Dumped on 2021-09-06

Index of database - account_repository

Table: ac_dossier

ac_dossier Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
dos_id integer PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval(('dossier_id'::text)::regclass)
dos_name text UNIQUE NOT NULL
dos_description text
dos_email integer DEFAULT '-1'::integer

Max emails per day : 0 none , -1 unlimited or max value

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

Index - Schema public

Table: ac_users

ac_users Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
use_id integer PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval(('users_id'::text)::regclass)
use_first_name text
use_name text
use_login text UNIQUE NOT NULL
use_active integer
use_pass text
use_admin integer
use_email text

Email of the user


ac_users Constraints
Name Constraint
ac_users_use_active_check CHECK (((use_active = 0) OR (use_active = 1)))

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

Index - Schema public

Table: audit_connect

audit_connect Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
ac_id serial PRIMARY KEY
ac_user text
ac_date timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now()
ac_ip text
ac_state text
ac_module text
ac_url text


audit_connect Constraints
Name Constraint
valid_state CHECK ((ac_state = ANY (ARRAY['FAIL'::text, 'SUCCESS'::text, 'AUDIT'::text, 'ADMIN'::text])))
audit_connect_ac_user ac_user

Index - Schema public

Table: dossier_sent_email

Count the sent email by folder

dossier_sent_email Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
id serial PRIMARY KEY

primary key
de_date character varying(8) UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL

de_sent_email integer NOT NULL

Number of sent emails
ac_dossier.dos_id dos_id integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL

Link to ac_dossier

Index - Schema public

Table: jnt_use_dos

jnt_use_dos Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
jnt_id integer PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval(('seq_jnt_use_dos'::text)::regclass)
ac_users.use_id use_id integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL
ac_dossier.dos_id dos_id integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL
fk_jnt_dos_id dos_id fk_jnt_use_dos use_id

Index - Schema public

Table: modeledef

modeledef Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
mod_id integer PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval(('s_modid'::text)::regclass)
mod_name text NOT NULL
mod_desc text

Index - Schema public

Table: progress

progress Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
p_id character varying(16) PRIMARY KEY
p_value numeric(5,2) NOT NULL
p_created timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now()

Index - Schema public

Table: recover_pass

recover_pass Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
ac_users.use_id use_id bigint NOT NULL
request text PRIMARY KEY
password text NOT NULL
created_on timestamp with time zone
created_host text
recover_on timestamp with time zone
recover_by text
fki_ac_users_recover_pass_fk use_id

Index - Schema public

Table: theme

theme Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
the_name text NOT NULL
the_filestyle text
the_filebutton text

Index - Schema public

Table: user_global_pref

The user's global parameter

user_global_pref Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
ac_users.use_login user_id text PRIMARY KEY

user's login
parameter_type text PRIMARY KEY

the type of parameter
parameter_value text

the value of parameter

Index - Schema public

Table: version

version Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
val integer PRIMARY KEY

Index - Schema public

Function: limit_user()

Returns: trigger

Language: PLPGSQL

NEW.ac_user := substring(NEW.ac_user from 1 for 80);   
return NEW;                                            

Function: upgrade_repo(p_version integer)

Returns: void

Language: PLPGSQL

        is_mono integer;
        select count (*) into is_mono from information_schema.tables where table_name='repo_version';
        if is_mono = 1 then
                update repo_version set val=p_version;
                update version set val=p_version;
        end if;

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