noalyss Version-9
Go to the documentation of this file.
3 * This file is part of NOALYSS.
4 *
5 * NOALYSS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
8 * (at your option) any later version.
9 *
10 * NOALYSS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 * GNU General Public License for more details.
14 *
15 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16 * along with NOALYSS; if not, write to the Free Software
17 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
20// Copyright Author Dany De Bontridder
23 *\file
24 * \brief report the Grand Livre for analytic
25 */
27/*!\class Anc_GrandLivre
28 * \brief report he Grand Livre for analytic
29 */
33 function set_sql_filter()
34 {
35 $sql="";
36 $and=" and ";
37 if ( $this->from != "" )
38 {
39 $sql.="$and oa_date >= to_date('".$this->from."','DD.MM.YYYY')";
40 }
41 if ( $this->to != "" )
42 {
43 $sql.=" $and oa_date <= to_date('".$this->to."','DD.MM.YYYY')";
44 }
46 return $sql;
48 }
49 /*!
50 * \brief load the data from the database
51 *
52 * \return array
53 */
54 function load()
55 {
56 $filter_date=$this->set_sql_filter();
57 $cond_poste='';
58 if ($this->from_poste != "" )
59 $cond_poste=" and upper(po_name) >= upper('".$this->from_poste."')";
60 if ($this->to_poste != "" )
61 $cond_poste.=" and upper(po_name) <= upper('".$this->to_poste."')";
62 $pa_id_cond="";
63 if ( isset ( $this->pa_id) && $this->pa_id !='')
64 $pa_id_cond= "pa_id=".$this->pa_id." and";
65 $array=$this->db->get_array(" select oa_id,
66 po_name,
67 oa_description,
68 po_description,
69 oa_debit,
70 to_char(oa_date,'DD.MM.YYYY') as oa_date,
71 oa_amount,
72 oa_group,
73 j_id ,
74 jr_internal,
75 jr_id,
76 coalesce(jr_comment,b.oa_description) as jr_comment,
77 case when j_poste is null and b.f_id is not null then
78 (select ad_value from fiche_detail where fiche_detail.f_id=b.f_id and ad_id=23)
79 when j_poste is not null then
80 j_poste
81 end as j_poste,
82 coalesce(jrnx.f_id,b.f_id) as f_id,
83 case when jrnx.f_id is not null then
84 (select ad_value from fiche_Detail where f_id=jrnx.f_id and ad_id=23)
85 when b.f_id is not null then
86 (select ad_value from fiche_Detail where f_id=b.f_id and ad_id=23)
87 end
88 as qcode,
89 jr_pj_number,
90 jr_tech_per,
91 ftiers.cardid,
92 (select ad_value from fiche_detail where f_id=ftiers.cardid and ad_id=23) as qcode_tiers
93 from operation_analytique as B join poste_analytique using(po_id)
94 left join jrnx using (j_id)
95 left join jrn on (j_grpt=jr_grpt_id)
96 left join ( select distinct qp_supplier as cardid,j_id from quant_purchase qp
97 union
98 select distinct qs_client,j_id from quant_sold qs
99 union
100 select distinct qf_bank,j_id from quant_fin qf ) as ftiers using (j_id)
101 where $pa_id_cond oa_amount <> 0.0 $cond_poste $filter_date
102 order by po_name,oa_date::date,qcode,j_poste");
103 $this->has_data=count($array);
104 return $array;
105 }
107 function load_csv()
108 {
109 $filter_date=$this->set_sql_filter();
110 $cond_poste='';
111 if ($this->from_poste != "" )
112 $cond_poste=" and upper(po_name) >= upper('".$this->from_poste."')";
113 if ($this->to_poste != "" )
114 $cond_poste.=" and upper(po_name) <= upper('".$this->to_poste."')";
115 $pa_id_cond="";
116 if ( isset ( $this->pa_id) && $this->pa_id !='')
117 $pa_id_cond= "pa_id=".$this->pa_id." and";
118 $array=$this->db->get_array(" select
119 po_name,
120 to_char(oa_date,'DD.MM.YYYY') as oa_date,
121 to_char(jr_date_paid,'DD.MM.YY') as strdate_paid,
122 case when j_poste is null and b.f_id is not null then
123 (select ad_value from fiche_detail where fiche_detail.f_id=b.f_id and ad_id=5)
124 when j_poste is not null then
125 j_poste
126 end as j_poste
127 ,
128 case when jrnx.f_id is not null then
129 (select ad_value from fiche_Detail where f_id=jrnx.f_id and ad_id=23)
130 when b.f_id is not null then
131 (select ad_value from fiche_Detail where f_id=b.f_id and ad_id=23)
132 end
133 as qcode,
134 coalesce(jr_comment,b.oa_description) as jr_comment,
135 (select ad_value from fiche_detail where f_id=ftiers.cardid and ad_id=23) as qcode_tiers,
136 coalesce (jr_pj_number,'') as jr_pj_number,
137 coalesce(jr_internal,'') as jr_internal,
138 coalesce(oa_group,0) as oa_group,
139 case when oa_debit='t' then oa_amount else 0 end as amount_deb,
140 case when oa_debit='f' then oa_amount else 0 end as amount_cred,
141 case when oa_debit='f' then 'C' else 'D' end as deb_cred,
142 ac.str_action ,
143 ag.str_action_ref ,
144 (
145 select string_agg( j10.jr_pj_number::text,'-')
146 from jrn j10
147 left join (select jr10.jr_id , jr10.jra_concerned from jrn_rapt jr10 ) as opr_cnc1 on (j10.jr_id=opr_cnc1.jr_id or j10.jr_id=opr_cnc1.jra_concerned)
148 where
149 opr_cnc1.jr_id=jrn.jr_id
150 or opr_cnc1.jra_concerned=jrn.jr_id) as agg_jr_pj_number,
151 (
152 select string_agg( j11.jr_internal::text,'-')
153 from jrn j11
154 left join (select jr11.jr_id , jr11.jra_concerned from jrn_rapt jr11 ) as opr_cnc2 on (j11.jr_id=opr_cnc2.jr_id or j11.jr_id=opr_cnc2.jra_concerned)
155 where
156 opr_cnc2.jr_id=jrn.jr_id
157 or opr_cnc2.jra_concerned=jrn.jr_id) as agg_jr_internal
158 from operation_analytique as B join poste_analytique using(po_id)
159 left join jrnx using (j_id)
160 left join jrn on (j_grpt=jr_grpt_id)
161 left join ( select distinct qp_supplier as cardid,j_id from quant_purchase qp
162 union
163 select distinct qs_client,j_id from quant_sold qs
164 union
165 select distinct qf_bank,j_id from quant_fin qf ) as ftiers using (j_id)
166 left join (select j.jr_id,string_agg( ag_id::text,'-') as str_action
167 from jrn j left
168 join action_gestion_operation ago on (j.jr_id=ago.jr_id )
169 group by j.jr_id) as ac on (ac.jr_id=jrn.jr_id)
170 left join (select j9.jr_id,string_agg( ag9.ag_ref::text,'-') as str_action_ref
171 from jrn j9 left
172 join action_gestion_operation ago9 on (j9.jr_id=ago9.jr_id )
173 join action_gestion ag9 on (ag9.ag_id =ago9.ag_id )
174 group by j9.jr_id) as ag on (ag.jr_id=jrn.jr_id)
175 where
176 $pa_id_cond oa_amount <> 0.0 $cond_poste $filter_date
177 order by po_name,oa_date::date,qcode,j_poste
182 return $array;
183 }
184 /*!
185 * \brief Show the button to export in PDF all the receipt
186 *
187 * \param $p_string extra hidden value
188 * \return string with the button
189 */
191 function button_export_pdf($p_string = "")
192 {
193 if (CONVERT_GIF_PDF <> 'NOT' && PDFTK <> 'NOT')
194 {
195 $r="";
196 $r.= HtmlInput::hidden("to", $this->to);
197 $r.= HtmlInput::hidden("from", $this->from);
198 $r.= HtmlInput::hidden("pa_id", $this->pa_id);
199 $r.= HtmlInput::hidden("from_poste", $this->from_poste);
200 $r.= HtmlInput::hidden("to_poste", $this->to_poste);
201 $r.= HtmlInput::hidden("act","PDF:AncReceipt");
203 $r.= $p_string;
204 $r.= dossier::hidden();
205 $r.=HtmlInput::submit('bt_receipt_anal_pdf', _("Export des pièces en PDF"));
206 }
207 else
208 {
210 $r = "";
211 $msg = _("Les extensions CONVERT_GIF_PDF et PDFTK pour convertir en pdf ne sont pas installées ");
212 $r = HtmlInput::button("bt_receipt_anal",
213 _('Export des pièces en PDF'),
214 sprintf('onclick="smoke.alert(\'%s\')"',$msg));
215 }
216 return $r;
217 }
218 /*!
219 * \brief compute the html display
220 *
221 *
222 * \return string
223 */
225 function display_html($p_with_ck=1)
226 {
227 $r = "";
228 //---Html
229 $array = $this->load();
230 if (is_array($array) == false || empty($array))
231 {
232 return 0;
233 }
234 $r.= '<table class="result" style="width:100%;border-color:transparent">';
235 $ix = 0;
236 $prev = 'xx';
237 $idx = 0;
238 $tot_deb = $tot_cred = 0;
240 bcscale(2);
241 foreach ($array as $row)
242 {
243 if ($prev != $row['po_name'])
244 {
245 if ($ix > 0)
246 {
247 $r.='<tr class="highlight">';
248 $tot_solde = bcsub($tot_cred, $tot_deb);
249 $sign = " ".(($tot_solde > 0) ? 'C' : 'D');
250 $r.=td('') . td('') . td('');
251 $r.=td('') . td('') . td('') . td('') . td('') . td(nbm($tot_deb), ' class="num"') . td(nbm($tot_cred), ' class="num"') . td(nbm($tot_solde) . $sign, ' class="num"');
252 }
253 $r.='<tr>' . '<td colspan="12" style="width:auto">' . '<h2>' . h($row['po_name'] . ' ' . $row['po_description']) . '</td></tr>';
254 $r.= '<tr>' .
255 '<th>' . '</th>' .
256 '<th>' . _('Date') . '</th>' .
257 '<th>' . _('Poste') . '</th>' .
258 '<th>' . _('Quick_code') . '</th>' .
259 '<th>' . _('Libellé') . '</th>' .
260 th(_("Tiers")).
261 '<th>' . '</th>' .
262 '<th>' . _('Pièce') . '</th>' .
263 '<th>' . _('Interne') . '</th>' .
264 '<th style="text-align:right">' . _('Débit') . '</th>' .
265 '<th style="text-align:right">' . _('Crédit') . '</th>' .
266 '<th style="text-align:right">' . _('Prog.') . '</th>' .
267 '</tr>';
269 $tot_deb = $tot_cred = 0;
270 $prev = $row['po_name'];
271 $ix++;
272 }
273 $class = ($idx % 2 == 0) ? 'even' : 'odd';
274 $idx++;
275 // find out exercice
276 $exercice="";
277 if ( $row['jr_tech_per'] != null )
278 {
279 $periode=new Periode($this->db,$row['jr_tech_per']);
280 $exercice=$periode->get_exercice();
281 }
282 $r.='<tr class="' . $class . '">';
283 $detail = ($row['jr_id'] != null) ? HtmlInput::detail_op($row['jr_id'], $row['jr_internal']) : '';
284 $post_detail = ($row['j_poste'] != null) ? HtmlInput::history_account($row['j_poste'], $row['j_poste'],"",$exercice) : '';
285 $card_detail = ($row['f_id'] != null) ? HtmlInput::history_card($row['f_id'], $row['qcode'],"",$exercice) : '';
286 $amount_deb = ($row['oa_debit'] == 't') ? $row['oa_amount'] : 0;
287 $amount_cred = ($row['oa_debit'] == 'f') ? $row['oa_amount'] : 0;
288 $tot_deb = bcadd($tot_deb, $amount_deb);
290 $tot_solde=bcsub($tot_cred,$tot_deb);
292 /*
293 * Checked button
294 */
295 $str_ck = "";
296 $str_document = "";
297 if ($row['jr_id'] != null && $p_with_ck==1)
298 {
299 /*
300 * Get receipt info
301 */
302 $str_document = HtmlInput::show_receipt_document($row['jr_id']);
303 if ($str_document != "")
304 {
305 $ck = new ICheckBox('ck[]', $row['jr_id']);
306 $ck->set_range("document_export_ck");
307 $str_ck = $ck->input();
308 }
309 }
311 $r.=
312 '<td>' . $str_ck . '</td>' .
313 '<td>' . $row['oa_date'] . '</td>' .
314 td($post_detail) .
315 td($card_detail) .
316 td($row['jr_comment']) .
317 td($row["qcode_tiers"]).
318 '<td>' . $str_document . '</td>' .
319 td($row['jr_pj_number']) .
320 '<td>' . $detail . '</td>' .
321 '<td class="num">' . nbm($amount_deb) . '</td>' .
322 '<td class="num">' . nbm($amount_cred). '</td>'.
323 '<td class="num">' . nbm($tot_solde). '</td>';
324 $r.= '</tr>';
325 }
326 $r.='<tr class="highlight">';
327 $tot_solde = bcsub($tot_cred, $tot_deb);
328 $sign = ($tot_solde > 0) ? 'C' : 'D';
329 $r.=td('') . td('') . td('');
330 $r.=td('') . td('') . td('') . td('') . td('') . td(nbm($tot_deb), ' class="num"') . td(nbm($tot_cred), ' class="num"') . td(nbm($tot_solde) . $sign, ' class="num"');
332 $r.= '</table>';
333 $r.=ICheckBox::javascript_set_range("document_export_ck");
334 return $r;
335 }
336 /*!
337 * \brief Show the button to export CSV
338 * \return string with the button
339 */
340 function button_export_csv($p_string="")
341 {
342 $r="";
343 $r.= '<form method="GET" action="export.php" style="display:inline">';
344 $r.= HtmlInput::hidden("act","CSV:AncGrandLivre");
345 $r.= HtmlInput::hidden("to",$this->to);
346 $r.= HtmlInput::hidden("from",$this->from);
347 $r.= HtmlInput::hidden("pa_id",$this->pa_id);
348 $r.= HtmlInput::hidden("from_poste",$this->from_poste);
349 $r.= HtmlInput::hidden("to_poste",$this->to_poste);
350 $r.= $p_string;
351 $r.= dossier::hidden();
352 $r.=HtmlInput::submit('bt_csv',_("Export en CSV"));
353 $r.= '</form>';
354 return $r;
355 }
356 function display_csv()
357 {
358 $r="";
359 //---Html
360 $array=$this->load_csv();
361 if ( is_array($array) == false )
362 {
363 return $array;
365 }
367 $ix=0;$prev='xx';
369 $aheader=array();
370 $aheader[]=array("title"=>'Imp. Analytique','type'=>'string');
371 $aheader[]=array("title"=>'Date','type'=>'string');
372 $aheader[]=array("title"=>'Date Pay','type'=>'string');
373 $aheader[]=array("title"=>'Poste','type'=>'string');
374 $aheader[]=array("title"=>'Quick_Code','type'=>'string');
375 $aheader[]=array("title"=>'libelle','type'=>'string');
376 $aheader[]=array("title"=>'tiers','type'=>'string');
377 $aheader[]=array("title"=>'Pièce','type'=>'string');
378 $aheader[]=array("title"=>'Num.interne','type'=>'string');
379 $aheader[]=array("title"=>'row','type'=>'string');
380 $aheader[]=array("title"=>'Debit','type'=>'num');
381 $aheader[]=array("title"=>'Credit','type'=>'num');
382 $aheader[]=array("title"=>'D/C','type'=>'string');
383 $aheader[]=array("title"=>'Action','type'=>'string');
384 $aheader[]=array("title"=>'Suivi','type'=>'string');
385 $aheader[]=array("title"=>'Rapprochement pièce','type'=>'string');
386 $aheader[]=array("title"=>'Rapprochement n° interne','type'=>'string');
387 Impress::array_to_csv($array, $aheader,"export-anc-grandlivre");
388 }
th($p_string, $p_extra='', $raw='')
Definition: ac_common.php:58
td($p_string='', $p_extra='')
surround the string with td
Definition: ac_common.php:83
nbm($p_number, $p_dec=2)
format the number with a sep.
Definition: ac_common.php:137
catch(Exception $exc) if(! $g_user->can_write_action($ag_id)) $r
$anc pa_id
h( $row[ 'oa_description'])
catch(Exception $e) $exercice
$anc_grandlivre from_poste
$anc_grandlivre to
$anc_grandlivre to_poste
$anc_grandlivre from
report he Grand Livre for analytic
Show the button to export CSV.
Set the filter (account_date)
Show the button to export in PDF all the receipt.
load the data from the database
compute the html display
this class is the mother class for the CA printing
static history_account($p_account, $p_mesg, $p_style="", $p_exercice="")
display a div with the history of the account
static detail_op($p_jr_id, $p_mesg)
return a string containing the html code for calling the modifyOperation
static button($p_name, $p_value, $p_javascript="", $p_class="smallbutton")
static show_receipt_document($p_jr_id, $p_name="")
Returns HTML code for displaying a icon with a link to a receipt document from the ledger.
static hidden($p_name, $p_value, $p_id="")
static history_card($f_id, $p_mesg, $p_style="", $p_exercice="")
display a div with the history of the card
static submit($p_name, $p_value, $p_javascript="", $p_class="smallbutton")
Html Input.
static javascript_set_range($p_name)
Before calling this function , you must set a range with the function set_range.
static array_to_csv($array, $aheader, $p_filename)
with the handle of a successull query, echo each row into CSV and send it directly
For the periode tables parm_periode and jrn_periode.
Definition: dashboard.php:68
$SecUser db
Definition: letter_all.php:6
Definition: letter_all.php:6