noalyss Version-9
Go to the documentation of this file.
4 * Copyright (C) 2018 Dany De Bontridder <>
5 *
6 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
7 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
8 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
9 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
10 *
11 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14 * GNU General Public License for more details.
15 *
16 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
18 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
19 */
23 * @file
24 * @brief display or export operations in HTML , PDF or CSV
25 *
26 */
28 * @brief Display history of operation
29 * @see acc_ledger_historyTest.php
30 */
31abstract class Acc_Ledger_History
34 protected $m_from; //!< Starting Periode : periode.p_id
35 protected $m_to; //!< Ending Periode : periode.p_id
36 protected $ma_ledger; //!< Array of ledger id : jrn_def.jrn_def_id
37 protected $m_mode; //!< mode of export L : one line, E accounting writing , D : Detail
38 public $db; //!< database connx
39 protected $ledger_type; //! type of ledger VEN , ACH , ODS, FIN
40 protected $filter_operation; //!< to filter paid, unpaid or all operation
42 /**
43 *
44 * @param Database $cn
45 * @param array $pa_ledger array of jrn_def.jrn_def_id
46 * @param integer $p_from periode
47 * @param integer $p_to
48 * @param char $p_mode E D L or A , for Extended ,Detail , Listing , Accounting
49 * @throws Exception if $pa_ledger is not an array
50 */
51 function __construct(Database $cn, $pa_ledger, $p_from, $p_to, $p_mode)
52 {
53 if (is_array($pa_ledger) == FALSE) {
54 throw new Exception (_('pa_ledger doit être un tableau'),EXC_PARAM_VALUE);
55 }
56 $this->db=$cn;
57 $this->ma_ledger=$pa_ledger;
58 $this->m_from=$p_from;
59 $this->m_to=$p_to;
60 $this->m_mode=$p_mode;
61 $this->filter_operation='all';
62 }
63 /**
64 * setter / getter
65 * @returns m_from (periode id)
66 */
67 public function get_from()
68 {
69 return $this->m_from;
70 }
71 public function get_ledger_type()
72 {
73 return $this->ledger_type;
74 }
77 {
78 if (! in_array($ledger_type,['ACH','ODS','VEN','FIN'])) {
79 record_log('Acc_Ledger_History:set_ledger_type '.var_export($ledger_type,TRUE));
80 throw new Exception (_("Donnée invalide",EXC_PARAM_VALUE));
81 }
83 $this->ledger_type=$ledger_type;
84 return $this;
85 }
87 /**
88 * setter / getter
89 * @returns m_to (periode id)
90 */
91 public function get_to()
92 {
93 return $this->m_to;
94 }
95 /**
96 * setter / getter
97 * @returns ma_ledger (array)
98 */
99 public function get_ledger()
100 {
101 return $this->ma_ledger;
102 }
103 /**
104 * setter / getter
105 * @returns m_mode (A,L,E,D)
106 */
107 public function get_mode()
108 {
109 return $this->m_mode;
110 }
111 /**
112 * setter m_from (periode id)
113 */
114 public function set_from($m_from)
115 {
116 $this->m_from=$m_from;
117 return $this;
118 }
119 /**
120 * setter m_to (periode id)
121 */
122 public function set_to($m_to)
123 {
124 $this->m_to=$m_to;
125 return $this;
126 }
127 /**
128 * setter ma_ledger (array of jrn_def_id)
129 */
130 public function set_a_ledger($ma_ledger)
131 {
132 if (is_array($ma_ledger)==FALSE)
133 throw new Exception(_("invalid parameter"), EXC_PARAM_VALUE);
134 $this->ma_ledger=$ma_ledger;
135 return $this;
136 }
137 /**
138 * Setter
139 * @param $m_mode D,A,L,E
140 * @return $this
141 * @throws Exception
142 */
143 public function set_m_mode($m_mode)
144 {
145 if ($m_mode!='E'&&$m_mode!='D'&&$m_mode!='L'&&$m_mode!='A')
146 throw new Exception(_("invalid parameter"), EXC_PARAM_VALUE);
147 $this->m_mode=$m_mode;
148 return $this;
149 }
151 /**
152 * Build the right object
153 * @param Database $cn database conx
154 * @param array $pa_ledger ledger of array
155 * @param integer $p_from periode id
156 * @param integer $p_to periode id
157 * @param char $p_mode L (list operation) E (extended detail) A (accouting writing) D (Detailled VAT)
158 * @param $p_paid values are all means all operations, paid only paid operation, unpaid for only unpaid
159 * @return Acc_Ledger_History_Generic Acc_Ledger_History_Sale Acc_Ledger_History_Financial Acc_Ledger_History_Purchase
160 */
161 static function factory(Database $cn, $pa_ledger, $p_from, $p_to, $p_mode,$p_paid)
162 {
163 // For Accounting writing , we use Acc_Ledger_History
164 if ($p_mode=="A")
165 {
166 $ret=new Acc_Ledger_History_Generic($cn, $pa_ledger, $p_from, $p_to,
167 $p_mode);
168 return $ret;
169 }
170 $nb_ledger=count($pa_ledger);
171 $ledger=new Acc_Ledger($cn, $pa_ledger[0]);
172 $type=$ledger->get_type();
174 // If first one is ODS so Acc_Ledger_History
175 if ($type=="ODS")
176 {
177 $ret=new Acc_Ledger_History_Generic($cn, $pa_ledger, $p_from, $p_to,
178 $p_mode);
179 return $ret;
180 }
181 // If all of the same type then use the corresponding class
183 for ($i=0; $i<$nb_ledger; $i++)
184 {
185 $ledger=new Acc_Ledger($cn, $pa_ledger[$i]);
186 $type_next=$ledger->get_type();
188 // If type different then we go back to the generic
189 if ($type_next!=$type)
190 {
191 $ret=new Acc_Ledger_History_Generic($cn, $pa_ledger, $p_from,
192 $p_to, $p_mode);
193 return $ret;
194 }
195 }
196 switch ($type)
197 {
198 case "ACH":
199 $ret=new Acc_Ledger_History_Purchase($cn, $pa_ledger, $p_from,
200 $p_to, $p_mode);
201 $ret->set_filter_operation($p_paid);
202 return $ret;
203 break;
204 case "FIN":
205 $ret=new Acc_Ledger_History_Financial($cn, $pa_ledger, $p_from,
206 $p_to, $p_mode);
207 return $ret;
208 break;
209 case "VEN":
210 $ret=new Acc_Ledger_History_Sale($cn, $pa_ledger, $p_from,
211 $p_to, $p_mode);
212 $ret->set_filter_operation($p_paid);
213 return $ret;
214 break;
216 default:
217 break;
218 }
219 }
221 /**
222 * Retrieve the third : supplier for purchase, customer for sale, bank for fin,
223 * @param $p_jrn_type type of the ledger FIN, VEN ACH or ODS
224 * @param $jr_id jrn.jr_id
225 * @todo duplicate function , also in Acc_Ledger::get_tiers, remove one
226 */
227 function get_tiers($p_jrn_type, $jr_id)
228 {
229 if ($p_jrn_type=='ODS')
230 return ' ';
231 $tiers=$this->get_tiers_id($p_jrn_type, $jr_id);
232 if ($tiers==0)
233 return "";
235 $name=$this->db->get_value('select ad_value from fiche_detail where ad_id=1 and f_id=$1',
236 array($tiers));
237 $first_name=$this->db->get_value('select ad_value from fiche_detail where ad_id=32 and f_id=$1',
238 array($tiers));
239 return $name.' '.$first_name;
240 }
242 /**
243 * @brief Return the f_id of the tiers , called by get_tiers
244 * @param $p_jrn_type type of the ledger FIN, VEN ACH or ODS
245 * @param $jr_id jrn.jr_id
246 */
247 function get_tiers_id($p_jrn_type, $jr_id)
248 {
249 $tiers=0;
250 switch ($p_jrn_type)
251 {
252 case 'VEN':
253 $tiers=$this->db->get_value('select max(qs_client) '
254 . 'from quant_sold join jrnx using (j_id) '
255 . 'join jrn on (jr_grpt_id=j_grpt) where jrn.jr_id=$1',
256 array($jr_id));
257 break;
258 case 'ACH':
259 $tiers=$this->db->get_value('select max(qp_supplier) '
260 . ' from quant_purchase '
261 . ' join jrnx using (j_id) '
262 . ' join jrn on (jr_grpt_id=j_grpt) '
263 . ' where jrn.jr_id=$1',
264 array($jr_id));
266 break;
267 case 'FIN':
268 $tiers=$this->db->get_value('select qf_other from quant_fin where jr_id=$1',
269 array($jr_id));
270 break;
271 }
272 if ($this->db->count()==0)
273 return 0;
274 return $tiers;
275 }
278 /**
279 * Prepare the query for fetching the linked operation
280 * @staticvar int $prepare
281 */
282 protected function prepare_reconcile_date()
283 {
284 static $not_done=TRUE;
285 if ($not_done ) {
286 $prepare_query = new Prepared_Query($this->db);
287 $prepare_query->prepare_reconcile_date();
288 }
289 $not_done=FALSE;
290 }
291 /**
292 * display accounting of operations m_mode=A
293 */
294 abstract function export_accounting_html();
295 /**
296 * display detail of operations m_mode=D
297 */
298 abstract function export_detail_html();
299 /**
300 * display extended details of operation m_mode=E
301 */
302 abstract function export_extended_html();
303 /**
304 * display operation on one line m_mode=L
305 */
306 abstract function export_oneline_html();
307 /**
308 * call the right function , depending of m_mode
309 */
310 abstract function export_html();
312 abstract function get_row($p_limit, $p_offset);
314 /**
315 * Build a SQL clause to filter operation depending if they are paid, unpaid or no filter
316 * @return string SQL Clause
317 */
318 protected function build_filter_operation()
319 {
320 switch ( $this->get_filter_operation() )
321 {
322 case 'all':
323 $sql_filter="";
324 break;
325 case 'paid':
326 $sql_filter=" and (jr_date_paid is not null or jr_rapt ='paid' ) ";
327 break;
328 case 'unpaid':
329 $sql_filter=" and (jr_date_paid is null and coalesce(jr_rapt,'x') <> 'paid' ) ";
330 break;
331 default:
332 throw new Exception(_("Filtre invalide",5));
334 }
335 return $sql_filter;
336 }
337 /**
338 * Filter operation
339 */
341 {
343 }
344 /**
345 * Filter operation ,
346 * @param string $filter_operation, valid : all, paid, unpaid
347 */
350 {
351 if (in_array($filter_operation,['all','paid','unpaid']))
352 {
353 $this->filter_operation=$filter_operation;
354 return $this;
355 }
356 throw new Exception(_("Filter invalide ".$filter_operation),5);
357 }
359 /**
360 * @brief count the number of addition tax for the ledger
361 * @return integer
362 */
363 public function has_other_tax()
364 {
365 $str_ledger=join(',',$this->ma_ledger);
366 $count=$this->db->get_value("select count(*)
367 from jrn_tax
368 join jrnx using (j_id)
369 join jrn on (jr_grpt_id=j_grpt)
370 where jr_tech_per>=$1 and jr_tech_per <=$2
371 and jr_def_id in ($str_ledger) ",[$this->m_from,$this->m_to]);
372 return $count;
373 }
374 /**
375 * @brief add additional info about additional tax. Add to $this->data an array containing the
376 * info about a additional tax. Concerns only purchase and sales ledgers
377 * @verbatim
378 $this->data[$i]['supp_tax']['ac_id'] id in Acc_Other_Tax
379 $this->data[$i]['supp_tax']['j_montant'] Amount of this tax
380 $this->data[$i]['supp_tax']['ac_label'] Label of this tax
381 $this->data[$i]['supp_tax']['ac_rate'] Rate of this tax
382 $this->data[$i]['supp_tax']['j_poste'] Accounting
383 * @endverbatim
384 */
385 protected function add_additional_tax_info()
386 {
387 $prepare=$this->db->is_prepare("supp_tax_info");
388 if ( $prepare == false ){
389 $this->db->prepare("supp_tax_info","
390 select
391 case when j.j_debit is false and jd.jrn_def_type='ACH' then 0-j_montant
392 when j.j_debit is true and jd.jrn_def_type='VEN' then 0-j_montant
393 else j.j_montant end j_montant,
394 jt1.ac_id,
395 ac_label,
396 ac_rate,j_poste
397 from
398 jrn_tax jt1
399 join acc_other_tax using (ac_id)
400 join jrnx j using (j_id)
401 join jrn_def jd on (j.j_jrn_def=jd.jrn_def_id)
402 where j_grpt=$1
403 ");
405 }
406 $data=$this->get_data();
407 $nb_row=count($data);
409 for ($i=0;$i<$nb_row;$i++)
410 {
411 $ret=$this->db->execute("supp_tax_info",array($data[$i]["jr_grpt_id"]));
413 $array=($array==false)?array():$array;
414 $data[$i]["supp_tax"]=$array;
415 }
416 $this->set_data($data);
417 }
Record an error message into the log file of the server.
Definition: ac_common.php:1342
Definition: ajax_ledger.php:44
display financial operations in HTML , PDF or CSV
manage the list of operation when we need several ledger with a different type or from Misceleaneous ...
Display the operations for Purchase.
Acc_Ledger_History : Manage the list (history) of operations for display.
Display history of operation.
setter m_from (periode id)
Filter operation.
Ending Periode : periode.p_id.
call the right function , depending of m_mode
display operation on one line m_mode=L
setter m_to (periode id)
Starting Periode : periode.p_id.
count the number of addition tax for the ledger
get_tiers($p_jrn_type, $jr_id)
Retrieve the third : supplier for purchase, customer for sale, bank for fin,.
display accounting of operations m_mode=A
Filter operation ,.
Build a SQL clause to filter operation depending if they are paid, unpaid or no filter.
display extended details of operation m_mode=E
type of ledger VEN , ACH , ODS, FIN
setter ma_ledger (array of jrn_def_id)
get_tiers_id($p_jrn_type, $jr_id)
Return the f_id of the tiers , called by get_tiers.
static factory(Database $cn, $pa_ledger, $p_from, $p_to, $p_mode, $p_paid)
Build the right object.
mode of export L : one line, E accounting writing , D : Detail
Prepare the query for fetching the linked operation @staticvar int $prepare.
__construct(Database $cn, $pa_ledger, $p_from, $p_to, $p_mode)
display detail of operations m_mode=D
add additional info about additional tax.
Array of ledger id : jrn_def.jrn_def_id.
get_row($p_limit, $p_offset)
static fetch_all($ret)
wrapper for the function pg_fetch_all
contains the class for connecting to Noalyss
contains prepared query used in different classes of the application
Definition: constant.php:343
$SecUser db