noalyss Version-9
Go to the documentation of this file.
4 * This file is part of NOALYSS.
5 *
6 * PhpCompta is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9 * (at your option) any later version.
10 *
11 * PhpCompta is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14 * GNU General Public License for more details.
15 *
16 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17 * along with PhpCompta; if not, write to the Free Software
18 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
19 */
20// Copyright (2002-2021) Author Dany De Bontridder <>
23 * @file
24 * @brief manage the attribute of a card
25 */
28 * @class Card_Property
29 * @brief contains the attributes of a card , manage them, save them , ...
30 *
31 */
35 var $ad_id;
36 //!< ad_id int id of the attribute attr_def.ad_id
38 //!< ad_text string label of the attribute attr_def.ad_def
40 //!< av_text string value of this attribute
42 //!< ad_type string : type of this attribute (select, text ,...)
44 //!< ad_size int size of the attribute
46 //!< ad_extra extra info for a attribute
48 //!< jnt_order order to display
49 var $cn;
50 //!< cn database connexion
51 protected $display_mode;
52 //!< display mode values are large , window , display Property depending of this mode.
53 function __construct($cn, $ad_id=0)
54 {
55 $this->cn=$cn;
56 $this->ad_id=$ad_id;
57 $this->display_mode='window';
58 }
59 public function __toString(): string
60 {
61 return "card_property".var_export($this,true);
62 }
63 public function setDisplayMode($p_mode)
64 {
65 if ( ! in_array($p_mode,array("window","large"))) {
66 throw new Exception("FIC70 invalide display mode");
67 }
68 $this->display_mode=$p_mode;
69 return $this;
70 }
71 public function getDisplayMode()
72 {
74 }
76 public function get_ad_id()
77 {
78 return $this->ad_id;
79 }
81 public function get_ad_text()
82 {
83 return $this->ad_text;
84 }
86 public function get_av_text()
87 {
88 return $this->av_text;
89 }
91 public function get_ad_type()
92 {
93 return $this->ad_type;
94 }
96 public function get_ad_size()
97 {
98 return $this->ad_size;
99 }
101 public function get_ad_extra()
102 {
103 return $this->ad_extra;
104 }
106 public function get_jnt_order()
107 {
108 return $this->jnt_order;
109 }
111 public function set_ad_id($ad_id): void
112 {
113 $this->ad_id=$ad_id;
114 }
116 public function set_ad_text($ad_text): void
117 {
118 $this->ad_text=$ad_text;
119 }
121 public function set_av_text($av_text): void
122 {
123 $this->av_text=$av_text;
124 }
126 public function set_ad_type($ad_type): void
127 {
128 $this->ad_type=$ad_type;
129 }
131 public function set_ad_size($ad_size): void
132 {
133 $this->ad_size=$ad_size;
134 }
136 public function set_ad_extra($ad_extra): void
137 {
138 $this->ad_extra=$ad_extra;
139 }
141 public function set_jnt_order($jnt_order): void
142 {
143 $this->jnt_order=$jnt_order;
144 }
146 /**
147 * @brief build the needed elements to display
148 * @param Object Fiche_Def $p_fiche_def
149 * @return array
150 * - $result['msg'] message to display,
151 * - $result['label'] label of the CardProperty (ad_text),
152 * - $result['input' is the HtmlInput object
153 * - $result['class'] is the CSS class to use
154 * - $result['bulle'] is the infobulle
155 */
156 public function build_input($p_fiche_def=null)
157 {
158 $result = ['msg' => '', 'input' => null, 'label' => '', 'class' => 'input_text','bulle'=>''];
159 if ($this->ad_id == ATTR_DEF_NAME || $this->ad_id == ATTR_DEF_QUICKCODE) {
160 $result['class'] = " input_text highlight info";
161 }
162 if ($this->ad_id == ATTR_DEF_ACCOUNT) {
163 if ( $p_fiche_def == null ) {
164 throw new \Exception ("CP162.p_fiche_def is null");
165 }
166 $result['input'] = new IPoste("av_text" . $this->ad_id);
167 $result['input']->id = uniqid('accounting');
168 $result['input']->set_attribute('ipopup', 'ipop_account');
169 $result['input']->set_attribute('jrn', '0');
170 $result['input']->set_attribute('account', $result['input']->id);
171 $result['input']->dbl_click_history();
172 $result['input']->value = $this->av_text;
173 // account created automatically
174 $sql = "select account_auto($p_fiche_def->id)";
175 $ret_sql = $this->cn->exec_sql($sql);
176 $a = Database::fetch_array($ret_sql, 0);
177 $result['label'] = new ISpan();
178 $result['label']->name = "av_text" . $this->ad_id . "_label";
179 $p_fiche_def->load();
180 if ($a['account_auto'] == 't') {
181 $result['msg'] .= $result['label']->input() . " <span style=\"color:red\">" .
182 _("Rappel: Poste créé automatiquement à partir de ")
183 . $p_fiche_def->class_base . " </span> ";
184 } else {
185 // if there is a class base in fiche_def_ref, this account will be the
186 // the default one
187 if (noalyss_strlentrim($p_fiche_def->class_base) != 0) {
188 $result['msg'] .= " <span style=\"color:red\">" . _("Rappel: Poste par défaut sera ") .
189 $p_fiche_def->class_base .
190 " !</span> ";
191 $result['input']->value = (empty ($result['input']->value)) ?$p_fiche_def->class_base:$result['input']->value;
192 }
193 }
194 $result['label']=_("Poste comptable");
195 $result['class']=" highlight input_text";
196 return $result;
197 } elseif ($this->ad_id == ATTR_DEF_TVA) {
198 $result['input'] = new ITva_Popup('popup_tva');
199 $result['input']->table = 0;
200 $result['input']->value = $this->av_text;
201 $result['label']=$this->ad_text;
202 } else {
203 switch ($this->ad_type) {
204 case 'text':
205 $result['input'] = new IText();
206 $result['input']->css_size = "100%";
207 $result['input']->value = $this->av_text;
208 break;
209 case 'numeric':
210 $result['input'] = new INum();
211 $result['input']->prec = ($this->ad_extra == "") ? 2 : $this->ad_extra;
212 $result['input']->size = $this->ad_size;
213 $result['input']->value = $this->av_text;
214 break;
215 case 'date':
216 $result['input'] = new IDate();
217 $result['input']->value = $this->av_text;
218 break;
219 case 'zone':
220 $result['input'] = new ITextArea();
221 $result['input']->style = ' class="itextarea" style="margin:0px;width:100%"';
222 $result['input']->value = $this->av_text;
223 break;
224 case 'poste':
225 $result['input'] = new IPoste("av_text" . $this->ad_id);
226 $result['input']->set_attribute('ipopup', 'ipop_account');
227 $result['input']->set_attribute('account', "av_text" . $this->ad_id);
228 $result['input']->table = 1;
229 $bulle = Icon_Action::infobulle(14);
230 $result['input']->value = $this->av_text;
231 break;
232 case 'check':
233 $result['input'] = new InputSwitch("av_text" . $this->ad_id);
234 $result['input']->value = (empty($this->av_text) ) ? 0 : 1;
235 break;
236 case 'select':
237 $result['input'] = new ISelect("av_text" . $this->ad_id);
238 $result['input']->value = $this->cn->make_array($this->ad_extra);
239 $result['input']->style = 'style="width:100%"';
240 $result['input']->selected = $this->av_text;
241 break;
242 case 'card':
243 $result['input'] = new ICard("av_text" . $this->ad_id);
244 // filter on frd_id
245 $result['input']->extra = $this->ad_extra;
246 $result['input']->extra2 = 0;
247 $result['input']->id = uniqid();
248 $result['label'] = new ISpan();
250 $result['input']->width = $this->ad_size;
251 $result['input']->extra = $filter;
252 $result['input']->extra2 = 0;
253 $result['input']->limit = 6;
254 $result['label']->name = "av_text" . $this->ad_id . $result['input']->id . "_label";
255 $result['input']->set_attribute('ipopup', 'ipopcard');
256 $result['input']->set_attribute('typecard', $this->ad_extra);
257 $result['input']->set_attribute('inp', $result['input']->id);
258 $result['input']->set_attribute('label', "av_text" . $this->ad_id . $result['input']->id . "_label");
259 $result['input']->autocomplete = 1;
260 $result['input']->dblclick = "fill_ipopcard(this);";
261 $result['msg'] = $result['input']->search();
262 $result['msg'] .= $result['label']->input();
263 $result['input']->value = $this->av_text;
264 break;
265 }
266 $result['input']->table = 0;
267 $result['label']=$this->ad_text;
268 }
270 $result['input']->label = $this->ad_text;
271 $result['input']->name = "av_text" . $this->ad_id;
272 if ($this->ad_id == 21 || $this->ad_id == 22 || $this->ad_id == 20 || $this->ad_id == 31) {
273 $result['bulle'] = Icon_Action::infobulle(21);
274 }
276 // Warning length quickcode
277 if ($this->ad_id == ATTR_DEF_QUICKCODE) {
278 $result['bulle'] = Icon_Action::warnbulle(76);
279 }
281 return $result;
282 }
283 /**
284 * @brief Load all the attribute of a card , it modifies the parameter $fiche. Usually called from fiche::insert
285 * and fiche::update . In the same time, it will synchronize the attributes which the database.
286 * The attributes (public.fiche_detail) will be ordered in the member attribute $fiche->attribut
287 * @param $fiche Fiche Full fill this card with all the attributes
288 * @see Fiche::update Fiche::insert
289 * @note it is not possible to compute the default attributes for a new card without the card
290 * category, so it returns nothing
291 *
292 */
293 static function load(Fiche $fiche)
294 {
295 // if card is not yet saved then we don't load it from database but all the properties are set to empty
296 if ($fiche->id==0 && $fiche->fiche_def !=0 )
297 {
298 $fiche_def=new Fiche_Def($fiche->cn,$fiche->fiche_def);
299 $aProperty=$fiche_def->getAttribut();
300 $fiche->attribut=$aProperty;
301 return;
302 } elseif ($fiche->id==0 && $fiche->fiche_def ==0 )
303 {
304 return;
305// throw new Exception("CP147. Card category cannot be empty (fiche->set_fiche_def)",EXC_PARAM_VALUE);
306 }
307 $sql="select *
308 from
309 fiche
310 natural join fiche_detail
311 join jnt_fic_attr on (jnt_fic_attr.fd_id=fiche.fd_id and fiche_detail.ad_id=jnt_fic_attr.ad_id)
312 join attr_def on (attr_def.ad_id=fiche_detail.ad_id) where f_id= $1".
313 " order by jnt_order";
315 $Ret=$fiche->cn->exec_sql($sql, [$fiche->id]);
316 if (($Max=Database::num_row($Ret))==0)
317 return;
318 for ($i=0; $i<$Max; $i++)
319 {
321 $fiche->fiche_def=$row['fd_id'];
322 $fiche->set_f_enable($row['f_enable']);
323 $t=new Card_Property($fiche->cn);
324 $t->ad_id=$row['ad_id'];
325 $t->ad_text=$row['ad_text'];
326 $t->av_text=$row['ad_value'];
327 $t->ad_type=$row['ad_type'];
328 $t->ad_size=$row['ad_size'];
329 $t->ad_extra=$row['ad_extra'];
330 $t->jnt_order=$row['jnt_order'];
331 $fiche->attribut[$i]=$t;
332 }
333 $e=new Fiche_Def($fiche->cn, $fiche->fiche_def);
334 $e->GetAttribut();
336 if (sizeof($fiche->attribut)!=sizeof($e->attribut))
337 {
339 /*
340 * !! Missing attribute
341 */
342 foreach ($e->attribut as $f)
343 {
344 $flag=0;
345 foreach ($fiche->attribut as $g)
346 {
347 if ($g->ad_id==$f->ad_id)
348 $flag=1;
349 }
350 if ($flag==0)
351 {
352 // there's a missing one, we insert it
353 $t=new Card_Property($fiche->cn, $f->ad_id);
354 $t->av_text="";
355 $t->ad_text=$f->ad_text;
356 $t->jnt_order=$f->jnt_order;
357 $t->ad_type=$f->ad_type;
358 $t->ad_size=$f->ad_size;
359 $t->ad_id=$f->ad_id;
360 $t->ad_extra=$f->ad_extra;
361 $fiche->attribut[$Max]=$t;
362 $Max++;
363 } // if flag == 0
364 }// foreach
365 }//missing attribut
366 }
368 /**
369 * @brief input a property of a card
370 * @param Fiche_Def $p_fiche_def
371 * @return string HTML string with the right input type
372 */
373 function input($p_fiche_def=null)
374 {
376 $result=$this->build_input($p_fiche_def);
379 $url='<td>'.$this->add_link($this->ad_id,$this->av_text).'</td>';
380 $r="<TR>".
381 td(_($result["label"]). $result['bulle'],
382 ' class="'.$result['class'].'" ').
383 td($result["input"]->input().$result["msg"]).
384 $url.
385 " </TR>";
386 return $r;
387 }
389 /**
390 * @brief Compute a HTML string in a TR element with information of this card property
391 *
392 * @return string HTML into tr
393 */
394 function print()
395 {
396 $w=new IText();
397 $w->table=1;
398 $w->readOnly=true;
399 $w->css_size="100%";
400 $msg="";
401 $bulle="";
402 $ret="";
404 if ($this->ad_id==21||$this->ad_id==22||$this->ad_id==20||$this->ad_id==31)
405 {
406 $bulle=Icon_Action::infobulle(21);
407 }
409 // Warning length quickcode
410 if ($this->ad_id==ATTR_DEF_QUICKCODE)
411 {
412 $bulle=Icon_Action::warnbulle(76);
413 }
414 if ($this->ad_id==ATTR_DEF_NAME||$this->ad_id==ATTR_DEF_QUICKCODE)
415 {
416 $class=" input_text highlight info";
417 }
418 else
419 {
420 $class="input_text";
421 }
422 switch ($this->ad_type)
423 {
424 case 'select':
425 $x=new ISelect();
426 $x->value=$this->cn->make_array($this->ad_extra);
427 $x->selected=$this->av_text;
428 $value=$x->display();
429 $w->value=$value;
430 break;
431 case 'check':
432 $w=new InputSwitch("av_text".$this->ad_id);
433 $w->value=$this->av_text;
434 $w->value=(trim($w->value)=="")?1:$w->value;
435 break;
436 default:
437 $w->value=$this->av_text;
438 }
439 $url="<td>".$this->add_link($this->ad_id,$this->av_text).'</td>';
440 $ret.="<TR>".td(_($this->ad_text)." $bulle", ' class="'.$class.'" ').td($value." $msg",
441 'style="border:1px solid blue"').'<td>'.$url.'</td>'." </TR>";
442 return $ret;
443 }
445 /*!
446 * \brief update all the data of the card , including f_enable. if we are in a transaction
447 * we don't commit here , else if not then a transaction is started and committed . The member attributes
448 * $p_fiche->attribut will be saved into fiche_detail after transforming if needed.
449 * If a transaction is started if there is none, so updating a card is always in a transaction.
450 *
451 *
452 */
454 static function update(Fiche $p_fiche)
455 {
456 //transaction in the function or from the caller
457 $commit=false;
458 try
459 {
460 // are we inside a transaction (between BEGIN - COMMIT )
461 if ($p_fiche->cn->status()==PGSQL_TRANSACTION_IDLE)
462 {
463 $p_fiche->cn->start();
464 $commit=true;
465 }
467 $p_fiche->cn->exec_sql("update fiche set f_enable=$1 where f_id=$2",
468 array($p_fiche->get_f_enable(), $p_fiche->id));
470 $name = $p_fiche->strAttribut(ATTR_DEF_NAME);
472 // parse the attribute
473 foreach ($p_fiche->attribut as $value)
474 {
475 // retrieve jft_id to update table attr_value
476 $sql=" select jft_id from fiche_detail where ad_id=$1 and f_id=$2";
477 $Ret=$p_fiche->cn->exec_sql($sql, [$value->ad_id, $p_fiche->id]);
479 // if attribute doesn't exist, then we insert one,
480 if (Database::num_row($Ret)==0)
481 {
482 // we need to insert this new attribut , $jft_id contains the PK of fiche_detail
483 $jft_id=$p_fiche->cn->get_next_seq('s_jnt_fic_att_value');
485 $sql2="insert into fiche_detail(jft_id,ad_id,f_id,ad_value) values ($1,$2,$3,NULL)";
487 $ret2=$p_fiche->cn->exec_sql($sql2, array($jft_id, $value->ad_id, $p_fiche->id));
488 }
489 else
490 {
492 // $jft_id contains the PK of fiche_detail
493 $jft_id=$tmp['jft_id'];
494 }
496 // Special traitement
497 // quickcode , if already used in ledger , it cannot be changed
498 if ($value->ad_id==ATTR_DEF_QUICKCODE)
499 {
500 $used = $p_fiche->cn->get_value("select count(*) from jrnx where j_qcode= $1",[$value->av_text]);
501 if ($used == 0) {
502 $sql=sprintf("select update_quick_code(%d,'%s')", $jft_id, sql_string($value->av_text));
503 $p_fiche->cn->exec_sql($sql);
504 }
505 continue;
506 }
507 // name
508 if ($value->ad_id==ATTR_DEF_NAME && noalyss_strlentrim($value->av_text)==0 )
509 {
510 continue;
511 }
512 // account
513 if ($value->ad_id==ATTR_DEF_ACCOUNT)
514 {
515 $v=mb_strtoupper($value->av_text??"");
516 // 2 accounts given
517 if (trim($v)!='')
518 {
519 if (strpos($v, ',')!=0)
520 {
521 $ac_array=explode(",", $v);
522 if (count($ac_array)<>2)
523 throw new Exception('Désolé, il y a trop de virgule dans le poste comptable '.h($v));
524 $part1=$ac_array[0];
525 $part2=$ac_array[1];
526 $part1=$p_fiche->cn->get_value('select format_account($1)', array($part1));
527 $part2=$p_fiche->cn->get_value('select format_account($1)', array($part2));
529 if (mb_strlen($part1)>40)
530 throw new Exception("CP475."._("Poste comptable trop long"), 1);
531 if (mb_strlen($part2)>40)
532 throw new Exception("CP476."._("Poste comptable trop long"), 1);
534 $acc_account1=new Acc_Account($p_fiche->cn, $part1);
536 if ($acc_account1->get_parameter("id")==-1)
537 {
538 $account_name=$name;
539 $acc_account1->set_parameter("pcm_lib", $account_name);
540 $acc_account1->set_parameter('pcm_direct_use', "Y");
541 $parent=$acc_account1->find_parent();
542 $acc_account1->set_parameter("pcm_val_parent", $parent);
543 $acc_account1->save();
544 }
545 // Check that the accounting can be used directly
546 if ($acc_account1->get_parameter('pcm_direct_use')=='N')
547 {
548 throw new Exception("CP493."._("Utilisation directe interdite du poste comptable $part1"));
549 }
550 // Part 2
551 $acc_account2=new Acc_Account($p_fiche->cn, $part2);
553 if ($acc_account2->get_parameter("id")==-1)
554 {
555 $account_name=$name;
556 $acc_account2->set_parameter("pcm_lib", $account_name);
557 $acc_account2->set_parameter('pcm_direct_use', "Y");
558 $parent=$acc_account2->find_parent();
559 $acc_account2->set_parameter("pcm_val_parent", $parent);
560 $acc_account2->save();
561 }
563 // Check that the accounting can be used directly
564 if ($acc_account2->get_parameter('pcm_direct_use')=='N')
565 {
566 throw new Exception("CP511."._("Utilisation directe interdite du poste comptable $part2"));
567 }
568 $v=$part1.','.$part2;
569 }
570 else
571 {
572 if (mb_strlen($v)>40)
573 throw new Exception("CP520."._("Poste comptable trop long"), 1);
574 $acc_account=new Acc_Account($p_fiche->cn, $v);
575 // Set default for new accounting
576 if ($acc_account->get_parameter("id")==-1)
577 {
578 $account_name=$name;
579 $acc_account->set_parameter("pcm_lib", $account_name);
580 // By Default can be used directly
581 $acc_account->set_parameter('pcm_direct_use', "Y");
582 $parent=$acc_account->find_parent();
583 $acc_account->set_parameter("pcm_val_parent", $parent);
584 $acc_account->save();
585 }
587 $acc_account=new Acc_Account($p_fiche->cn, $v);
588 if ($acc_account->get_parameter('pcm_direct_use')=='N')
589 {
590 throw new Exception("CP537."._("Utilisation directe interdite du poste comptable $v"));
591 }
592 }
593 $sql=sprintf("select account_insert(%d,'%s')", $p_fiche->id, $v);
594 try
595 {
596 $p_fiche->cn->exec_sql($sql);
597 }
598 catch (Exception $e)
599 {
600 throw new Exception("CP546."._("opération annulée")." ".$e->getMessage());
601 }
602 continue;
603 }
604 if (noalyss_strlentrim($v)==0)
605 {
607 $sql=sprintf("select account_insert(%d,null)", $p_fiche->id);
608 try
609 {
610 $Ret=$p_fiche->cn->exec_sql($sql);
611 }
612 catch (Exception $e)
613 {
614 throw new Exception("CP560."._("Erreur : Aucun compte parent ")."[$v]");
615 }
617 continue;
618 }
619 }
620 // TVA
621 if ($value->ad_id==ATTR_DEF_TVA)
622 {
623 // Verify if the rate exists, if not then do not update
624 if (noalyss_strlentrim($value->av_text)!=0)
625 {
626 if ($p_fiche->cn->get_value("select count(*) from tva_rate where tva_id=$1",[$value->av_text])==0)
627 {
628 continue;
629 }
630 }
631 }
632 // Normal traitement
633 $sql="update fiche_detail set ad_value=$1 where jft_id=$2";
634 $p_fiche->cn->exec_sql($sql, array(noalyss_strip_tags($value->av_text), $jft_id));
635 }
636 if ($commit)
637 {
638 $p_fiche->cn->commit();
639 }
640 }
641 catch (Exception $e)
642 {
643 echo '<span class="error">'.
644 $e->getMessage().
645 '</span>';
646 record_log("CP597.".$e->getMessage().$e->getTraceAsString());
647 if ($commit) { $p_fiche->cn->rollback(); }
648 return;
649 }
651 return;
652 }
654 /**
655 * @brief add a link
656 * @param $p_ad_id
657 * @param $p_text
658 * @return false|mixed|string
659 */
660 private function add_link($p_ad_id,$p_text) {
661 if ( $this->display_mode=="large" && $p_ad_id == ATTR_DEF_WEBSITE) {
662 $url=linkTo($p_text);
663 }elseif ( $this->display_mode=="large" && $p_ad_id == ATTR_DEF_EMAIL) {
664 $url=mailTo($p_text);
665 }elseif ( $this->display_mode=="large" && $p_ad_id == ATTR_DEF_FAX) {
666 $url=faxTo($p_text);
667 }else {
668 return "";
669 }
670 return $url;
671 }
673 /**
674 * @brief return the Property of an array of property with the right ad_id
675 * @param int $attr_def_id the search attr_def_id
676 * @param array $a_property array of Card_Property
677 * @return mixed|null
678 */
679 static function findProperty($attr_def_id, $a_property)
680 {
681 $nb = count($a_property);
682 for ($i = 0; $i < $nb; $i++) {
683 if ($a_property[$i]->get_ad_id() == $attr_def_id) return $a_property[$i];
684 }
685 return null;
686 }
compose a HTML string with email
Definition: ac_common.php:1615
Definition: ac_common.php:1569
Definition: ac_common.php:1549
Definition: ac_common.php:1649
Record an error message into the log file of the server.
Definition: ac_common.php:1342
Fix the problem with the quote char for the database.
Definition: ac_common.php:511
td($p_string='', $p_extra='')
surround the string with td
Definition: ac_common.php:83
catch(Exception $exc) if(! $g_user->can_write_action($ag_id)) $r
h( $row[ 'oa_description'])
foreach($array as $idx=> $m) $w
$input_from cn
if($action=='add_line') if( $action=='remove_line') if($action=='remove_cat') if(isset($_POST['change_name'])) if($action=='save_line') if(isset($_POST['add_modele'])) $fiche_def
Manage the account from the table tmp_pcmn.
contains the attributes of a card , manage them, save them , ...
display mode values are large , window , display Property depending of this mode.
build the needed elements to display
static update(Fiche $p_fiche)
update all the data of the card , including f_enable. if we are in a transaction we don't commit here...
ad_extra extra info for a attribute
ad_text string label of the attribute attr_def.ad_def
jnt_order order to display
ad_size int size of the attribute
av_text string value of this attribute
ad_type string : type of this attribute (select, text ,...)
ad_id int id of the attribute attr_def.ad_id
Compute a HTML string in a TR element with information of this card property.
static load(Fiche $fiche)
Load all the attribute of a card , it modifies the parameter $fiche.
cn database connexion
static findProperty($attr_def_id, $a_property)
return the Property of an array of property with the right ad_id
input a property of a card
__construct($cn, $ad_id=0)
add_link($p_ad_id, $p_text)
add a link
static fetch_array($ret, $p_indice=0, $p_mode=PGSQL_ASSOC)
wrapper for the function pg_fetch_array
static num_row($ret)
wrapper for the function pg_num_rows
define Class fiche and fiche def, those class are using class attribut
define Class fiche and fiche def, those class are using class attribut. When adding or modifing new c...
Definition: fiche.class.php:38
strAttribut($p_ad_id, $p_return=1)
Input HTML for the card show buttons, in the file, you have to add card.js How to use :
Html Input : Input a date format The property title should be set to indicate what it is e...
Definition: idate.class.php:34
This class handles only the numeric input, the input will call a javascript to change comma to period...
Definition: inum.class.php:42
show a button, for selecting a account and a input text for manually inserting an account the differe...
Html Input , create a tag <SELECT> ... </SELECT> if readonly == true then display the label correspon...
Html Input.
Definition: ispan.class.php:32
Html Input.
Definition: itext.class.php:30
let you choose a TVA in a popup
static warnbulle($p_comment)
Display a warning in a bubble, text is in message_javascript.
static infobulle($p_comment)
Display a info in a bubble, text is in message_javascript.
show a switch, when you click on it an hidden field is changed, the value is 1 or 0
Definition: constant.php:216
Definition: constant.php:221
Definition: constant.php:228
Definition: constant.php:239
Definition: constant.php:231
Definition: constant.php:237
Definition: constant.php:215
Definition: install.php:531
if( $delta< 0) elseif( $delta==0)