['ag_comment']:"";
1039  $this->ag_remind_date=(isset($p_array['ag_remind_date']))?$p_array['ag_remind_date']:null;
1040  $this->operation=(isset($p_array['operation']))?$p_array['operation']:null;
1041  /**
1042  * @todo
1043  * deprecated : to remove
1044  $this->op = (isset($p_array['op'])) ? $p_array['op'] : null;
1045  */
1046  $this->action=(isset($p_array['action']))?$p_array['action']:null;
1047  }
1049  /**
1050  * \brief remove the action
1051  *
1052  */
1053  function remove()
1054  {
1055  $this->get();
1056  // remove the key
1057  $sql="delete from action_gestion where ag_id=$1";
1058  $this->db->exec_sql($sql, array($this->ag_id));
1060  /* check the number of attached document */
1061  $doc=new Document($this->db);
1062  $aDoc=$doc->get_all($this->ag_id);
1063  if (!empty($aDoc))
1064  {
1065  // if there are documents
1066  for ($i=0; $i<sizeof($aDoc); $i++)
1067  {
1068  $aDoc[$i]->remove();
1069  }
1070  }
1071  }
1073  /**
1074  * \brief return the last p_limit operation into an array, there is a security
1075  * on user
1076  * \param $p_limit is the max of operation to return
1077  * \return $p_array of Follow_Up object
1078  */
1079  function get_last($p_limit)
1080  {
1082  $sql="select coalesce(vw_name,'Interne') as vw_name,ag_hour,quick_code,ag_id,ag_title,ag_ref, dt_value,to_char(ag_timestamp,'DD.MM.YYYY') as ag_timestamp_fmt,ag_timestamp ".
1083  " from action_gestion join document_type ".
1084  " on (ag_type=dt_id) "
1085  . "left join vw_fiche_attr on (f_id=f_id_dest) "
1086  . "where ag_state in (2,3) "
1087  . "and ".self::sql_security_filter($this->db,'R').
1088  "order by ag_timestamp desc limit $p_limit";
1089  $array=$this->db->get_array($sql);
1090  return $array;
1091  }
1093  /**
1094  * get the action where the remind day is today
1095  * @return array
1096  */
1097  function get_today()
1098  {
1099  $sql="select ag_ref,ag_hour,coalesce(vw_name,'Interne') as vw_name,ag_id,ag_title,ag_ref, dt_value,to_char(ag_remind_date,'DD.MM.YYYY') as ag_timestamp_fmt,ag_timestamp ".
1100  " from action_gestion join document_type ".
1101  " on (ag_type=dt_id)
1102  left join vw_fiche_attr on (f_id=f_id_dest)
1103  where
1104  ag_state not in (1,4)
1105  and to_char(ag_remind_date,'DDMMYYYY')=to_char(now(),'DDMMYYYY')
1106  and ". self::sql_security_filter($this->db,'R');
1107  $array=$this->db->get_array($sql);
1108  return $array;
1109  }
1111  /**
1112  * get the action where the remind day is today
1113  * @return array
1114  */
1115  function get_late()
1116  {
1117  $sql="select ag_ref,ag_hour,coalesce(vw_name,'Interne') as vw_name,ag_id,ag_title,ag_ref, dt_value,to_char(ag_remind_date,'DD.MM.YYYY') as ag_timestamp_fmt,ag_timestamp ".
1118  " from action_gestion join document_type ".
1119  " on (ag_type=dt_id) left join vw_fiche_attr on (f_id=f_id_dest) where ag_state not in (1,4)
1120  and ag_remind_date < now() and ".self::sql_security_filter($this->db,'R');
1121  $array=$this->db->get_array($sql);
1122  return $array;
1123  }
1125  /**
1126  * insert a related operation
1127  */
1128  function insert_operation()
1129  {
1130  if (trim($this->operation)=='')
1131  return;
1132  $array=explode(",", $this->operation);
1133  for ($i=0; $i<count($array); $i++)
1134  {
1135  if ($this->db->get_value("select count(*) from action_gestion_operation
1136  where ag_id=$1 and jr_id=$2", array($this->ag_id, $array[$i]))==0)
1137  {
1138  $this->db->exec_sql("insert into action_gestion_operation (ag_id,jr_id) values ($1,$2)", array($this->ag_id, $array[$i]));
1139  }
1140  }
1141  }
1143  /**
1144  * remove a related operation
1145  * @deprecated not used : dead_code
1146  * @todo to remove
1147  */
1149  {
1150  if ($this->op==null)
1151  return;
1152  $op=$this->op;
1153  for ($i=0; $i<count($op); $i++)
1154  {
1155  $this->db->exec_sql("delete from action_gestion_operation where ago_id=$1", array($op[$i]));
1156  }
1157  }
1159  /**
1160  * Display only a search box for searching an action
1161  * @param $cn database connx
1162  * @param $inner true if coming from an ajax (ajax_search_action)
1163  */
1164  static function display_search($cn, $inner=false)
1165  {
1166  global $g_user;
1167  $a=(isset($_GET['action_query']))?$_GET['action_query']:"";
1168  $qcode=(isset($_GET['qcode']))?$_GET['qcode']:"";
1170  $supl_hidden='';
1171  if (isset($_REQUEST['sc']))
1173  if (isset($_REQUEST['f_id']))
1174  {
1175  $supl_hidden.=HtmlInput::hidden('f_id', $_REQUEST['f_id']);
1176  $f=new Fiche($cn, $_REQUEST['f_id']);
1177  $supl_hidden.=HtmlInput::hidden('qcode_dest', $f->get_quick_code());
1178  }
1179  if (isset($_REQUEST['sb']))
1183  /**
1184  * Show the default button (add action, show search...)
1185  */
1186  if (!$inner)
1187  require_once NOALYSS_TEMPLATE.'/action_button.php';
1189  $w=new ICard();
1190  if ( $inner ) $w->autocomplete=0;
1191  $w->name='qcode';
1192  $w->id=$w->generate_id($w->name);
1193  $w->value=$qcode;
1194  $w->extra="all";
1195  $w->typecard='all';
1196  $w->jrn=0;
1197  $w->table=0;
1198  $list=$cn->make_list("select fd_id from fiche_def where frd_id in (4,8,9,14,15,16,25)");
1199  $w->extra=$list;
1202  /* type of documents */
1203  $type_doc=new ISelect('tdoc');
1204  $aTDoc=$cn->make_array('select dt_id,dt_value from document_type order by dt_value');
1205  $aTDoc[]=array('value'=>'-1', 'label'=>_('Tous les types'));
1206  $type_doc->value=$aTDoc;
1207  $type_doc->selected=(isset($_GET['tdoc']))?$_GET['tdoc']:-1;
1209  /* State of documents */
1210  $type_state=new ISelect('state');
1211  $aState=$cn->make_array('select s_id,s_value from document_state order by s_value');
1212  $aState[]=array('value'=>'-1', 'label'=>_('Tous les Etats'));
1213  $type_state->value=$aState;
1214  $type_state->selected=(isset($_GET['state']))?$_GET['state']:-1;
1218  /* Except State of documents */
1219  $hsExcptype_state=new ISelect('hsstate');
1220  $aExcpState=$cn->make_array('select s_id,s_value from document_state order by s_value');
1221  $aExcpState[]=array('value'=>'-1', 'label'=>_('Aucun'));
1222  $hsExcptype_state->value=$aExcpState;
1223  $hsExcptype_state->selected=(isset($_GET['hsstate']))?$_GET['hsstate']:-1;
1226  // date
1227  $start=new IDate('date_start');
1228  $start->value=(isset($_GET['date_start']))?$_GET['date_start']:"";
1229  $end=new IDate('date_end');
1230  $end->value=(isset($_GET['date_end']))?$_GET['date_end']:"";
1232  // Closed action
1233  $closed_action=new ICheckBox('closed_action');
1234  $closed_action->selected=(isset($_GET['closed_action']))?true:false;
1236  // Internal
1237  $only_internal=new ICheckBox('only_internal');
1238  $only_internal->selected=(isset($_GET['only_internal']))?true:false;
1239  // select profile
1240  $aAg_dest=$cn->make_array("select p_id as value, ".
1241  "p_name as label ".
1242  " from profile where p_id in ".
1243  $g_user->get_readable_profile().
1244  "order by 2");
1245  $aAg_dest[]=array('value'=>'-2', 'label'=>_('Tous les profiles'));
1246  $ag_dest=new ISelect();
1247  $ag_dest->name="ag_dest_query";
1248  $ag_dest->value=$aAg_dest;
1249  $ag_dest->selected=(isset($_GET["ag_dest_query"]))?$_GET["ag_dest_query"]:-2;
1250  $str_ag_dest=$ag_dest->input();
1251  $osag_ref=new IText("sag_ref");
1252  $osag_ref->value=(isset($_GET['sag_ref']))?$_GET['sag_ref']:"";
1253  $remind_date=new IDate('remind_date');
1254  $remind_date->value=(isset($_GET['remind_date']))?$_GET['remind_date']:"";
1255  $remind_date_end=new IDate('remind_date_end');
1256  $remind_date_end->value=(isset($_GET['remind_date_end']))?$_GET['remind_date_end']:"";
1257  $otag=new Tag($cn);
1259  // show the action in
1260  require_once NOALYSS_TEMPLATE.'/action_search.php';
1261  }
1263  /**
1264  * @brief show a list of documents
1265  * @param $cn database connextion
1266  * @param $p_base base URL
1267  */
1268  static function show_action_list($cn, $p_base)
1269  {
1273  $act=new Follow_Up($cn);
1274  /** \brief
1275  * \note The field 'recherche' is about a part of the title or a ref. number
1276  */
1279  echo '<form method="POST" id="list_ag_frm" style="display:inline">';
1280  echo HtmlInput::request_to_hidden(array("gDossier", "ac", "sb", "sc", "f_id"));
1281  require_once NOALYSS_TEMPLATE.'/action_other_action.php';
1282  echo $act->myList($p_base, "", $query);
1283  echo '</form>';
1284  }
1286  /**
1287  * Create a subquery to filter thanks the selected tag
1288  * @param $cn db connx
1289  * @param $p_array
1290  * @return SQL
1291  */
1292  static function filter_by_tag($cn, $p_array=null)
1293  {
1294  if ($p_array==null)
1295  $p_array=$_GET;
1297  extract($p_array, EXTR_SKIP);
1298  $query="";
1299  if (count($searchtag)==0)
1300  return "";
1301  for ($i=0; $i<count($searchtag); $i++)
1302  {
1303  if (isNumber($searchtag[$i])==1)
1304  $query .= ' and ag_id in (select ag_id from action_tags where t_id= '.sql_string($searchtag[$i]).')';
1305  }
1306  return $query;
1307  }
1309  /**
1310  * Get date from $_GET and create the sql stmt for the query
1311  * @note the query is taken in $_REQUEST
1312  * @see Follow_Up::ShowActionList
1313  * @return string SQL condition
1314  */
1315  static function create_query($cn, $p_array=null)
1316  {
1317  if ($p_array==null)
1318  $p_array=$_GET;
1320  extract($p_array, EXTR_SKIP);
1321  $action_query="";
1324  if (isset($_REQUEST['action_query']))
1325  {
1326  // if a query is request build the sql stmt
1327  $action_query="and (ag_title ~* '".sql_string($_REQUEST['action_query'])."' ".
1328  "or ag_ref ='".trim(sql_string($_REQUEST['action_query'])).
1329  "' or ag_id in (select ag_id from action_gestion_comment where agc_comment ~* '".trim(sql_string($_REQUEST['action_query']))."')".
1330  ")";
1331  }
1333  $str="";
1334  if (isset($qcode))
1335  {
1336  // verify that qcode is not empty
1337  if (strlen(trim($qcode))!=0)
1338  {
1340  $fiche=new Fiche($cn);
1341  $fiche->get_by_qcode($_REQUEST['qcode']);
1342  // if quick code not found then nothing
1343  if ($fiche->id==0)
1344  $str=' and false ';
1345  else
1346  $str=" and (f_id_dest= ".$fiche->id." or ag_id in (select ag_id from action_person as ap where ap.f_id=".$fiche->id.") )";
1347  }
1348  }
1349  if (isset($tdoc)&&$tdoc!=-1)
1350  {
1351  $action_query .= ' and dt_id = '.sql_string($tdoc);
1352  }
1353  if (isset($state)&&$state!=-1)
1354  {
1355  $action_query .= ' and ag_state= '.sql_string($state);
1356  }
1357  if (isset($hsstate)&&$hsstate!=-1)
1358  {
1359  $action_query .= ' and ag_state <> '.sql_string($hsstate);
1360  }
1361  if (isset($sag_ref)&&trim($sag_ref)!="")
1362  {
1363  $query .= ' and ag_ref= \''.sql_string($sag_ref)."'";
1364  }
1366  if (isset($_GET['only_internal']))
1367  $action_query .= ' and f_id_dest=0 ';
1369  if (isset($date_start)&&isDate($date_start)!=null)
1370  {
1371  $action_query.=" and ag_timestamp >= to_date('$date_start','DD.MM.YYYY')";
1372  }
1373  if (isset($date_end)&&isDate($date_end)!=null)
1374  {
1375  $action_query.=" and ag_timestamp <= to_date('$date_end','DD.MM.YYYY')";
1376  }
1377  if (isset($ag_dest_query)&&$ag_dest_query!=-2)
1378  {
1379  $action_query.= " and ((ag_dest = ".sql_string($ag_dest_query)." and ".self::sql_security_filter($cn, "R").") or ".
1380  "(ag_dest = ".sql_string($ag_dest_query)." and ".self::sql_security_filter($cn, "R")." and ".
1381  " ag_owner='".$_SESSION['g_user']."'))";
1382  }
1383  else
1384  {
1385  $action_query .=" and (ag_owner='".$_SESSION['g_user']."' or ".self::sql_security_filter($cn, "R")." or ag_dest=-1 )";
1386  }
1389  if (isNumber($ag_id)==1&&$ag_id!=0)
1390  {
1391  $action_query=" and ag_id= ".sql_string($ag_id);
1392  }
1393  if (isset($remind_date)&&$remind_date!=""&&isDate($remind_date)==$remind_date)
1394  {
1395  $action_query .= " and to_date('".sql_string($remind_date)."','DD.MM.YYYY')<= ag_remind_date";
1396  }
1397  if (isset($remind_date_end)&&$remind_date_end!=""&&isDate($remind_date_end)==$remind_date_end)
1398  {
1399  $action_query .= " and to_date('".sql_string($remind_date_end)."','DD.MM.YYYY')>= ag_remind_date";
1400  }
1401  if (!isset($closed_action))
1402  {
1403  $action_query.=" and s_status is null ";
1404  }
1405  if (isset($searchtag))
1406  {
1407  $action_query .= Follow_Up::filter_by_tag($cn, $p_array);
1408  }
1409  return $action_query.$str;
1410  }
1412  /**
1413  * Show the result of a search in an inner windows, the result is limited to 25
1414  * @param type $cn database connx
1415  * @param type $p_sql the query
1416  */
1417  static function short_list($cn, $p_sql)
1418  {
1419  $sql="
1420  select ag_id,to_char(ag_timestamp,'DD.MM.YY') as my_date,
1421  f_id_dest,
1422  substr(ag_title,1,40) as sub_ag_title,dt_value,ag_ref, ag_priority,ag_state,
1423  coalesce((select p_name from profile where p_id=ag_dest),'Aucun groupe') as dest,
1424  (select ad_value from fiche_Detail where f_id=action_gestion.f_id_dest and ad_id=1) as name
1425  from action_gestion
1426  join document_type on (ag_type=dt_id)
1427  join document_state on (s_id=ag_state)
1428  where $p_sql";
1429  $max_line=$cn->count_sql($sql);
1431  $limit=($max_line>25)?25:$max_line;
1432  $Res=$cn->exec_sql($sql."limit ".$limit);
1433  $a_row=Database::fetch_all($Res);
1434  require_once NOALYSS_TEMPLATE.'/action_search_result.php';
1435  }
1437  /**
1438  * Insert a related action into the table action_gestion_related
1439  */
1440  function insert_action()
1441  {
1442  if (trim($this->action)=='')
1443  return;
1444  $array=explode(",", $this->action);
1445  for ($i=0; $i<count($array); $i++)
1446  {
1447  // Do not insert an option child of himself
1448  if ( $this->ag_id == $array[$i]) {
1449  continue;
1450  }
1452  if ($this->db->get_value("select count(*) from action_gestion_related
1453  where (aga_least=$1 and aga_greatest=$2) or (aga_greatest=$1 and aga_least=$2)", array($array[$i], $this->ag_id))==0)
1454  {
1455  $this->db->exec_sql("insert into action_gestion_related(aga_least,aga_greatest) values ($1,$2)", array($this->ag_id, $array[$i]));
1456  }
1457  }
1458  }
1460  /**
1461  * export to CSV the query the p_array has
1462  * @param array $p_array
1463  */
1465  {
1466  extract($p_array, EXTR_SKIP);
1469  $p_search=self::create_query($this->db, $p_array);
1470  $sql="
1471  select ag_id,
1472  to_char(ag_timestamp,'DD.MM.YYYY') as my_date,
1473  to_char(ag_remind_date,'DD.MM.YYYY') as my_remind,
1474  to_char(coalesce((select max(agc_date) from action_gestion_comment as agc where agc.ag_id=ag_id),ag_timestamp),'DD.MM.YY') as last_comment,
1475  array_to_string((select array_agg(t1.t_tag) from action_tags as a1 join tags as t1 on (a1.t_id=t1.t_id) where a1.ag_id=ag.ag_id ),',') as tags,
1476  (select ad_value from fiche_Detail where f_id=ag.f_id_dest and ad_id=1) as name,
1477  ag_title,
1478  dt_value,
1479  ag_ref,
1480  ag_priority,
1481  ag_state,
1483  coalesce((select p_name from profile where p_id=ag_dest),'Aucun groupe') as dest
1484  from action_gestion as ag
1485  join document_type on (ag.ag_type=dt_id)
1486  join document_state on(ag.ag_state=s_id)
1487  where true $p_search order by ag.ag_timestamp,ag.ag_id";
1488  $ret=$this->db->exec_sql($sql);
1490  if (Database::num_row($ret)==0)
1491  return;
1492  $this->db->query_to_csv($ret, array(
1493  array("title"=>"doc id", "type"=>"string"),
1494  array("title"=>"date", "type"=>"date"),
1495  array("title"=>"rappel", "type"=>"date"),
1496  array("title"=>"date dernier commentaire", "type"=>"date"),
1497  array("title"=>"tags", "type"=>"string"),
1498  array("title"=>"nom", "type"=>"string"),
1499  array("title"=>"titre", "type"=>"string"),
1500  array("title"=>"type document", "type"=>"string"),
1501  array("title"=>"ref", "type"=>"string"),
1502  array("title"=>"priorite", "type"=>"string"),
1503  array("title"=>"etat", "type"=>"string"),
1504  array("title"=>"profil", "type"=>"string")
1505  )
1506  );
1507  }
1509  static function get_all_operation($p_jr_id)
1510  {
1511  global $cn;
1512  $array=$cn->get_array("
1513  select ag_id,ag_ref,ago_id,
1514  ag_title
1515  from action_gestion
1516  join action_gestion_operation using(ag_id)
1517  where
1518  jr_id=$1", array($p_jr_id));
1519  return $array;
1520  }
1522  /**
1523  * @brief get the tags of the current objet
1524  * @return an array idx [ag_id,t_id,at_id,t_tag]
1525  */
1526  function tag_get()
1527  {
1528  if ($this->ag_id==0)
1529  return;
1530  $sql='select b.ag_id,b.t_id,b.at_id,a.t_tag'
1531  .' from '
1532  .' tags as a join action_tags as b on (a.t_id=b.t_id)'
1533  .' where ag_id=$1 '
1534  .' order by a.t_tag';
1535  $array=$this->db->get_array($sql, array($this->ag_id));
1536  return $array;
1537  }
1539  /**
1540  * @brief show the tags of the current objet
1541  * normally used by ajax. The same tag cannot be added twice
1542  *
1543  */
1544  function tag_add($p_t_id)
1545  {
1546  if ($this->ag_id==0)
1547  return;
1548  $count=$this->db->get_value('select count(*) from action_tags'.
1549  ' where ag_id=$1 and t_id=$2', array($this->ag_id, $p_t_id));
1550  if ($count>0)
1551  return;
1552  $sql=' insert into action_tags (ag_id,t_id) values ($1,$2)';
1553  $this->db->exec_sql($sql, array($this->ag_id, $p_t_id));
1554  }
1556  /**
1557  * @brief remove the tags of the current objet
1558  * normally used by ajax
1559  */
1560  function tag_remove($p_t_id)
1561  {
1562  if ($this->ag_id==0)
1563  return;
1564  $sql=' delete from action_tags where ag_id=$1 and t_id=$2';
1565  $this->db->exec_sql($sql, array($this->ag_id, $p_t_id));
1566  }
1568  /**
1569  * @brief show the cell content in Display for the tags
1570  * called also by ajax
1571  */
1572  function tag_cell()
1573  {
1574  global $g_user;
1575  $a_tag=$this->tag_get();
1576  $c=count($a_tag);
1577  for ($e=0; $e<$c; $e++)
1578  {
1579  echo '<span style="border:1px solid black;margin-right:5px;">';
1580  echo $a_tag[$e]['t_tag'];
1581  if ($g_user->can_write_action($this->ag_id)==true)
1582  {
1583  $js_remove=sprintf("onclick=\"action_tag_remove('%s','%s','%s')\"", dossier::id(), $this->ag_id, $a_tag[$e]['t_id']);
1584  echo HtmlInput::anchor(SMALLX, "javascript:void(0)", $js_remove, ' class="smallbutton" style="padding:0px;display:inline" ');
1585  }
1586  echo '</span>';
1587  echo '&nbsp;';
1588  echo '&nbsp;';
1589  }
1590  $js=sprintf("onclick=\"action_tag_select('%s','%s')\"", dossier::id(), $this->ag_id);
1591  if ($g_user->can_write_action($this->ag_id)==true)
1592  {
1593  echo HtmlInput::button('tag_bt', 'Ajout tag', $js, 'smallbutton');
1594  }
1595  }
1597  static function action_tag_remove($cn, $p_array)
1598  {
1599  global $g_user;
1600  $mag_id=$p_array['mag_id'];
1601  $remtag=$p_array['remtag'];
1602  for ($i=0; $i<count($mag_id); $i++)
1603  {
1604  if ($g_user->can_write_action($mag_id[$i])==false)
1605  continue;
1606  for ($e=0; $e<count($remtag); $e++)
1607  {
1608  $a=new Follow_Up($cn, $mag_id[$i]);
1609  $a->tag_remove($remtag[$e]);
1610  }
1611  }
1612  }
1614  static function action_tag_add($cn, $p_array)
1615  {
1616  global $g_user;
1617  $mag_id=$p_array['mag_id'];
1618  $addtag=$p_array['addtag'];
1619  for ($i=0; $i<count($mag_id); $i++)
1620  {
1621  if ($g_user->can_write_action($mag_id[$i])==false)
1622  continue;
1623  for ($e=0; $e<count($addtag); $e++)
1624  {
1625  $a=new Follow_Up($cn, $mag_id[$i]);
1626  $a->tag_add($addtag[$e]);
1627  }
1628  }
1629  }
1631  static function action_tag_clear($cn, $p_array)
1632  {
1633  global $g_user;
1634  $mag_id=$p_array['mag_id'];
1635  for ($i=0; $i<count($mag_id); $i++)
1636  {
1637  if ($g_user->can_write_action($mag_id[$i])==false)
1638  continue;
1639  $a=new Follow_Up($cn, $mag_id[$i]);
1640  $a->tag_clear();
1641  }
1642  }
1644  static function action_print($cn, $p_array)
1645  {
1646  global $g_user;
1647  $mag_id=$p_array['mag_id'];
1648  for ($i=0; $i<count($mag_id); $i++)
1649  {
1650  if ($g_user->can_read_action($mag_id[$i])==false)
1651  continue;
1652  $a=new Follow_Up($cn, $mag_id[$i]);
1653  $a->get();
1654  echo '<div class="content">';
1655  echo $a->Display("READ", false, "");
1656  echo '</div>';
1657  echo '<P id="breakhere"> - - </p>';
1658  }
1659  }
1661  function tag_clear()
1662  {
1663  $this->db->exec_sql('delete from action_tags where ag_id=$1', array($this->ag_id));
1664  }
1666  static function action_set_state($cn, $p_array)
1667  {
1669  global $g_user;
1670  $mag_id=$p_array['mag_id'];
1671  $state=$p_array['ag_state'];
1672  for ($i=0; $i<count($mag_id); $i++)
1673  {
1674  if ($g_user->can_write_action($mag_id[$i])==false)
1675  continue;
1676  $cn->exec_sql('update action_gestion set ag_state=$1 where ag_id=$2', array($state, $mag_id[$i]));
1677  }
1678  }
1680  static function action_remove($cn, $p_array)
1681  {
1682  global $g_user;
1684  $mag_id=$p_array['mag_id'];
1685  for ($i=0; $i<count($mag_id); $i++)
1686  {
1687  if ($g_user->can_write_action($mag_id[$i])==false)
1688  continue;
1689  $cn->exec_sql('delete from action_gestion where ag_id=$1', array($mag_id[$i]));
1690  }
1691  }
1693  /**
1694  * Verify that data are correct
1695  * @throws Exception
1696  */
1697  function verify()
1698  {
1699  if ($this->dt_id==-1)
1700  {
1701  throw new Exception(_('Type action invalide'), 10);
1702  }
1703  if (isDate($this->ag_timestamp)!=$this->ag_timestamp)
1704  throw new Exception(_('Date invalide'), 20);
1705  if (isDate($this->ag_remind_date)!=$this->ag_remind_date)
1706  throw new Exception(_('Date invalide'), 30);
1707  if ($this->f_id_dest==0)
1708  $this->f_id_dest=null;
1709  }
1711  /**
1712  * Add another concerned (tiers, supplier...)
1713  * @remark type $g_user
1714  * @param type $p_fiche_id
1715  */
1716  function insert_linked_card($p_fiche_id)
1717  {
1718  global $g_user;
1719  if ($g_user->can_write_action($this->ag_id))
1720  {
1721  /**
1722  * insert into action_person
1723  */
1724  $count=$this->db->get_value('select count(*) from action_person where f_id=$1 and ag_id=$2', array($p_fiche_id, $this->ag_id));
1725  if ($count==0)
1726  {
1727  $this->db->exec_sql('insert into action_person (ag_id,f_id) values ($1,$2)', array($this->ag_id, $p_fiche_id));
1728  }
1729  }
1730  }
1732  /**
1733  * Remove another concerned (tiers, supplier...)
1734  * @remark type $g_user
1735  * @param type $p_fiche_id
1736  */
1737  function remove_linked_card($p_fiche_id)
1738  {
1739  global $g_user;
1740  if ($g_user->can_write_action($this->ag_id))
1741  {
1742  $this->db->exec_sql('delete from action_person where ag_id = $1 and f_id = $2', array($this->ag_id, $p_fiche_id));
1743  }
1744  }
1746  /**
1747  * Display the other concerned (tiers, supplier...)
1748  * @return string
1749  */
1750  function display_linked()
1751  {
1752  $a_linked=$this->db->get_array('select ap_id,f_id from action_person where ag_id=$1', array($this->ag_id));
1753  if (count($a_linked)==0)
1754  return "";
1755  for ($i=0; $i<count($a_linked); $i++)
1756  {
1757  $fiche=new Fiche($this->db, $a_linked[$i]['f_id']);
1758  $qc=$fiche->get_quick_code();
1759  $js_remove=sprintf("onclick=\"action_remove_concerned('%s','%s','%s')\"", dossier::id(), $a_linked[$i]['f_id'], $this->ag_id);
1760  echo '<span style="border:1px solid black;margin-right:5px;">';
1761  echo $qc;
1762  echo HtmlInput::anchor(SMALLX, "javascript:void(0)", $js_remove, ' class="smallbutton" style="padding:0px;display:inline" ');
1763  echo '</span>';
1764  echo '&nbsp;';
1765  echo '&nbsp;';
1766  }
1767  }
1768  /**
1769  * @brief display a small form to enter a new event
1770  *
1771  */
1772  function display_short()
1773  {
1774  $cn=$this->db;
1775  include NOALYSS_TEMPLATE.'/action_display_short.php';
1776  }
1777  /**
1778  * Add an event , with the minimum of informations,
1779  * used in Dashboard and Scheduler
1780  */
1781  function save_short()
1782  {
1783  global $g_user;
1784  // check if we can add
1785  if ($g_user->can_add_action($this->ag_dest) == FALSE )
1786  {
1787  throw new Exception(_('SECURITE : Ajout impossible'));
1788  }
1792  // Get The sequence id,
1793  $seq_name="seq_doc_type_".$this->dt_id;
1794  $str_file="";
1795  $add_file='';
1798  $this->ag_id=$this->db->get_next_seq('action_gestion_ag_id_seq');
1800  // Create the reference
1801  $ag_ref=$this->db->get_value('select dt_prefix from document_type '
1802  . 'where dt_id=$1', array($this->dt_id))
1803  .'-'.$this->db->get_next_seq($seq_name);
1805  $this->ag_ref=$ag_ref;
1806  /**
1807  * If ag_ref already exist then compute a new one
1808  */
1810  // save into the database
1811  $sql="insert into action_gestion".
1812  "(ag_id,ag_timestamp,ag_type,ag_title,f_id_dest,ag_ref, "
1813  . "ag_dest, ".
1814  " ag_priority,ag_owner,ag_state,ag_remind_date,ag_hour) ".
1815  " values "
1816  . "($1,to_date($2,'DD.MM.YYYY'),$3,$4,$5,$6,"
1817  . "$7,"
1818  . "$8,$9,$10,to_date($11,'DD.MM.YYYY'),$12)";
1820  $this->db->exec_sql($sql, array(
1821  $this->ag_id, /* 1 */
1822  $this->ag_timestamp, /* 2 */
1823  $this->dt_id, /* 3 */
1824  $this->ag_title, /* 4 */
1825  $this->f_id_dest, /* 5 */
1826  $ag_ref, /* 6 */
1827  $this->ag_dest, /* 7 */
1828  $this->ag_priority, /* 8 */
1829  $_SESSION['g_user'], /* 9 */
1830  $this->ag_state, /* 10 */
1831  $this->ag_remind_date, /* 11 */
1832  $this->ag_hour /* 12 */
1833  )
1834  );
1836  if (trim($this->ag_comment)!='')
1837  {
1838  $this->db->exec_sql("insert into action_gestion_comment (ag_id,tech_user,agc_comment) values ($1,$2,$3)"
1839  , array($this->ag_id, $_SESSION['g_user'], $this->ag_comment));
1840  }
1841  }
1842  /**
1843  * Return the first parent of the event tree, or -1 if not found
1844  * @return integer (ag_id)
1845  */
1846  function get_parent() {
1847  $value=$this->db->get_array('
1848  with recursive t (aga_least,aga_greatest,depth) as (
1849  select aga_least,aga_greatest , 1
1850  from
1851  action_gestion_related
1852  where aga_greatest=$1
1853  union all
1854  select p2.aga_least,p2.aga_greatest,depth + 1
1855  from
1856  t as p1, action_gestion_related as p2
1857  where
1858  p2.aga_greatest is not null and
1859  p2.aga_greatest = p1.aga_least
1860  ) select * from t order by depth desc limit 1
1861  ' , array($this->ag_id)
1862  );
1863  if ( ! empty($value ) )
1864  return $value[0]['aga_least'];
1865  else
1866  return -1;
1867  }
1868  /**
1869  * Compute an array of the complete tree depending of $p_id
1870  * @param $p_id ag_id
1871  * @return array
1872  * key index :
1873  * - uniq value , path
1874  * - aga_least
1875  * - aga_greatest
1876  * - depth
1877  */
1878  function get_children($p_id) {
1879  // retrieve parent
1880  // Get information
1881  $sql = "with recursive t (key_path, aga_least,aga_greatest,depth) as (
1882  select
1883  aga_least::text||'-'||aga_greatest::text as key_path ,
1884  aga_least,aga_greatest , 1
1885  from
1886  action_gestion_related
1887  where aga_least=$1
1888  union all
1889  select key_path||'-'||p2.aga_greatest::text,
1890  p2.aga_least,p2.aga_greatest,depth + 1
1891  from
1892  t as p1, action_gestion_related as p2
1893  where
1894  p1.aga_greatest is not null and
1895  p1.aga_greatest = p2.aga_least
1896  )
1897  select key_path,aga_greatest,ag_title as title,depth ,to_char(ag_timestamp,'DD/MM/YY') as str_date,ag_ref||' '||dt_value as action_ref
1898  from
1899  action_gestion join t on (ag_id=aga_greatest)
1900  join document_type on (ag_type=dt_id)
1901  order by key_path
1903 ";
1904  $ret_array=$this->db->get_array($sql,array($p_id));
1905  // Empty returns
1906  if ( empty($ret_array)) return array();
1909  return $ret_array;
1910  }
1912  /**
1913  * Display the tree of childrens of the current Action + related parents
1914  * @return return the tree of children in a unordered list , HTML string
1915  */
1916  function display_children($p_view, $p_base)
1917  {
1918  /**
1919  * First we retrieve the parent
1920  */
1921  $parent=$this->get_parent();
1923  $base=HtmlInput::request_to_string(array("gDossier", "ac", "sa", "sb", "sc",
1924  "f_id"));
1925  $parent=$this->get_parent();
1926  if ($parent==-1)
1927  {
1928  echo _('Principal');
1930  }
1931  else
1932  {
1933  $fu_parent=new Follow_Up($this->db, $parent);
1934  $fu_parent->get();
1935  echo'<span class="highlight">';
1936  $xaction=sprintf('view_action(%d,%d,%d)', $fu_parent->ag_id,
1937  Dossier::id(), 1);
1938  $showAction='<a class="line" href="javascript:'.$xaction.'">';
1939  echo $showAction.
1940  $fu_parent->ag_timestamp," ",
1941  h($fu_parent->ag_title),
1942  '('.h($fu_parent->ag_ref).')',
1943  '</a>';
1945  echo "</span>";
1946  }
1947  echo '<ul style="padding-left:10px;list-style-type: none;">';
1948  $action=$this->get_children($parent);
1949  for ($o=0; $o<count($action); $o++)
1950  {
1951  $class=($this->ag_id == $action[$o]['aga_greatest'])?' class="highlight" ':'';
1953  // Count the number of direct parents
1954  $count_parent =$this->db->get_value('select count(*) from action_gestion_related where aga_greatest = $1',array($action[$o]['aga_greatest']));
1955  $direct_parent=($count_parent > 1 ) ? _('direct parent ').$count_parent:"";
1957  $margin=($action[$o]['depth']>1 )?str_repeat("&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;",$action[$o]['depth']-1)."&#8680;":"";
1958  if ($p_view!='READ'&&$p_base!='ajax')
1959  {
1960  $rmAction=sprintf("return confirm_box(null,'"._('Voulez-vous effacer cette action ')."', function () {remove_action('%s','%s','%s');});",
1961  dossier::id(), $action[$o]['aga_greatest'],
1962  $_REQUEST['ag_id']);
1963  $showAction='<a class="line" href="'.$base."&ag_id=".$action[$o]['aga_greatest'].'">';
1964  $js='<a class="tinybutton" id="acact'.$action[$o]['aga_greatest'].'" href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="'.$rmAction.'">'.SMALLX.'</a>';
1965  echo '<li '.$class.' id="act'.$action[$o]['aga_greatest'].'">'.$margin.$showAction.$action[$o]['str_date'].
1966  h($action[$o]['title']).'('.h($action[$o]['action_ref']).')'.$direct_parent.'</a>'." "
1967  .$js.'</li>';
1968  }
1969  else
1970  /*
1971  * Display detail requested from Ajax Div
1972  */
1973  if ($p_base=='ajax')
1974  {
1975  $xaction=sprintf('view_action(%d,%d,%d)', $action[$o]['aga_greatest'],
1976  Dossier::id(), 1);
1977  $showAction='<a class="line" href="javascript:'.$xaction.'">';
1978  echo '<li '.$class.' >'.$margin.$showAction.$action[$o]['str_date']." ".
1979  h($action[$o]['title']).'('.h($action[$o]['action_ref']).')'.$direct_parent.'</a>'." "
1980  .'</li>';
1981  }
1982  /*
1983  * READ ONLY
1984  */
1985  else
1986  {
1987  $showAction='<a class="line" href="'.$base."&ag_id=".$action[$o]['aga_greatest'].'">';
1988  echo '<li '.$class.' >'.$margin.$showAction.$action[$o]['str_date']." ".
1989  h($action[$o]['sub_title']).'('.h($action[$o]['action_ref']).')'.$direct_parent.'</a>'." "
1990  .'</li>';
1991  }
1992  }
1993  echo '</ul>';
1994  }
1995  /**
1996  * Display the list of parent of the current Follow_Up
1997  * \param $p_view form will be in readonly mode (value: READ, UPD or NEW )
1998  * \param $p_base is the ac parameter
1999  * \see Follow_Up::Display
2000  * \return None display the HTML list
2001  */
2002  function display_parent($p_view,$p_base)
2003  {
2004  $a_parent=$this->db->get_array(
2005  "
2006  select ag_id,ag_title as title ,to_char(ag_timestamp,'DD/MM/YY') as str_date,ag_ref||' '||dt_value as action_ref
2007  from
2008  action_gestion
2009  join document_type on (ag_type=dt_id)
2010  where ag_id in (select aga_least from action_gestion_related where aga_greatest = $1)
2011  order by ag_id
2012  ", array($this->ag_id)
2013  );
2014  if ( empty($a_parent ) ) return;
2015  echo '<ul style="padding-left:10px;list-style-type: none;">';
2016  $base=HtmlInput::request_to_string(array("gDossier", "ac", "sa", "sb", "sc",
2017  "f_id"));
2018  for ($o=0; $o<count($a_parent); $o++)
2019  {
2020  $class=($this->ag_id == $a_parent[$o]['ag_id'])?' class="highlight" ':'';
2022  if ($p_view!='READ'&&$p_base!='ajax')
2023  {
2024  $rmAction=sprintf("return confirm_box(null,'"._('Voulez-vous effacer cette action ')."', function () {remove_action('%s','%s','%s');});",
2025  dossier::id(), $a_parent[$o]['ag_id'],
2026  $_REQUEST['ag_id']);
2027  $showAction='<a class="line" href="'.$base."&ag_id=".$a_parent[$o]['ag_id'].'">';
2028  $js='<a class="tinybutton" id="acact'.$a_parent[$o]['ag_id'].'" href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="'.$rmAction.'">'.SMALLX.'</a>';
2029  echo '<li '.$class.' id="act'.$a_parent[$o]['ag_id'].'">'.$showAction.$a_parent[$o]['str_date'].
2030  h($a_parent[$o]['title']).'('.h($a_parent[$o]['action_ref']).')'.'</a>'." "
2031  .$js.'</li>';
2032  }
2033  else
2034  /*
2035  * Display detail requested from Ajax Div
2036  */
2037  if ($p_base=='ajax')
2038  {
2039  $xaction=sprintf('view_action(%d,%d,%d)', $a_parent[$o]['ag_id'],
2040  Dossier::id(), 1);
2041  $showAction='<a class="line" href="javascript:'.$xaction.'">';
2042  echo '<li '.$class.' >'.$showAction.$a_parent[$o]['str_date']." ".
2043  h($a_parent[$o]['title']).'('.h($a_parent[$o]['action_ref']).')'.'</a>'." "
2044  .'</li>';
2045  }
2046  /*
2047  * READ ONLY
2048  */
2049  else
2050  {
2051  $showAction='<a class="line" href="'.$base."&ag_id=".$a_parent[$o]['ag_id'].'">';
2052  echo '<li '.$class.' >'.$showAction.$a_parent[$o]['str_date']." ".
2053  h($a_parent[$o]['sub_title']).'('.h($a_parent[$o]['action_ref']).')'.'</a>'." "
2054  .'</li>';
2055  }
2056  }
2057  echo '</ul>';
2058  }
2060 }
get_by_qcode($p_qcode=null, $p_all=true)
Retrieve a card thx his quick_code complete the object,, set the id member of the object or set it to...
Definition: do.php:279
return the last p_limit operation into an array, there is a security on user
static fetch_all($ret)
wrapper for the function pg_fetch_all
if($g_user->check_dossier(dossier::id(), true)=='X') $op
Definition: ajax_ledger.php:89
static get_all_operation($p_jr_id)
show the tags of the current objet normally used by ajax.
static action_remove($cn, $p_array)
static anchor($p_text, $p_url="", $p_js="", $p_style='class="line" ')
Return a simple anchor with a url or a javascript if $p_js is not null then p_url will be javascript:...
Fix the problem with the quote char for the database.
Definition: ac_common.php:457
td($p_string='', $p_extra='')
surround the string with td
Definition: ac_common.php:83
static num_row($ret)
wrapper for the function pg_NumRows
Class Document corresponds to the table document.
get the action where the remind day is today
static short_list($cn, $p_sql)
Show the result of a search in an inner windows, the result is limited to 25.
for($i=0;$i< count($aHeading);$i++) $sort
const SMALLX
Definition: constant.php:87
h2($p_string, $p_class="", $raw="")
Definition: ac_common.php:68
th($p_string, $p_extra='', $raw='')
Definition: ac_common.php:58
$operation string related operation
remove the tags of the current objet normally used by ajax
Display($p_view, $p_gen, $p_base, $retour="")
Display the object, the tags for the FORM are in the caller.
Insert a related action into the table action_gestion_related.
static sql_security_filter($cn, $p_mode)
Create a filter based on the current user,.
display_children($p_view, $p_base)
Display the tree of childrens of the current Action + related parents.
format_date($p_date, $p_from_format= 'YYYY-MM-DD', $p_to_format='DD.MM.YYYY')
format the date, when taken from the database the format is MM-DD-YYYY
Definition: ac_common.php:767
let you choose a TVA in a popup
Definition: ac_common.php:202
static request_to_hidden($array)
transform $_REQUEST data to hidden
static button($p_name, $p_value, $p_javascript="", $p_class="smallbutton")
Add another concerned (tiers, supplier...)
static filter_by_tag($cn, $p_array=null)
Create a subquery to filter thanks the selected tag.
foreach($array as $idx=> $m) $w
get the action where the remind day is today
static escape_string($p_string)
wrapper for the function pg_escape_string
Follow_Up Details are the details for an actions, it means the details of an order, delivery order, submit a quote... this class is linked to the table action_detail.
Return the first parent of the event tree, or -1 if not found.
static display_search($cn, $inner=false)
Display only a search box for searching an action.
Add an event , with the minimum of informations, used in Dashboard and Scheduler. ...
switch($ss_action) $f
class_action for manipulating actions action can be :
function document
Definition: smoke.js:7
navigation_bar($p_offset, $p_line, $p_size=0, $p_page=1, $p_javascript="")
Create a navigation_bar (pagesize)
Definition: user_common.php:81
Description of class_default_menu.
static create_query($cn, $p_array=null)
Get date from $_GET and create the sql stmt for the query.
Definition: xml.php:17
define Class fiche and fiche def, those class are using class attribut. When adding or modifing new c...
Definition: class_fiche.php:44
static submit($p_name, $p_value, $p_javascript="", $p_class="smallbutton")
static action_set_state($cn, $p_array)
global $g_user
Find the default module or the first one.
put an array in the variable member, the indice is the member name
show the cell content in Display for the tags called also by ajax
Compute an array of the complete tree depending of $p_id.
generate_document($md_id, $p_array)
generate the document and add it to the action
function trim(s)
remove trailing and heading space
Definition: scripts.js:95
static action_tag_add($cn, $p_array)
if(!isset($_REQUEST['p_jrn'])) else $Ledger id
static id()
return the $_REQUEST['gDossier'] after a check
to protect again bad characters which can lead to a cross scripting attack the string to be diplayed ...
Definition: ac_common.php:38
static get_to_string($array, $start="?")
transform $_GET data to string
get the tags of the current objet
display_parent($p_view, $p_base)
Display the list of parent of the current Follow_Up.
Definition: ac_common.php:223
insert a related operation
static request_to_string($array, $start="?")
transform $_REQUEST data to string
Description of class_syn_sort_table.
static show_action_list($cn, $p_base)
show a list of documents
Remove another concerned (tiers, supplier...)
$fl ag_id
Definition: pcmn_update.php:50
Verify that data are correct.
myList($p_base, $p_filter="", $p_search="")
myList($p_base, $p_filter = "", $p_search = "") Show list of action by default if sorted on date ...
Definition: constant.php:206
Input HTML for the card show buttons, in the file, you have to add card.js How to use : ...
Display the other concerned (tiers, supplier...)
display a small form to enter a new event
__construct($p_cn, $p_id=0)
Definition: dashboard.php:157
$action string related action
Definition: constant.php:116
Save the document and propose to save the generated document or to upload one, the data are included ...
$SecUser db
static action_tag_remove($cn, $p_array)
export to CSV the query the p_array has
Definition: constant.php:185
remove a related operation
static hidden($p_name, $p_value, $p_id="")
Definition: constant.php:114
static action_print($cn, $p_array)
static action_tag_clear($cn, $p_array)
Html Input : Input a date format The property title should be set to indicate what it is e...
Definition: class_idate.php:31
This class handles only the numeric input, the input will call a javascript to change comma to period...
Definition: class_inum.php:40